
Chapter 1577: To understanding

It belongs to the racial talent of Ringed Seal Clement, and he unreservedly demonstrated it, and when Raymond asked about the skills of this talent in the use of space, Clement did not hide it. , So that he benefited a lot.

Therefore, apart from feeling sigh, Lei Meng has a great affection for this chubby but smiling honest old man.

And because there is no pulling force in the space channel, Leimen, who was deeply surprised, also asked why.

Clement, who has entered the seventh-order realm as early as hundreds of years ago, when talking about time and space, he is no longer the same as before, but with a serious expression. The memory ball, claiming that it contains his understanding and sentiment of space and time.

I thought Clement was just a polite, but after Raymond extracted the content, his face changed immediately.

The Phantom Festival he is currently studying is the top-level practice method belonging to the space attribute, and the promotion he completed not long ago has also given Raymond a deeper understanding and insight into the space attribute.

However, in terms of the content in the memory photosphere, his mastery and understanding of spatial energy is not enough to impress Raymond, but certain aspects he specializes in it are to make Raymond. After reading it, I felt a sudden realization!

Seeing Raymond's expression changed drastically, Semirio sighed at Clement. "Old Seal, do you have a bad feeling again?"

"Uh...not..." Clement hesitated before responding, scratching his head and looking at Raymond for a moment. This said with a silly smile. "It feels like he is a little unusual, maybe this trip will give me an unexpected gain..."

Samario, who raised his hand and slapped Clemente's shoulder, said in surprise. "Old Seal. You actually put your idea on this, it's amazing..."

The body that was slapped by Semirio was a little shorter, but Clemente, who was smiling, did not argue, but pointed to the direction of the space channel, indicating that he could not stay here for too long, and started in front. lead the way.

Raymond who followed, soon heard the voice of Semirio. "Raymond! The old seal is very simple and gentle. If you have encountered risks in the past, please remember to give him a hand when you are in a crisis..."

"Could it be that you think this trip is extremely risky?"

Raymond's rhetoric silenced Samario, who was walking alongside Clement, for a moment, as he approached the exit of the space passage. Only then came over again. "The old man is not sure... but the old seal is a friend of the old man for many years, and this trip the old man holds the belief that he will never come back if he can't find Moretz, so the old man doesn't want him to have an accident..."

Only the sound transmission came to an abrupt end here, because Samario had already left the space channel. And Clement seemed to be trying to make sure that Raymond who followed behind was at ease. Han smiled and stood waiting patiently at the exit.

This kind of caution and small intent made Leimeng a little apologetic. After leaving behind Shariman, the single-pupil sandman, he found himself appearing above a wilderness.

"Raymond, the old man's long-cherished wish for many years needs to be fulfilled in the sea of ​​time and space, so you must remember the words I told you before..."

Samario, who hovered not far away, looked at the full moon hanging above the sky, and once again transmitted the sound. "If you really encounter an irresistible risk. Please remember the old man's account, if you can get away with the old seal. Then don't worry about the old man..."

The life span of the Sea Clan is quite long. In the previous communication with the old dean Xiura, Leimen knew that the Sea Clan cherishes life far beyond that of human wizards, so he couldn't help but sink in his heart. "Do you think this trip is quite dangerous? Even you are not confident that you can find the guardian of the plane named'Moritz'?"

"This is not a question of confidence or disbelief. Moritz has been away for nearly a thousand years. If she can't be found, the old man is not going to return to the wizarding plane..."

Samario who said this turned his face, his expression was serious, but Clemente, who came out of the space channel at this time, raised his right hand to feel the downwind direction, and then shook his head and sighed. "The deviation is a bit big, it is estimated to waste three more days..."

Raymond, who was eager to get an explanation from Semimario, turned his face and saw Shariman, the single-pupil sandman who was extremely excited because he got rid of the energy-rich environment of the water system, and directly made it sandy so as to carry everyone forward.

After the desertification, Shariman, the single-pupil sandman, began to walk in the direction pointed by Semirio.

In the vast desert, the land is barren and life is scarce, and occasionally some small monsters appear, but they are all frightened by the explosive sound formed by the swift movement of the Sandman Shaliman and fled.

Because it was far away from the area occupied by the Gray Race, so letting Shariman the single-pupil sandman vent his depressed Raymond during this time, he continued the previous topic with Semirio.

"Moritz is an unborn genius in the Sea Clan. When the old man knew her, she was still on the run. With such a weak strength, she dared to break into the black flood waters to mine fog gold, so she has had contacts since then... …"

As if he was telling his own past, Samario, who was full of emotion and sorrow in his expression, also mixed some inexplicable meaning in his tone, paused and fell into contemplation from time to time, and then continued to tell. "The old man has reached the transformation stage at that time. Although there are more powerful existences in many sea areas, the old man was cautious at that time and would not easily step into those dangerous sea areas...

But Moritz is not afraid at all, because she has a peculiar talent that can make her aware of the danger before it is about to come, so after that, the old man also uses her ability to obtain many resources, so that In a period of time, the strength has been greatly improved..."

Semimario, who did not evade the ringed seal Clement, seemed to think of something when he said this, turned his face and patted him on the shoulder and asked. "Old Seal! The old man still remembers that you were tossed hard by Moretz at that time. Why did you provoke her at that time?"

Clemente, who lay lazily next to Semirio, was ashamed when he heard this and smiled bitterly. "Why? She robbed the blue hyacinth that had been cultivated in the clan for many years, and the patriarch asked me to get it back..."

After a stunned Samario, he laughed loudly, and ridiculed him a moment later. "Only you? Moretz is strong enough to crush you! How can your patriarch be so stupid?"

Clemente seemed extremely embarrassed by Semirio's questioning. After sitting up slowly, he hesitated for a long time before muttering unwillingly. "Moritz disguised himself as a sea clan with extremely low strength. The patriarch naturally sent me to deal with it..."

Hearing this, Raymond also understood the reason~www.ltnovel.com~ Waiting for the breath of Samario who laughed again to settle for a while, then he asked. "Then when was Moritz promoted to the guardian of the wizarding plane?"

"This is not clear. Her strength was later promoted in vain, and she disappeared for more than a hundred years before reappearing. Later, the old lady only learned of her identity after she was promoted to the dawn level..."

Samario looked very embarrassed when he said this, and after a while, he lowered his voice and sighed. "Just after becoming the guardian of the plane, Moritz was weighed down with a lot of heavy burdens, and she had to spend a lot of energy to coordinate, but the fields she involved were not known to the old man..."

Hearing this, Leimeng couldn't help but felt a move in his heart, and asked even more. "Semario, how did you know that Moretz went to the Sea of ​​Sky at that time?"

Samario, who was cherishing the memory of the past, was taken aback for a moment, and was a little annoyed after thinking about it. "Boy! Don't you think that the strength of the old man has always stayed at the dawn level! After being promoted to above the seventh rank, Moritz can naturally be noticed by Moritz. The friendship back then naturally made her take a high look at the old man..."

This kind of explanation made Raymond even more puzzled, but it took a long time for the irritated Samario to explain the reason... (to be continued.)

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