
Chapter 1578: thinking

The guardian of the plane is responsible for the entire plane to maintain its stability and development and prevent those overly powerful creatures from threatening the stability of the plane.

"The power of the plane can be used to expel or even kill the guys that threaten the stability of the plane, and when a native creature with strength above the dawn level appears, Moritz will also selectively send out invitations to make him Know the bottom limit of plane stability..."

Because Shariman, a single-pupil sandman, serves as the mount for everyone, what Samario began to tell as the journey unfolded also involved the responsibilities of the guardian of the plane and the field he controlled.

"The alliance established by human wizards does not require special attention in Moritz's view, because whether it is the Supreme House, or the elders' association hidden in the independent space left by the ancient wizards, even Even those hermits who have concealed their aura are incomparable to the Sea Clan in terms of overall strength..."

Speaking of this, Samario saw Raymond's look a little unhappy, and added with a laugh. "Raymond, although you are a member of the human race, what the old man said is indeed the truth. Whether in terms of quantity or the distribution and comparison of strength at various levels, human wizards are far from being compared with the Sea Clan!"

Seeing the sincere expression of Semirio and no ridicule, Raymond asked after thinking about it. "The Sea Clan above the seventh rank, how many do you know?"

"There are not too many top-tier powerhouses who will really be invited by Moritz, because most of the sea races who have reached this level have already suffered long-term constraints from the power of the plane, and have to converge their voices and go to sleep. Or show up in the way of projection, continue to control the sea area it occupies!"

Having said this, Samario turned his face and said, pointing to Clemente, the ringed seal who was asleep. "Look. Clement has already entered the seventh-level elementary, but his way to avoid the power of the plane is to sleep and overeating, and after so many years of deliberate action, he has also made him feel The breath control has reached an incredible level, even the old man sighs!"

Clemente, the ringed seal, who seemed to have been sleeping before, was actually lifted and shook at him after the fat palm resting on his stomach was finished speaking. Obviously he did not agree with Semirio's statement.

Seeing this, the irritated Samario could not help but raise his voice. "The old seal pays attention to everything around his body, that is, he is lazy and greedy. No matter what he eats, he will die! It is the shame of the sea clan! What qualifications do you have to disagree..."

Samario just got here. Clement, who was lying there, clenched the palm of his hand before, but raised his middle finger. After making a contemptuous gesture, he dropped it again. He ignored him and continued to sleep soundly!

Semirio, who was despised by the vainly raised middle finger, first became extremely exciting. Then I don't know what I thought of again. After a long sigh, he turned his gaze to the wilderness below, and his eyes seemed a little erratic.

Seeing that Semirio lost his talkability, Raymond also adjusted the content of the light ball given by Clemente, the ringed seal, and tried to study those belonging to Clemente for many years. Understand and master.

The ringed seal Clement's understanding of space energy, in some aspects that are easily overlooked, has unexpected discoveries that surprised Raymond.

For example, certain spaces will be twisted and deformed under certain conditions, and this will result in changes derived from the space energy. It is easy to cause the failure of space spell construction.

For the study of the spatial range, Clement, the ringed seal, also has some special guesses. Although it seems quite absurd, the many studies provided by Clemente show that his guess is actually in the category of a certain'rule', which actually makes him unable to break through the realm, and make himself The strength can still be continuously improved for hundreds of years.

Moreover, his understanding and mastery of time gave him some unique guesses about the fusion of space and time. Although many researches on the reasons for his limitations cannot be continued, he is careful about almost all the changes that will occur. Listed clearly, but also put forward many ideas for continuing in-depth research.

The ringed seal Clemente’s research results over the centuries made Raymond more in-depth research and thinking, the more he felt that this short and fat old man was powerful.

Although the direction of his research is quite unique and narrow, through such research, it is equivalent to bypassing some of the shackles brought by the realm in disguise, making him barely touch some edges of the'rules'!

Moreover, what surprised Raymond the most was that Clement, the ringed seal, also had an extremely deep understanding of'time'.

Time and space belong to the category of higher energy. When Raymond asked Gracie in the far north of the nightmare plane for advice, he knew that if he only mastered the basic energy and promoted to the ancestor, then even he became an ancestor. Compared with the ancestors who mastered the rules of time or space, their strength was inherently lacking and inadequate.

Moreover, if you want to become an ancestor only through a deep understanding and mastery of a certain energy, it is said that there will be fundamental defects.

Because Raymond remembers that Gracie mentioned at the time that if you can master the “rules of space”, then the best way is to continue to understand the “rules of space” at an appropriate time or It is the rules of basic energy to perceive, so when it hits the ancestor, the difficulty will be reduced accordingly.

The in-depth mastery of any kind of energy can greatly improve the strength and realm of an individual. Therefore, if it is an impact on the realm of ancestors, then the best way is to try it out, and it is best not to do it at the same time. Research and try various types of energy.

Of course, at that time, Raymond’s realm was just a high-level wizard who had just been promoted to the dawn level. Neither Gracie nor he himself thought he had the possibility of attacking the ancestor, so the communication at the time was also loose. It was slightly involved in the atmosphere of the conversation and did not go into depth.

Therefore, thinking that at that time, he had not been able to ask Gracie more deeply, Raymond could not help but feel regret.

Especially in the face of the many research results of Clemente, the ringed seal, Raymond felt for the first time that he should be able to work harder than him. As a human wizard, he has not felt it until now. The bottleneck of promotion!

Of course, it is believed that Clemente, the ringed seal, is also unable to continue to improve his realm, so he has invested so much energy in theoretical research. Not only will the research on space reach an extremely deep level, but also The study of'time' was also integrated, but on the contrary, he realized some'rules' when his realm was not improved!

Any comprehension and mastery of the'rules' ~www.ltnovel.com~ will enhance his strength, but Raymond can't verify and verify the contents of his research for a while, so for those parts that require detailed analysis , Raymond can only hand it over to the chip for theoretical analysis.

Only in this way, the strength of the ringed seal Clement can not be effectively judged. Obviously, the strength he currently shows is definitely not the strength he really possesses.

Thinking of Raymond here, he turned his gaze to Clement, who was still asleep.

The breathing was steady, but his chest and abdomen were faintly ups and downs. Although it was not clear how he controlled the surrounding situation, Raymond still admired the convergence ability of the whole body without energy fluctuations.

But after thinking about it, Clemente, the ringed seal, had provided his own research so frankly before. Obviously for him, he hoped that he could show his favor in this way.

Or is it just a pure hope that can reduce the confrontation implicit in the current team after entering the sea of ​​time and space?

Raymond was also at a loss for a while... (To be continued.)

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