
Chapter 1579: Gray One

The vast wilderness still seemed extremely silent under the cold winter sun.

After the desertification, Shariman, the single-pupil sandman, had a speed that greatly reduced the time that everyone needed, so everyone finally reached the area where the gray race might appear two days in advance.

Before, there was still a bleak grass and a frozen stream, but after Shariman, a sandman with a single pupil, crossed two barren ridges, the landform turned into frozen ground in vain.

It seems that the vast land covered in gray and hoarfrost makes the vegetation more difficult to see. What makes Raymond a little surprised is that after entering this tundra, he can no longer detect the existence of small creatures.

Even insects and underground fungus plants are all hibernating and it is very difficult to find.

At the request of Semirio, Shariman, the single-pupil sandman, who relieved the desertification, was only curious about such an environment. Although the water system energy of the tundra is also rich, the heavy earth energy is increasing here. The richness, even the smell of soil in the environment can be contaminated on the clothes, and it will last for a long time.

It's just that although everyone landed, they didn't walk on foot at the request of Semirio.

I have been in the extreme west many times, so Samario walked in front of him as he did his part, responsible for leading the way and conducting exploration

It is only required to fully converge the breath, and everyone can only observe the environment through the naked eye. Not to mention the low efficiency, and at night, they must camp and rest, making the trip extremely boring and boring.

On the first night into the tundra. After sitting in front of the bonfire and enjoying the special delicacies made by Shariman, the sandman alone, Semirio actually expressed emotion. "The last time the old man tried to speed up, he faced the Greys several times before and after. As a result, after returning, I was not sure when he was cursed by them. For a long time, he was in decadence and depression..."

"I heard you said before that the gray races are creatures formed by the gathering of certain emotions. They can be as tiny as dust or as huge as a mountain. How do these creatures affect you?"

"The first encounter was because the old man was sprinting in the air, and a sudden cloud of sand caused the old man to notice something wrong and landed. Later, I learned that the Greys were not allowed to occupy the sky in their territory...

And the second encounter was when the old man was about to arrive in the deep prison, the huge mountain that collapsed in vain. It was actually a certain gathering point of them. Because the number could not be distinguished, the old man didn't even understand what they were at first..."

At this point, Samario frowned. After thinking for a moment, he continued. "Later because of the refusal of the Lord of Deep Prison. The old man understood some of the characteristics of the Gray Race. He just changed the direction and wanted to return, but fell into a strange sandstorm. After getting rid of it, he realized that it was caused by the Gray Race The resulting natural phenomenon..."

Hearing Raymond here, he couldn't help but wonder. "Like natural phenomenon? What do you mean?"

"The sandstorm is almost indistinguishable from the naturally formed sandstorm. It was only after the old man got out that it was discovered that the main body of the sandstorm was all dust-like gray races, and the number of them was unimaginable!"

The deep darkness without moon. At this time, the expression of Lingsen Mario became more and more gloomy by the bonfire, and he continued to speak after a long silence. "Raymond. If you notice that your mood has suddenly become a little depressed, then you have already suffered from the influence of the Gray Race. Although their effect is minimal, they will produce quite a lot of judgments on the construction of spells and the response time. Such a big impact, so don’t be careless before crossing the tundra..."

It seems that he had palpitations about the previous experience, and once again elaborated on all the characteristics and performance of the Gray Race. However, the worry between his expressions became more and more intense, and finally he stared at it blankly after the end. In the dark distance, he had maintained such a posture all night, making Raymond, who woke up quietly all night, couldn't help being extremely confused.

The strength should be the Rose Poisonous Scorpion Mario, who has reached the top of the seventh rank. Regardless of his race or the long years he has spent, Raymond felt that he shouldn't have become like this because of these ‘gray races’.

So shortly after hitting the road the next day, he found an opportunity to transmit to Clemente, the ringed seal, and asked why.

Along the way before, Clement, who could only talk about his research experience and insights, kept silent about Raymond's inquiry and did not give him any information for analysis.

But three days after entering the tundra, Clemente, the ringed seal, also became tense and serious.

Although the scars on the corners of his mouth kept his expression smiling, Raymond saw fear in his pupils, as well as fear similar to that of Semirio.

Raymond, who was not too worried before, couldn't help but feel a little hairy in his heart.

And as the crowd continued to deepen, the gradual changes in the tundra terrain also made the atmosphere of the entire team become dignified.

But Shariman, the single-pupil sandman, who had always been in a state of excitement and curiosity, finally noticed that the situation was wrong on the sixth day when the team entered the tundra.

It seems to have entered a large permafrost lake. The rich water energy in the environment made Shaliman, the one-eyed sandman walking on the ice, very dissatisfied, but everyone came to a place covered in snow and ice. After the area, Shariman, the single-pupil sandman, stopped moving in vain and issued a warning. "My lord! Something seems to be gathering under the ice on both sides!"

After entering the tundra, everyone twisted their voices, so Raymond, who was warned by Shariman, released his perception and began to probe under the ice on his side.

Under the ice layer up to a hundred meters thick is the extremely cold lake water, which is still mixed with many ice crystal particles, which greatly hinders perception, and can barely make Raymond detect the range of hundreds of meters.

There are no aquatic plants, nor can the existence of organisms be detected, but the ice lake located on both sides of the team under Raymond’s perception is mixed with many plankton-like particles!

These dust-like particles are extremely small, but after the area occupied by them is revealed because of the huge number, Raymond also understands that it is wrong.

After telling Semirio about the situation detected by the perception, Semirio, who was nervous in his expression, seemed to be relieved. "It seems to have been noticed by the Greys, speed up and leave this area..."

After speaking, Semirio increased his speed and asked Raymond not to release his perceptions for exploration, and started to walk fast with Clemente, the ringed seal.

The swift movement of several hourglasses in a row caused everyone to leave the icy lake before night fell, but Samario did not immediately ask to camp for rest. Instead, UU reading www.uukanshu.com kept moving on at a high speed. When there was an hourglass, a shelter was selected and stopped.

It's just that Shariman, a sandman with only pupil, wanted to start a bonfire as usual, but he was opposed to it.

"Don't camp! Don't light a fire! Don't release your senses for exploration! Leave here as soon as daybreak!"

The low-pitched command with a special meaning made Shaliman, the single-pupil sandman, turned his gaze to Raymond very puzzled.

Raymond, who always felt that there was a problem along the way, finally couldn't help but question. "Semmario, everything you have said about the Gray Race before is completely inconsistent with your reaction now! Although the Gray Race is weird and indestructible, it shouldn't be such a threat to you. ! What is it that makes you so jealous of the Greys?"

Samario, who was questioned, was quite annoyed, glaring at Raymond and seemed to have an explosive tendency.

But Clemente, the ringed seal leaning on a rock, spoke in vain with his eyes closed. "Master Raymond, you don't need to ask any more... knowing nothing, sometimes it is happier than knowing the truth..." (To be continued.)

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