
Chapter 1580: Greys II

Shariman, the one-eyed sand man who sat down cross-legged like Raymond, entered a state of meditation with peace of mind. ,

Clement, the ringed seal who seemed to be afraid of the cold, took out a heavy robe and wrapped him up. He leaned on the stone and soon fell asleep, but the slight snoring made his smile appear. Somewhat funny.

It’s just that Sen Mario is like the first night in the tundra, staring blankly at the deep darkness in the distance, seeming to be caught in some kind of not good memory, and the corners of his mouth twitch from time to time. There is an unnoticeable panic.

The tense and weird atmosphere made people feel the invisible pressure without knowing it, and it became heavier with the passage of time.

Recalling the records explored under the ice lake before, under the analysis and magnification of the chip, Raymond can only see those fine particles that look like ice crystal particles, but this can make Semimario It turned out that the Grays, who even Clement was unwilling to explain, had no way of knowing what kind of creature Raymond was.

And what made Raymond particularly strange was the last words of Clemente, the ringed seal.

‘Knowing nothing, sometimes it’s happier than knowing the truth...’

When speaking, Clemente's tone was filled with emotion and a little warning, and Samario did not retort or argue at the time, but his face became particularly pale, and he looked like he had lingering fears.

Therefore, Raymond thought that there must be some unspoken secrets in this, so Clement used a more obscure way to remind. And he also knows that such behavior will not incur opposition from Samario...

Raymond, who had a faint red glow in his pupils, cast his eyes on the endless darkness when he thought of this.

Although perception cannot be released, the night vision capability provided by the chip in such an environment. It can prevent his vision from being too obstructed by the heavy darkness.

Within a range of hundreds of meters, the permafrost makes the surface uneven.

Large and small potholes are irregular, and the various ice ridges that have been frozen into strange shapes will make people feel colder and colder as you look at them.

The breath that was exhaled, before it completely melted away, was frozen and turned into ice particles, like snow powder scattered on the chest of the clothes. It also made the body's chill more clear, and even a thought of wanting to move arose in my heart.

Lei Meng, who was hesitating whether to get up, stared in vain and his heart tightened!


As a wizard who has entered the ranks of top wizards. How could the cold outside affect the body!

How could it make him feel the need to move and warm up?

Knowing that it was wrong, Raymond raised his eyebrows, and after the red glow in his pupils, he greatly expanded the scope of his field of vision, and at the same time awakened Shariman, the single pupil sandman. It released the perception in vain!

The perception that expands outward instantly. It was as if a surrounding airflow was formed on his side. After his body surface isolation barrier was instantly strengthened, Raymond, who moved his finger lightly, released an illumination technique.

The sudden ray of light made Samario, who was staring into the distance in shock, suddenly turned his face and prepared to roar!

But Clemente, the ringed seal leaning on the rock and sleeping soundly before, although the faint snoring sound is still the same, there is a thick guard in his opened eyes.

Shariman, the one-eyed sandman who was awakened from the meditation, did not say a word. However, the extremely fine gravel that was suddenly produced around his body raised his defensive ability to the highest level. And the cold light shining from its single pupil was quickly scanned within the area illuminated by the illumination technique, like a kind of microwave, which actually caused a buzzing humming in the air. .

However, within the kilometer range explored by Raymond's perception, he didn't notice any abnormalities, let alone any dust or moving creatures.

Seeing the actions of Raymond and Shariman Shariman, his eyes suddenly shrank and he closed his mouth. Although he still suppressed his voice, he looked around for a long time, and finally stood up uncertainly. Come.

Seeing Samario got up, Clemente slowly leaned in. Although the ring-shaped force field loomed around his body, the weak force field fluctuations showed that his mood was also very nervous.

The extremely depressing atmosphere makes the temperature of the environment seem to be still dropping drastically.

However, he realized that Raymond was no longer as depressed as before, and saw that Samario's expression became confused, and he sighed in a long sigh of relief. "The situation is a bit wrong, it should have been affected by the Greys just now!"

"What's the situation?"

"Feeling the cold, I have the idea of ​​wanting to move!"

Hearing Raymond’s answer, Semirio’s expression relaxed. Seeing that there was doubt in this expression, Clemente looked at Raymond and sat down on the ground, instantly condensing his breath. Restored the original normal appearance.

Intuition made Raymond understand that some of the situation about the Greys did not speak frankly, but since he was unwilling to say it, there was no point in continuing to ask questions.

But after this incident, Samario seemed to feel better, and he took out a lot of ingredients and baked the food by himself!

And after Raimon questioned Shaliman, the single-pupil sandman, he also understood that Shaliman did not feel any abnormality, and during the investigation after being awakened, he did not find any suspicious points, just like Ray. What Meng produces is just an illusion.

It's just that after the level of improvement, if it was an illusion just now, it was a bit too absurd to Raymond.

I dare not say that his mind is so firm that he will not be affected by the hallucinations, but when he is on guard, he can fall into a certain hallucination without noticing it. What kind of existence is needed to do it.

The ancestor thought to have this ability, but there was an ancestor in this vast tundra. Regardless of its rationality, how could an ancestor be so boring to have a slight influence on his mind, this is really unreasonable.

And if it is said that a certain powerful conjurer made it famous, then the other party is just to make him feel ‘cold’?

Enjoying the food baked by the diligent Samario, the many doubts in his heart made Raymond taste like chewing wax, and he didn't even notice what he ate in the end.

It's just that after the night passed, Samario's mood became quite good, but he urged him to continue to increase his speed. In addition to stopping at night, he actually chose to travel in a straight line, leading everyone through the ice. Land zone.

The magical nature has turned the south of the tundra into a vast grassland. The gray-green weeds are like carpets that are not completely dyed~www.ltnovel.com~ It makes people feel trouble when walking on it. A sense of stability.

However, Samario, who saw this grassland, completely relaxed and announced that the'Gray Race' would no longer affect everyone, so he asked Shariman Sahua, a single-pupil sandman, to carry everyone to the southwest. .

In the air more than ten meters away from the ground, Leimen watched the frozen soil gradually disappear from his field of vision. After carefully inspecting himself, he discovered that there was a tiny but real radiation force in his body. Residue.

It is as if he passed through a certain area with extremely strong radiation power, which caused his body to be contaminated and the remaining radiation breath. Although it was a little troublesome to get rid of it, there was no excessive hidden danger.

Only after he informed Semimario about the matter, he did not give any explanation. He just said that since he has left the tundra, this radiation residue will dissipate on its own and will not cause him anything. influences.

Presenting a pair of Semimario who is determined not to reveal too much information makes Raymond annoyed, but as everyone continues to move forward, the radiant atmosphere remaining in the body really disappears after three days, making the Raymond, who has carried out in-depth research on this radiation force, is more and more puzzled... (to be continued.)

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