
Chapter 1583: Old hedgehog one

The corner of the Extremis Bar became lively in vain.

The waiters brought all kinds of delicacies and quickly filled the not-so-large stone table, and the empty wine barrels placed on it were taken away by a three-layer rotating The wine rack was replaced and filled with various fine wines from other planes.

Shariman, the one-eyed sandman who has never been able to resist food, began to chew after making it, and the old hedgehog, who was called the "History Encyclopedia" by the waiter, ate a large plate of pan-fried acne worms. Satisfied he rubbed his stomach and began to taste the wine.

After a few glasses of wine, the turbid eyes of the old hedgehog became clear. After examining Raymond up and down for a moment, he mumbled and asked. "This is the Extremis Bar at the end of the plane. How come you, a young man, come here?"

Thinking of the words Sunmario had unconsciously muttered before, Raymond asked back. "I have heard the saying that'The Abyssal Scroll is the End of the Plane', but I don't know why it is said?"

"This is the end of the plane, the entire five-layer plane world can be reached through here..."

The old hedgehog's very casual remarks made Raymond more confused. "Five floors? What five floors?"

"Beyond the Abyssal Tornado is the first level of the plane, and below it is the second level of the underground world referred to in the collective term. The next level is the basic level of the plane..."

Speaking of this, the old hedgehog who sipped the glass of wine, turned his face and beckoned to the waiter standing not far away, complaining. "Don't hurry up and send a few more wine glasses! Is it because the elderly can't do it themselves..."

It seems to be well prepared. After the waiter bent down to apologize, he quickly sent dozens of clean wine glasses in a cart and placed them between the old hedgehog and Raymond.

The previous topic is not over. Raymond waited for the old hedgehog to reopen a bottle of wine and tasted it before he asked. "So there are three levels below the underground plane? Do they all belong to the wizard plane?"

"Which planes of wizards are not the planes of wizards, but the names proclaimed by those planes that have been ravaged and insulted by ancient wizards..."

He seemed to disagree with the name used by Raymond, and put the wine glass in his hand heavily on the table before the old hedgehog looked at him squarely and said. "The bottom three layers are where the real strength of the plane lies. There is nothing worth remembering and yearning for in the world beyond the fence..."

"It is said that the current human wizarding alliance on the surface is about to be wiped out by the Nightmare World's Southern Border Spider Beast Legion. Should they be allowed to wreak havoc and massacre on the surface?"

Raymond's somewhat abrupt statement made the old hedgehog's expression a little confused. After a daze, he smiled. "Raging? It won't be long. They must roll back when time is up. This is not something they can occupy..."

Raymond felt a little confused as he listened. With his left hand, he turned the rotating wine rack on the stone table by ninety degrees. After removing the quaint wine bottle in the middle and opening it, he took a clean wine glass and filled it in front of the old hedgehog. He sincerely asked him for details. Explanation.

It seems even more surprised than Raymond. The old hedgehog picked up the wine glass and shook it. He looked at him questioningly. "Young man, don't you even know this?"

Feeling that what the old hedgehog knew was the secrets he hadn't touched at all, he felt more and more weird Raymond in his heart, and couldn't help but smile. "What's the secret under the Abyss Tornado, please tell me directly..."

There was doubt in the clear eyes, and the old hedgehog said strangely after he drank the glass of wine that had been shaking for a while. "You came here with that stone fish. Could it be that he didn't tell you about the Extremis Bar and the situation under this abyssal tornado?"

When the old hedgehog broke the identity of Semirio, Raymond couldn't avoid it. I had to nod first, and then shook his head.

"Are you worried that the invasion of the spider beasts in the southern border of the nightmare world will destroy the entire plane?"

"It's not a special worry. It's just that I am quite disgusted with the invasion plan of the Supreme House of the Human Wizard League..."

Hearing this, the old hedgehog laughed loudly, and after placing the wine glass on the stone table, he moved closer and lowered his voice. "Young man, it is impossible to destroy the foundation of the plane with the plane of Nightmare alone! So do you believe in the glory created by the ancient wizards?"

"It should be true. I have read many notes and records of ancient wizards, among them..."

Before Raymond finished speaking, the old hedgehog interrupted him with a mysterious smile. "Then you don't think that there are too few ancient wizard relics on the surface plane?"

"Ten thousand years ago, the true spirits of the Chaos plane did not have a major invasion. The evil demons under his command occupied the entire plane for a hundred years, and they also scoured the entire surface plane..."

The old hedgehog who laughed loudly again shook his head in disdain. "The true spirit is very strong, but what about the Chaos Plane! Back then, they just entered the second level. They didn't even break through the third level of the abyss gate, so how can they say that they occupy the entire plane... "

Speaking of this, the right paw lifted up, and with the weak energy fluctuations released by the tip of the paw, a phantom like an extremely large flask at the bottom appeared in Lei Meng's eyes.

"The uppermost layer is the first layer, which is generally considered to be the surface of the earth, and the extremely narrow area below the neck is the underground plane..."

Pointing the old hedgehog with the tip of the claw at the flask-shaped phantom. After talking about this, a blue light released from the tip of the claw formed a shaft on the right side of the flask-like phantom, moving the flask-shaped phantom up and down. Run through.

Pointing to the shaft formed by the blue light, the old hedgehog seemed to be interested. "This is where the abyssal tornado is located. There are three abyssal doors below the second level. If you want to enter, you can only pass through the abyssal door, or directly penetrate by plane piercing, do you think Could these trivial matters on the surface affect the stability of the entire plane?"

According to the level pointed to by the old hedgehog, Raymond felt that the fifth level he was talking about was 100 times as large as the earth's surface, and even the third level was ten times as wide as the earth's surface. He couldn't help feeling a little surprised. He raised his hand and pointed to the bottom layer and asked. "The area of ​​the fifth floor is a hundred times the size of the ground?"

"Just a lot more!"

The old hedgehog, who gave the affirmation without hesitation, made Raymond's breath unable to stop, and made him continue to ask. "Does it mean that the overall strength of the creatures in the lower three layers far exceeds that of the surface?"

"Where is the sum of the three layers required! How many ancient wizards are left on the surface? How powerful are there on the surface? How many old men who have lived for thousands of years are there on the surface?"

Three consecutive questions left Raymond speechless.

The old hedgehog with an arrogant look easily pulled the wine bottle at hand and poured it over~www.ltnovel.com~ After the bright red wine was spilled on his chest, it quickly blended out, as if it was Blood is so common.

It's just that the rich aroma of wine has attracted the attention of other guests in the bar. The creatures that had horse heads but were not horse heads before appeared on the side of the old hedgehog, staring at him. The throat of the bottle in Hedgehog's hand was trembling, and there was desire in his pupils.

The old hedgehog, who drank half of the bottle of wine in one breath, said to Raymond after placing the bottle on the stone table. "Young man, don’t compare the surface with the layers behind the gate of the abyss. The little wildebeest next to the old man is just going to work here for a while before returning to take charge of his family affairs. You think it can stay on the surface. What status has it reached?"

There is a vague force field brilliance around the body, even if he did not release his perception for exploration, Raymond could almost immediately determine that this guy has the strength of the dawn level, so he answered directly. "It should be possible to reach high levels in the land of high towers..."

Hearing the old hedgehog here laughed, he turned his face and smiled at the wildebeest. "Have you heard? If your kid goes to the inland of the surface, it will be a high-level..." (To be continued.)

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