
Chapter 1584: Old Hedgehog II

Asceticism refers to those who go to the Abyss Tornado to enter the Bar of Extremis, receive quests for reward, or simply come here to sharpen their will and temper their strength.

Allowed by the old hedgehog to sit down, this non-horse-headed little wildebeest is a powerful creature from the third layer of the plane. Although its strength has only reached the early stage of dawn, it has been here for more than ten years. For a long time, the number of powerful creatures on the different planes killed has exceeded a hundred.

This little wildebeest, who didn't let go after holding the wine bottle, if he didn't know its strength beforehand, no one would think that it was a morning-level powerhouse from the surface.

The little wildebeest, with a tender face and a somewhat immature character, was very shy. For the past that the old hedgehog said about it, his face was red and red, and even his neck was stained with blush.

"The Extremis Bar was originally located under the Abyssal Tornado. Ten thousand years ago, the Lord of the Abyss moved it to the surface due to a riot by the Dragon Leader. It was just the restrictions and defenses set by the ancient wizards. It's not what the abyssal dragons can break through, so in a few hundred years, maybe the Bar of Extremis will move back to the abyss tornado. At that time, if you want to enter here, you can only pass through the door of the dimension... …"

Sipping the wine in small sips, the old hedgehog looked with emotion when he spoke. Obviously, he recalled something, which made his thoughts erratic.

Raymond, who didn't bother loudly, sat at the stone table and listened quietly, although without his question, what the old hedgehog said became fragmented and messy. But in the old hedgehog's unconscious narration, Raymond knew some problems he hadn't thought of.

In the most peak era, the ancient wizards had the possibility to explore many planes through the control of the abyss tornado.

There is a crack in the space behind the first gate of the abyss. It allows the most powerful ancient wizards to enter and exit freely, just like the "gap house" that Raymond has seen before in the void, allowing the ancient wizards to explore many low- and medium-level planes. After reaching the extremely rich resources, the strength of the entire plane has soared, and it has the strength and confidence to face resistance with higher ranks.

But the lack of background ultimately led to the fall of the ancient wizards as a whole. However, the concentrated suppression and squeeze of the higher planes caused the ancient wizards to fall into a state of lack of follow-up, and gradually from multiple invasions into passive defense.

And to the late peak of the ancient wizards. The continuous invasion of the nightmare and chaos plane almost led to the collapse of the entire plane. The surface wizards completely cut off the inheritance after the invasion of the true spirits, and the ancient wizards who were hidden in the other three layers had to give up their external relations. Development, disappointment, most of them left the plane and entered the void.

"Fortunately, the remains of the ancient wizards who left. They can also protect the third underground level. It's just that the weakness of the guardians of the plane has been around for a long time, and it has also reduced the power of the plane to an extremely dangerous level. More than a thousand years ago, the old man watched the little sea clan go to the sea of ​​time and space alone, trying to complete the inheritance of the guardian clan, so that the plane can be stabilized..."

After hearing this, Raymond finally couldn't help but interject. "Guardian clan? Does it mean that the guardians of the plane also have a family and inheritance?"

"Yes, the Guardians are the controllers of the basic power of the plane. They may not be stronger than the strongest born on the plane, but the fundamental of their inheritance is to maintain the stability of the entire plane. No. As for the collapse and disintegration of the entire plane because of the disasters incurred by the ancient wizards!"

It seemed that after the unconscious answer, the old hedgehog seemed to wake up. After snatching the bottle from the little wildebeest sitting aside, he actually stood up and roared at it. "Boy! It's not easy for someone to ask the old man to have a drink. You guys have drunk so much in a few moments. It's absolutely shameless!"

The little wildebeest, who had been drinking quietly all the time, dropped his head after being stunned, muttering an apology with embarrassment. "Master, don't be angry, I won't be able to treat you to a big meal when the reward is over this time..."

Hearing this, the old hedgehog was furious. He stretched out his hand and grabbed the ear of the little wildebeest, and it was a curse when he pulled it up. "Killing? Why are you doing it! Go and go! Killing an imaginary demon spirit consumes three magical instruments, and the debt you owed before can't be paid off, so dare you to ask the old man to have a big meal! "

Seemingly being stabbed in the painful foot, the dejected little wildebeest did not wait for the old hedgehog to finish roaring, and then rushed out of the bar, causing the weird creatures who were still gathered to laugh once again.

When the angrily old hedgehog sat down again and opened a new bottle of wine, Raymond then asked. "Have you seen a guardian of the plane named Moretz thousands of years ago?"

"She is just the guardian of the'apprentice' plane! The guardian clan must be confirmed by the inheritance ritual to remove the previous title of'apprentice', and then can truly control the power of the plane..."

The old hedgehog, who was not only proficient in the history of ancient wizards, but also had a good understanding of the guardian clan, made Raymond feel a little incredible.

Regarding the events that occurred more than ten thousand years ago, he was as clear as he had personally participated in. Any details and many ancient wizards' allusions and rumors, he also casually said, it seems that there is nothing he does not know.

And for the Rose Poisonous Scorpionfish, Sen Mario, who brought him here, the old hedgehog is also quite familiar. Not only does he know that he is here for Moretz, but he also knows that he has to go to Time and Space if he wants to find Moretz. The sea found the thousand-headed bird!

"If you want to go to the sea of ​​time and space through the lord of the deep prison, ocean current flowers are indispensable. The old man does not know how many ocean current flowers you have, but that thing is for the creatures of the sea of ​​time and space. , It also exists like a holy thing, so be careful..."

But the old hedgehog mentioned the ocean current flower, but it made the strange-looking creatures beside the stone table in the bar become quieter, and most of their eyes were cast over, making Raymond instantly aware of the atmosphere. He leaned closer and spoke.

"Then you said before that there are many space cracks under the abyss tornado. If you don't directly enter there through the Lord of the abyss, can you find a way to enter the sea of ​​time and space?"

"Impossible, the sea of ​​time and space is a space. Any creature who wants to enter it can only go through those secret passages that are not known, and want to get rid of the lord of the deep prison and go alone? That is a joke. La……"

It seemed that Raymond's thoughts were quite ridiculous, the old hedgehog who was laughing loudly leaned forward and closed, then calmed down after a while. "Young man, the Lord of the Deep Prison is second only to the existence of the Guardian of the Plane~www.ltnovel.com~ Although he has the status of a sinner and cannot leave the Abyss Tornado, don't treat him for his past guilt If there is any disrespect, the Lord of Deep Hell is the rule itself!"

When he heard the word'rule', Raymond's heart moved in vain. When he straightened up, his eyes became stagnant. He stared at the distance behind the old hedgehog, but he suddenly entered a kind that he didn't even know. In the realm of!

Shaliman, the single-eyed sandman who sensed something wrong with his breath, even dropped the food in his hand and wanted to speak.

But the old hedgehog sitting across from Raymond raised his right paw immediately, lowered his voice extremely seriously. "Little guy! This young man doesn't know why he has entered a certain state, you better not disturb him!"

Shaman Shaliman had doubts in his single pupil, but he closed his mouth and slowly got up and approached Raymond. After thinking about it, he beckoned to the waiter not far away and asked softly after he came over. Tao. "Can you isolate this place without causing change?"

As if it were commonplace for such phenomena, the waiter who looked like a goblin nodded immediately and made a gesture towards the bar. The floor around Leimen sitting there began a silent change... (unfinished) to be continued.)

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