
Chapter 1586: Lord of Deep Prison One

Ten days later...

In the corner of the Extremity Bar, around the area covered by the white slate, the energy formed by the extremely active free energy makes the entire Extremity Bar shine brightly.

Shariman, the single-pupil sandman who has been guarding the side, has been on guard.

These days, many powerful creatures have entered and exited the Extremis Bar, some of them, even their entire bodies, are in a state of atomization. The wind energy restlessness brought by the entrance and exit also makes it very uncomfortable. But Shariman, the only sandman who insisted on his duties, did not complain.

Only three days ago, the old hedgehog left the Extremis Bar, and most of the tough creatures who submitted tasks that were waiting here for the return of the Lord of the Deep also completed the corresponding delivery, received their due rewards, or joined together, or Entered the Abyssal Tornado alone, obviously continuing their respective trials, or continuing their adventurous careers.

It seems that there is no doubt about the safety of the Extremis Bar. Soon after the old hedgehog left, Samario also took the ringed seal Clemente to the Extremis Hotel to rest.

So when Raymond finished his meditation, he didn't wait for the white slab to fall completely. First of all, he saw the Shariman who looked like a sandy mountain, and then the figure sitting on a high stool with his legs up. Slender woman.

The slender long hair that fell down just fell on his hips, and the silk pajamas that can outline their amazing curves clearly, although not transparent, the heat released by the woman with her back to him is somewhat amazing.

And the waiters standing around. But all of them did not squint, and no one dared to look directly at this woman, each of them maintained their stiff and courteous smiles like puppets.

The white stone slabs that had previously covered it. Slowly and silently submerged into the gap of the black floor, the original thickness decreased while suddenly compressed, as if the white slate had no entity at all, making Raymond who witnessed the whole process very much. Amazed.

Only after he came to the side of Shaliman, the single-pupil sandman, he discovered that Shaliman could only turn his eyes, as if he was imprisoned somewhere. It was simply because he couldn't move and speak, so he didn't react to him coming out of the inside.

The palm of his hand was pressed on Shariman's shoulder, and he felt a little annoyed by Raymond, who had been subjected to a veiled restraint. Because this kind of restriction is just at the level that Shariman, the only pupil, cannot break free, obviously he has an extremely accurate judgment on the person who shot it.

It's just that when Raymond was thinking about whether to break this restraint, a lazy and coquettish voice with a nasal sound rang in his ears. "Little guy. I heard that you have a lot of fine wine. Give me some bottles for my sister..."

I felt the rippling breeze in my ears, and the sound of such a close at hand made Raymond feel tight in his heart.

But when he turned around, he discovered that the woman sitting on the high stool did not make any movements at all. The goblet held by her right thumb and **** was being placed on her lips. The sip of the mouth seems to be tasting.

The beauty of the small side face, coupled with the lazy voice with a nasal sound before, made Raymond feel a little unstable in his mind.

The sinking of my heart instantly emptied my mind. Lei Meng, who had recovered his consciousness after a short while, couldn't help becoming more and more annoyed, but the woman who made a whisper turned her face away. Facing Leimeng's expression, Tankou seemed to be surprised, and Tankou smiled slightly. "Oh yes, I haven't seen it before, but my mind is so stable..."

Raymond, who moved in his heart, patted the imprisoned Shariman and walked over to the bar counter and waved his right hand on it. He took out dozens of bottles of fine wines of different colors and followed him. Then he asked. "How did Shariman provoke your presence? Need to be imprisoned here?"

"This Xiao Sha Ren didn't wink. He didn't want to make room when I came back, so I had to let him stay there..."

Hearing that Raymond had confirmed his previous guess here, he raised his hand and took a clean wine glass from the wine glass holder in the bar. After opening a bottle of wine, he smiled. "That means you can change the rules of the Extremis Bar at any time?"

It seemed a little strange to Raymond's attitude, the beautiful woman's eyes flashed inexplicably, and it was strange after thinking about it. "Yes, this is my place, naturally everything needs to follow my wishes!"

I thought that all the drunks I met after I came to this bar of despair, Leimen, who kept his smile on his face, filled himself with the wine and shook his head. "I thought the Lord of Deep Prison would be a majestic man, but I didn't expect it to be a seemingly delicate beauty like you..."

It's just that when Raymond just said this, the beautiful face facing him was suddenly distorted, followed by a male face full of beard and sharp corners instead of the previous face, and even his voice Become vigorous. "Majestic man? Is appearance important?"

The enchanting female body, but its face was a very individual male face, such a big contrast made Raymond feel completely speechless.

It seems that Leimen feels funny to the nausea, and the master of the deep prison who restored the original beautiful woman with a slight shake of his face, but he made a chuckle with that majestic voice. "It's just a skin bag, what kind of appearance do I want, but it's not what I want? Sister, do I need to pay attention to this deliberately..."

As he spoke, the slender tail finger lifted slightly, and Shariman, the single-eyed sandman in the corner of the bar, let out a muffled snort, and the sound of creaking in his body was like a knuckle in motion.

Raymond, who felt Shaliman's anger, shook his head at it quickly, beckoning it to stay calm.

The Lord of Deep Prison, who didn't turn his gaze at all, took the wine bottle that Raymond had opened before, and whispered while filling his own wine glass. "Xiaosha Ren, if you dare to move, I will throw you into the abyss tornado. The void creatures are going to be starving crazy during this period of time..."

Raymond, who felt that he was almost an idiot after arriving at the Extremis Bar, sighed and hurriedly asked for advice. "What are the void creatures? Can they cause harm to Shariman?"

"Dawn-level Xiaosha people are just, Void creatures like this kind of chewy food the most..."

Speaking of this, the Lord of Deep Prison, who would taste a sip of the wine, his expression became happy, and he whispered. "Oh, it turned out to be a century-old blue ice wine produced in the far north of the nightmare. My little one, your collection is really rich..."

Becoming more determined, Raymond, who met in the Extremis Bar, was full of monsters and drunks~www.ltnovel.com~ With a wry smile, he returned to the side of Shariman, the single-pupil sandman. After checking its condition, he asked about it. The reason.

Before three hourglass hours, the Lord of Deep Prison would rarely come to the bar. After coming in, he told the waiter to announce that it needed to be cleared. Shariman, the single-eyed sandman who was guarding the corner, was naturally reluctant to leave, and as a result, he did not see the woman. How, but just a glance at Shariman, and it has been imprisoned here until now.

He did not avoid the inquiries made by the Lord of the Abyss, which made the smile of the Lord of the Abyss, who was constantly opening those bottles, increase, but any waiter in the bar at this time imitated If you think of yourself as a statue, without squinting or moving, the atmosphere in the bar seems even more weird.

But when Ramon was thinking about whether to notify Samario to come over, the Lord of Deep Prison with his back facing him actually tasted all the wine that Ramon had placed on the bar before, and chuckled after putting down the wine glass. Up. "Little guy, if you want to follow the stone fish to the sea of ​​time and space, if you want to make tricks with the spatial ring alone, you can't be allowed!"

Lei Meng was surprised when he heard this, but the eyes of the Lord of the Deep Hell, who turned his face, lit up... (To be continued.)

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