
Chapter 1587: Lord of Deep Prison II

Samario and Clement, who were called by the waiter from the Desperate Hotel, came to the bar and saw the scene in the bar, and they all looked astonished.

The woman who was still sitting on the high stool in front of the bar, smiled and looked at the helpless Raymond in front of her.

On Raymond's left shoulder, Becky, the girl sitting on it, looked a little annoyed with a bitter face.

On the right side of Raymond, there are Shariman, the single-eyed sandman, and Adolf, the dejected priest of light with a palm print on his left face.

On the right side of the bar, there is an isolation barrier with a diameter of more than ten meters. Its inner center is a pangolin-shaped monster with pits and pits on its surface. Its body is surrounded by a body over ten meters. More than a hundred small beetles led by a centimeter-sized beetle.

Seeing the two who were called by the waiter, the Lord of the Deep Hell, who rolled up the loose long hair and tied it into a ponytail, jumped off the high stool and looked at Leimen with a smile. Tao. "One end of the biological transformation, one light energy aggregate, one sealed true spirit projection, and a small group of infamous demon worms. How much do you plan to pay for the ocean current flower to go to the sea of ​​time and space..."

Just before she finished speaking, Adolf, who was still downcast before, suddenly raised his head, clenched his fists and screamed in indignation. "Protest! Serious protest! I am an apprentice pastor of the Holy Church of Light, and you cannot use'one' as the attributive term of a quantitative title! Such behavior and wording will affect myself and the Holy Church of Light, and even It is a serious provocation for the Lord of Light! Protest! Protest..."

The sudden roar made the eyes of the upright and smiling woman shrink. After slowly turning to face Adolf, the cold light in her eyes made Adolf close her mouth, and she saw the corners of her mouth cocked and pulled out a more obvious arc of laughter. He actually smiled and asked. "Isn't it uncomfortable not to be beaten on the right cheek?"

The lazy and soft voice with a nasal tone seems to be able to provoke the most primitive instincts in the heart of a male. When even Adolf, who made his righteous protests, blushed transparently, and those in the bar were like goblins. The waiters also breathed heavily.

Before, Adolf was slapped by the Lord of Deep Prison because of his disrespect. At this time, Lemmon naturally couldn't allow him to move two steps to Adolf's side after being dealt with by the Lord of Deep Prison. His right hand slapped heavily on his shoulder, and after the vague imprisonment was released, Adolf stood there like a sculpture.

"Let this guy go. Otherwise, even if his face is swollen, he will not abandon his faith..."

Raymond's handling of the way caused a glimmer of light in the eyes of the Lord of the Prison, and then he laughed without image, and he looked a little uncontrollable.

The clear and soft laughter made the waiters in the bar more difficult to resist. Clamped his legs and bent down. All held their breath.

Semirio, who was standing by the screen with Clemente, the ringed seal, was squeezed in his heart, and quickly led Clemente to the past, standing far away and bowing to the Lord of the Deep. Regards. "Dear Lord of Deep Prison, Samario salutes you..."

Holding his belly with one hand and holding the slender waist with the other, the Lord of the Deep, who was laughing endlessly, turned his face in vain when Samario spoke, and there was a deep anger between his brows. After the salute, Samario did not dare to speak again.

As if extremely dissatisfied, the Lord of Deep Prison said lonely after glaring at Samario. "It's boring...you all go out..."

Those waiters who looked like goblins were forgiven. After bowing to salute, one by one quickly left against the wall, making everyone who was a little surprised to understand that the master of the deep prison was actually targeting the waiter in the bar.

Kaka Kaka was like the sound of the black stone gate being closed, and disappeared after a while, making the atmosphere in the bar stagnant.

Turning his head to the side seemed to be meditating, and after a while, the Lord of Deep Prison turned to Raymond to speak. "Little guy, if you want to bring so many helpers into the sea of ​​the sky at that time, are you going to find Thousand Birds or Moritz, or are you going to participate in the competition for ocean current flowers?"

"It is the first task to accompany Semirio to find the trail of Moritz, and second is to find the son of space, Azis..."

"You know Azis? Could it be that you have entered his realm of mirrors?"

"I entered it once in the Far North of the Plane of Nightmare. At that time, he claimed that he was most likely to be found in the sea of ​​time and space."

Hearing the lord of the deep prison frowned, he seemed to recall something, biting his lips and frowning. Fingers tapped lightly on the bar next to him. After a long time, he shook his head and said to Raymond. "No matter what your reason is, you must pay a full amount of ocean current flowers if you want to go to the sea of ​​time and space!"

When he heard this, Samario's face became more and more gloomy, and his anger seemed to accumulate rapidly.

When the Lord of Deep Prison pierced the ring that could contain creatures, Raymond had a hunch that he needed to face such a situation, so instead he spread his hands with a smile. "There are only seven ocean current flowers left. If this is not enough, I can only give up!"

Hearing the number, the eyes of the Lord of Deep Prison brightened, but when Raymond finished speaking, her face sank. "Little guy! Is this your threat?"

"No, no, no! This is not a threat, but the fact is that..."

Speaking of this, Lei Meng saw that the Lord of the Deep Hell's expression became more and more gloomy, Lei Meng quickly explained the reason for this, and pointed to the slaughter beast captured in the high tower. "At present, this guy is the only one I don't want to take to the sea of ​​time and space, but I have difficulties in handling, and there are reasons why I can't discard it..."

The lord of the deep hell, who turned his face, stared at the slayer war beast that curled up into a ball and gnawed out countless potholes on the body by the devil for a moment, the gloom in his expression was replaced by suspiciousness, and finally couldn't help it. Shouted low. "Little guy! Are you sincerely trying to make trouble! This is a special kind of fusion beast, how can it be impossible to decompose!"

"Fusion beast? This is a secret technique possessed by the Hamilton family in the land of the tower. It can integrate high-level wizards with Warcraft to achieve the effect of possessing the talent of Warcraft and occupying it..."

When Lei Meng just said this, the owner of the deep hell, whose expression became more and more weird, was full of irritation. As soon as his right hand was raised, the weak energy fluctuations were generated, and the slaughter beast that curled up in the isolation barrier suddenly suddenly appeared. Speed ​​up, and was suddenly pulled over from the isolation barrier!

Although it was taken out of the storage ring under the threat of the lord of the deep prison~www.ltnovel.com~, but the force field barrier that imprisoned it and isolated it from the outside world, Raymond knew it. Know its strength.

Seeing that the lord of the deep prison took it out of the barrier without any effort, he couldn't help being shocked.

The lord of the deep hell, who just took the slayer beast out of the isolation barrier, seemed to have a cleanliness and disgust. After the curled up slayer beast came to him, she separated her hands. Sora began to bounce, as if he was forcibly opening his body. After a short while, he broke it apart completely, so that the limbs and the slender tail were pulled out from between his chest and abdomen, and his body was flattened. !

The shocked Lei Meng was completely speechless, but after careful examination, the Lord of Deep Prison, who seemed to have doubts in his expression, was surprised in his pupils, biting his lower lip and thinking for a moment, then said flatly. "It turned out to be a fusion of twins! Trying to use the bodies of the ancient rhinoceros and the abyssal dragon to achieve the fusion of the incomplete twins, the Hamilton family seems to have mastered the method they should not have..."

The lord of the deep hell, who broke the situation of this slayer beast, swiped his right hand and caused the slayer beast to fall to the ground. His hands protruding in vain and suddenly grabbed the two bumps on his chest. With the tearing sound of the sour skin and flesh, Raymond's eyes couldn't help but widen... (To be continued.)

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