
Chapter 1588: Alien Double

The hard and flexible skin on the chest was torn with great ease, and the slender and slender fingers of the Lord of the Prison were like sharp scalpels. A light stroke along the outside of the chest bulge made it Everything hidden inside is exposed.

It's just that the blood that was expected didn't even burst out. There was no blood gushing out of the torn wound, and there was a layer of gray-white fascia-like substance between the rolled flesh.

It’s just that this thought came into Raymond’s mind. The purple-red blood oozing from under the gray-white fascia quickly spread, immersing everything that leaked into the blood. .

The faint rancid smell and the seemingly floral smell mixed together, and the whole bar was flooded with such a strange smell in a flash.

It's just that before the blood gushed out, everyone on the scene witnessed the situation inside the two drums, and each of them looked strange.

Within the torn bulge on the right chest of the Killer Beast, there was a beautiful face, fair complexion but with tight eyebrows, and the bitten lower lip showed that she was suffering tremendously before she fell into a coma.

And inside the bulge on the left chest of the Killer Beast, there was a childish face of Yixiyiyi. Although his eyes were closed, his expression was comfortable and cozy, obviously in an extremely relaxed state.

Facing the two faces that were quickly immersed in blood, the Lord of Deep Prison with his hand closed his expression, but there was a sense of relaxation, flicking his fingers as if he wanted to clean the blood stains that were not contaminated. He turned his head and murmured with some doubts. "Foreign body and double fusion? Is this also possible..."

Facing the war beast Samario, which was obviously made by a human wizard, there was surprise and confusion, while Clemente, the ringed seal beside him, clicked his mouth, as if he couldn't bear to wait and see. Go past the face.

The girl Becky who clearly understood how Raymond captured him at the time. At this moment, there was surprise in the eyes, because the last time the slaughter beast was manipulated was only the beautiful woman on its right chest, but the girl with a naive face on its left chest did not show up. .

And there was a shocked Lei Meng in his expression, but he asked after taking a deep breath. "What do you mean by the ‘fusion of the different bodies and the fusion" before?"

The Lord of Deep Prison, who raised his face and turned his gaze, looked a little confused. "You captured it, don't you know it?"

"I only know that what is hidden on the right chest is Veranika of the Hamilton family. She reached the dawn level a few years ago..."

Lei Meng, who walked closer while talking, knelt down and wanted to touch the face of the immature **** the left, but after thinking about it, he stopped and continued. "The **** the left is Veranika's younger sister, Alice. When I was a third-level wizard apprentice, I escaped because of her, and she is the one I always wanted to repay... "

Hearing this, the lord of the deep prison was stunned, Tankou lightly opened but finally closed, after thinking for a moment, the corner of his lips pulled out a strange smile. With a light leap, he sat on the bar. After taking a bottle of wine to fill himself, he asked in a very strange tone. "Little guy, did you say that the **** the left is the sister of the **** the right?"

"Well, I only found out after I returned to the high tower. Veranika's younger sister Alice has never been able to grow up mentally. It is said that she regards herself as an eight-year-old girl, so..."

It's just that before Lei Meng finished speaking, the Lord of Deep Prison actually laughed. "Hahaha... are you really sure that the one on the left is the sister on the right?"

I noticed that there was a strange tone in the voice of the Lord of Abyss. Raymond, who raised his face, couldn't help being annoyed. "Lord of Deep Prison! Just say what you want to say!"

Ignoring Raymond's attitude, the Lord of the Deep Hell continued to explain with a strange expression. "They were supposed to be one! It's just that they were too strong before they were born. So they couldn't be given birth normally, so they were divided into allomorphic twins during pregnancy. Don't you understand?"

"It should be one? Split... What is a different body double Shu?"

Lei Meng repeated this dazedly, making the Lord of Abyss Prison's smile freeze. She stared at Lei Meng's eyes for a moment and then patted her forehead and sighed. "So you really don't know what it means, my God..."

Realizing that there is a mystery in it, Leimen stood up and bowed to the lord of the deep prison. "Lord of Deep Prison, please forgive the disrespect you have been anxious before, and please be able to tell the real reason, thank you very much!"

The Lord of Deep Prison, who pulled out a smiling arc at the corner of his mouth, turned around, sipped the wine in the glass, and continued to pour himself while extending his voice. "Let's talk about it, what kind of entanglement you have with this girl from the Hamilton family, you can actually capture the most secret alien twins in their family..."

Frowning slightly, after thinking about it, he told the story of the incident that happened at the Hongze Wetland Wizarding Academy. At the end, he pointed to the little Alice Leimeng who was soaked in blood. "If it weren't for her purpose, I would probably be taken to the tower to be punished, so after returning to the surface, I also had the idea of ​​compensating little Alice..."

"Compensation? How do you want to compensate?" Hearing this, the Lord of Deep Prison who turned his face seemed to be suffocating a smile, and asked curiously. "According to what you said, her sister Veronica is the object you need to punish, and the little Alice is the object you need to thank. Don’t you worry that little Alice will disagree when Veronica is punished? ?"

Leimen froze, he was a little helpless. He had considered this issue before, but because of the relationship between their sisters, he had already anticipated it when he went to the tower. After asking, I had to tell the truth. "If Little Alice is unwilling, then I may reduce Veranika's punishment, but it must be necessary to make Veranika pay for her things in the past!"

"Sure? Are you sure?"

"Yes! Veranika's mistakes must be punished. This was decided when I was thrown into the plane of the fairies!"

The answer was very categorical, but it made the lord of the deep prison laugh again. After the wine glass in her hand was placed on the counter, she leaned down with her hands on her cheeks and smiled at Lei Meng . "Okay, they were originally alone, so I'm here to see how you deal with it! How to repay Little Alice for her rescue!"

When he heard that ‘a person’, Leimen couldn’t help but stunned ~ www.ltnovel.com~ and didn’t care about the ridicule in the Lord’s words, even if he said anxiously. "What are you talking about? Are they alone? How is this possible!"

"I told you before that she was too strong before she was born, so she could not be delivered smoothly. Therefore, the Hamilton family can only be born in this way!"

When speaking, there was an innocent Lord of Deep Prison in his expression, but his eyes were already narrowed into a line, obviously it was very hard to bear the smile.

From the beginning of the meeting, the Lord of Deep Prison seemed extremely weird because of his abilities. At this time, the explanation with a flirtatious flavor finally aroused Raymond’s anger, and when he thought of it, the phantom of his true body was revealed behind him. !

The huge pressure caused the air around him to be distorted and deformed. The uncontrollable anger made Raymond clenched his fists, and also shocked Samario, who was standing not far away. Appearing in front of him, he exclaimed in amazement. "Raymond! Don't..."

The Lord of Deep Prison sitting on the bar, seeing the smile in his eyes shrinking slightly, he raised his head and looked at the huge real figure, and he opened his mouth with great ease. "Little guy, do you want to know how to make this ‘alien double shu’ not just die in front of you..." (To be continued.)

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