
Chapter 1591: wake

The milky white mist that escaped from the barrier of the force field diffused and quickly spread, and the temperature within the talisman formation suddenly increased. This milky white mist mixed with the melted water vapor. , Which makes the entire ice cellar eventually become as hot as a sauna.

At this time, the huge slaughter beast had only a hard skin, and the other parts melted into a purple-red liquid, which was absorbed and filtered by little Alice like a siphon, and finally became The aerosol with a sour smell evaporates, and the entire ice cellar has some signs of melting.

The naked eye can no longer see everything that happened within the rune formation, but there is a red glow in the eyes of the Raymond, but after turning on the chip's spectrum analysis, I saw that the body temperature was still rising. Alice.

It is almost a perfect curve. With the increase in the frequency of its heartbeat, the purple-red liquid formed by the melting of the flesh of the killer and the beast penetrates into its body. After increasing the blood concentration in its body, it finally removes from its body surface. The exudation was lifted and blown away by the air current surrounding him, and turned into the kind of milky white mist with a sour smell.

Perceived that little Alice could no longer be touched at this time, but as time passed, her originally tight body became soft, and her chest also showed regular ups and downs, and the fingers that had dropped down from time to time produced Shaking, it seems that he might wake up at any time.

With his hands on his chest, the Lord of Deep Prison with a relaxed expression seemed to be able to know the changes within that rune. After little Alice's chest rises and falls and stabilizes, she yawns while covering her mouth, as if she is tired and speaks. "It seems that the problem is not big, sister, I will leave first..."

Leimeng turned his face, the red light in his eyes converged. Seeing that the Lord of Deep Prison had turned and walked towards the gate of the ice cellar, he bowed in salute. "Thank you for your shot!"

"You will have a headache for a while..." The Lord of the Deep Hell, who came to the door of the ice cellar casually dealt with, turned his face in vain after stepping out, and smiled strangely at Lei Meng. . "Little guy, remember that this is the Bar of Extremis. If there is any loss, it needs high compensation..."

The look of the lord of the deep **** that I saw through the milky white mist actually had a slight smirk of misfortune. Raymond who straightened up was a little puzzled. However, the door of the ice cellar has been closed from the outside, and with the muffled sound, the walls of the ice cellar in which I was in seemed to tremble, because the internal temperature was too high and the ice fragments scattered from the top of the head. It just fell down.

He didn't quite understand the meaning of the words the Lord of Deep Prison said when he left, and Raymond, who returned to the rune formation, began to wait.

A symbolic array with a diameter of more than ten meters. The purplish-red liquid formed by the ablation of the flesh of the killer and beasts inside it has basically faded to colorless and transparent at this time, as if it has become some kind of glue, and gradually accumulates on the peeled skin.

And the invisible air current generated around Little Alice's body at this time also weakened as if it had lost power. Under Raymond’s gaze, it quickly disappeared completely, causing the milky white mist in the talisman to gradually Because of the drop in the ambient temperature, the ice particles were frozen into very fine ice particles and scattered, causing the surface layer of the colloidal substance accumulated below to be quickly covered, causing it to be reflected by the magic lights on the walls of the ice cellar. Next, it looks gorgeous and bright.

Such a miraculous change attracted Raymond's attention. Only when he turned his gaze to Little Alice again, he saw that her eyes were already open, and she was looking at him with doubts.

Little Alice, who seemed to be waking up from a big dream and still in confusion, didn't notice her own situation. Seeing the man standing there wearing a black wizard robe was a bit familiar, she couldn't help but even ask. "You...who are you?"

Hou Xinna and the catheter still stood upright to support Little Alice's body, and because they hadn't awakened, Raymond naturally didn't care about her image.

But as little Alice spoke. She actually straightened up and stretched her body without evasiveness. The visual impact brought by the almost perfect naked body was particularly strong, making him unable to help but lower his sight.

Little Alice raised her arms and stretched her waist. Seeing that the man didn't answer, but turned her face aside, she was surprised that she was naked.

After a whisper of ah, little Alice, who lost her original balance in the panic, fell down, and the tube that originally supported her was brittle and broke instantly, making her fall to the glue below. There was a popping sound within the substance-like substance!

The extremely thick gelatinous substance swallowed little Alice, but when little Alice instinctively wanted to jump up, the gelatinous substance that wrapped her in vain began to gather towards her, and after it quickly solidified and contracted , It was like a part of her body, it was completely covered on her body surface in an instant, except for the face, it was like wearing a transparent tights.

Little Alice, who didn’t know what had happened, was stunned, but with the complete disappearance of these gelatinous substances, the rune array that had been laid by the Lord of the Deep Hell himself stopped running, and the force that separated the inside and the outside. The barrier quickly disappeared, making the cold in the ice cellar be noticed by little Alice.

Little Alice, who had never thought that the environment would be so cold, shuddered, and only noticed the changes in her body after she stood up, Dang Even exclaimed. "Oh my God! How could the body become like this! Why are there so many hairs... It's ugly..."

Standing in place, twisting and checking the changes in her body, the little Alice who kept exclaiming made Leimeng who turned her face very stunned. Only after the corner of her eyes did she realize that she was full of distress, she was actually a leg. Standing tall and pressing on his shoulders, he moved his face to check the private parts!

I thought that her mind was still in her childhood, so the changes in her body in vain made her so distressed. Lei Meng, who laughed secretly but turned his back, coughed twice and reminded her. "This is a secret technique called'alternative double fusion' owned by the Hamilton family. It can make you complete. The external changes of the body should be related to your age..."

Raymond’s opening reminded little Alice of the man she had seen before. Although there is still some confusion in her thoughts, her instinct to be shy when facing a stranger still made her scream, her body retreated and wanted to pull. Drive some distance.

However, the body that has completed the ‘fusion of the different bodies and the twins’ has not only changed its appearance, but its speed is also many times faster than Little Alice had imagined.

Therefore, she was just a step back~www.ltnovel.com~ but the blur of her figure was an instant afterimage. With the muffled sound, little Alice was in a collision situation and crashed into the ice cellar behind her. Among the walls.

But such abrupt actions by Little Alice also caused changes in the environmental energy and airflow, so Leimen turned around in astonishment for the first time.

Her left leg was hugged by her hands and pressed against her left shoulder blade, and she smashed into the ice wall in a single-legged independent posture. Her small face was pressed against the base of her thigh, her expression unabashedly surprised.

Without any precautions, she suffered such a violent impact. Little Alice was unable to react. She stared at Leimen who turned around, but after a while she spoke with uncertainty. "You, are you the little guy in the academy underground..."

Being called the'little guy' made Raymond a bit speechless, but the appearance of Little Alice is extremely indecent, so Raymond, who believed that she would not be harmed by such an impact, quickly turned his back. Go, sigh very depressed. "Yes! I am the Raymond of the Red Ze Wetland Wizard Academy who was let go by you..."

However, before he could finish his words, the huge aura that had been produced in vain after he got up, it bombarded like a raging wave... (To be continued.)

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