
Chapter 1592: Symbiosis One

The muffled sound of bang bang bang was mixed with coquettish but furious roars and Leimen's furious cry!

He was caught off guard by a sneak attack from behind, which made him feel a little confused after detecting the failure of the pressure field, and the inexplicable heavy blow on the back of the head made him lose his sense of balance for the first time. Had to use hand-to-hand tactics that were rarely used.

It was as if he was naked, but there was a layer of extremely slippery barrier on the surface of the graceful body. After being attacked by him from behind, it was difficult for Raymond to grasp his body. The very sudden conflict actually took quite a long time. In the time, Leimen relied on the weight of his body to press him under him!

With his knees and elbows and his own weight, it was almost suppressed by the little Alice wrapped in a layer of film, and only then did Raymond see clearly the furious pupils on the young face.

The face of Little Alice is still the same, but those eyes are full of indignation, rage, and bitter hatred.

Raymond, who didn't know what was happening, was a little stunned, so the elbows on his neck were somewhat relaxed. As a result, Little Alice, who had just recovered some mobility in her neck, bit his arm in one bite!

Let alone a woman's teeth, even if a low-level monster wants to bite through his skin, it is unrealistic.

Therefore, the little Alice who was biting on a stone, bright red bloodshots appeared between her lips and teeth, and began to flow from where she was bitten.

Raymond didn't feel the pain, but desperately wanted to bite the little Alice who was pressed by his elbow again. But it was slurred and began to curse, and before Raymond's somewhat confused thoughts turned to normal, two lines of clear tears gushed from his eyes, and they couldn't stop it.

The pressure field is invalid...

The power of imprisonment. invalid……

The body was soft to the extreme, and that layer of film tightly attached to her body surface also slipped to the extreme little Alice, so that Raymond who was pressing on it felt an increase in the heat in the body, and the heat rising from his lower abdomen also made him speak The tongue is dry and produces a normal response to being a male.

Little Alice, who was furious and resolutely unwilling to give up resisting, seemed to perceive the changes in Raymond's body. She still bit her arm but her whole face flushed. He closed his eyes and cursed. "Go away! I, Veranika, will never allow you such a dirty person to be defiled! If you dare to have any unreasonable thoughts. I will take little Alice to commit suicide!"

The shame and anger between the expressions were overwhelming, because there was no gap in the body that made Raymond feel strange, but such self-proclaim and tone made him immediately think of a possibility, and his heart sank and his right hand suddenly lifted. A hand knife slashed at her neck!


The impact brought by the rapid speed made the film that was still slippery before losing its effect. Raymond, who was sturdy and slashed, was stunned.

Because the edge of his palm seemed to be cut into indestructible metal, the force of the counter-shock made his right hand a little sore, and little Alice, who had closed her eyes before, cried out in pain, and she opened her eyes with surprise and astonishment. , And then struggled desperately.

The right hand that was cut on his neck grabbed his neck. The smooth touch made Raymond once again stunned, but before he could further suppress it, the door of the ice cellar was opened with a bang, a roar that contained drama and surprise. Voices. Appeared in the ice cellar!

"You are going to rebel! Do you want to work as a coolie in my sister my desperate bar for compensation..."

The body that was pressed under Raymond and tried to break free, became stiff in vain.

And Leimeng, who was only one arm away from that face, turned his face to see the face of the Lord of Deep Prison that was not a smile but a smile.

"Ahaha, it turned out to be a failure of fusion..."

As he spoke, the Lord of the Abyss appeared on the side of Raymond, squatting down and pressing the palm of his hand on Little Alice’s forehead. The slender index finger was brushed across her cheek, and finally fell on her lips. angle. There is actually an imperceptible enjoyment in the expression, and his eyes are blurred in admiration. "What a soft and perfect skin, it's unbelievable..."

After being touched by that finger, she seemed to be little Alice who could not move. There was fear and disgust in her eyes, and the skin of her neck covered by the film was actually trembling.

Just like the unconscious Lord of Deep Prison, that slender index finger actually continued to go down, resting on his neck for a while, and then pressing on his shoulder blades. It seemed that he would not be affected by the smooth effect of the film on his body surface. Influenced, after a few harder jabs, he put his finger into his mouth and sucked it, his eyes squinted and there was enjoyment. After thinking for a moment, he said softly. "Immune to most of the force field effects, the ancient rhinoceros and the abyssal dragon, which are far more powerful than the fusion, the effect is really good..."

Raymond, who was disgusted by the actions of the Lord of the Deep Prison, quickly got up, and little Alice, who had previously needed his own weight to be able to suppress, stared at the Lord of the Deep Prison still lying on the ground, seemingly shocked. Up.

The Lord of Deep Prison didn’t seem to notice either, his eyes wandered on little Alice’s almost perfect body, and after looking up and down for a long time, he uttered a futile voice, stood up and looked around, then lowered his face to face Raymond. Shouted. "I reminded you before I left, now you need to pay for the losses here!"

Unexpectedly, the Lord of the Deep Prison would be so ravenous, and he was taken aback.

But the little Alice lying on the ground keenly seized the opportunity and rushed to the open ice cellar door with a flash of light in vain.

The Lord of Deep Prison, who was staring at Lei Meng, scratched his backhand, and immediately caused the little Alice who was flying to hover in front of the ice cellar door and couldn't move before turning around and laughing. "Don't be too busy running, you still need to explain many things..."

After he said, he raised his hand and beckoned Leimen to follow the lord of the deep hell, and walked to the door. When passing by the side of little Alice, he used **** to hold little Alice's neck imaginarily, and took her with her. Went out.

When the shadow of the lord of the deep prison disappeared, Leimeng felt that the inside of the ice cellar had already changed.

The previous fight with the little Alice who attacked with rage caused the entire wall on the side of the ice cellar to collapse, exposing the dark rock behind.

There were also a lot of potholes on the surface, and the deepest place had even been pierced. There were strands of water vapor rising from those potholes, causing the temperature of the entire ice cellar to rise rapidly.

Reminiscent of what the Lord of Deep Prison said when he left before, suddenly Leimen understood the meaning, and his body flashed and rushed out.

However, after leaving the ice cellar, Raymond suddenly stopped his body shape, because the outside of the ice cellar was completely different from when he entered.

When I was led here by the Lord of the Deep Prison, there was only one channel outside the ice cellar to the Extremis Bar~www.ltnovel.com~ but now that channel has become exactly the same two. Know when the change occurred.

With a sinking face, Raymond frowned, checked the passage that turned to the right, and walked hundreds of meters before turning around a corner. Only then did he see the open door and the inside. The Lord of the Deep Hell.

He didn't know what the strange character of the Lord of the Prisoner was doing, and Leimen, who came to his side after slowly entering, saw the little Alice who was pressed by the Lord of the Prisoner on a chair.

Little Alice, who has a naive face and a dazed expression, seems to be struggling with great anger, but all the joints of her body have a shackle-like object that allows her to move apart from her neck. It was as if imprisoned, unable to move.

Seeing the little Alice coming by Raymond, even when she turned her face away, her small mouth slumped and a deep grievance appeared.

Raymond was full of anger, but he seemed to be looking at Little Alice's Lord of the Deep, but he sighed. "Little guy, I really don't know if it's your luck or the Hamilton family's bad luck. Because of the interference of the previous imprisonment, this ‘alien-body fusion’ turned into a symbiotic effect..." (To be continued.)

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