
Chapter 1600: The first three of chaos

Is this still the land of high towers?

This is the original place with green mountains and green waters, warm breeze, and high towers with the fragrance of birds and flowers?

Where are the towers of the sky?

What about those magnificent buildings?

What about those flying beasts cruising in the sky?

What about the kind but arrogant wizards in neat uniforms?


It's all gone!


After being burned, it turned into grayish-white rocks, the weird color formed after the collapsed building was burned, and the huge pit that was forcibly dug out, leaving the world at a glance with only gray and black...

Ben also imagined that after returning to see some familiar scenes of Little Alice, her body was shaking and shaking, but as the color of her pupils changed, when the pair of yellowish pupils belonging to Veranika appeared At that time, Simba, the abyssal dragon, who was sensitive, also let out a low roar, indicating that the hunters could continue the storm.

On the front line tens of kilometers wide, when the individuals with bright red stripes on the surface of the spider beasts are singled out and killed, the covering blow is like a giant sickle of death, bringing the spiders one after another. No matter what the strength of the defense line is, it will be torn and ripped apart for too long. It will have to follow the attacking rhythm of the hunters and put more spiders into it. Can reduce the speed of the hunters' advancement slightly.

Only when night fell, the tens of thousands of spider beasts staying behind in the high tower were already on the verge of collapse.

More than thirty thousand spiders. Being left forever in the vast desert section of the Northwest Mountain Range leading to the Plaza of Wishing became the harvest of the hunters.

Although a huge number can dominate the situation, when the hunters who can form a crush in general strength are ready to initiate a charge, the guards under the eight-eyed demon spider Clonin already carry resources that can be transported away. Entered the interplanetary transmission channel above the square of prayer.

Even the eight-eyed magic spider Clonin himself. He has never released his true body, standing at the top of the remaining giant stone pillar of the tower of the Corona, watching the changes in the battle situation, obviously he has no desire or plan to participate in the battle himself.

More than 6,000 hunters from the Abyssal Tornado, after launching several hourglass attacks in succession, although the spider beasts’ defenses were torn and torn, the number of war-damaged was quite the same. Little.

Because the spider beasts did not send high-ranking to participate in the war, they have always used middle and low-rank spider beasts as a buffer layer. Make its elite troops assist behind the line of defense. As long as the defense line shows signs of collapse, these elite spider beasts will immediately withdraw, and they will not give the hunters a chance to face it.

The hunters who rushed to the land of the tower were quite satisfied with this kind of battle.

The gain is high enough, and the risk is quite small.

Therefore, for the evacuation behavior of the spider beasts on the prayer square, there is no desire to encircle or attack.

Just standing on top of the skull of the abyssal dragon Simba, all her eyes turned into yellowish Veranika. But it is extremely indignant for such an offensive method.

It's just that Simba, the abyssal dragon with an isolation barrier, did not allow Veranika to leave its caregiver. After noticing that her emotions had become agitated and angry, she explained patiently. "The Lord's order is to expel the invading spider beasts. If they want to intercept and annihilate them all, then the price that the hunters need to pay is too high, not in line with the Lord's intention..."

"Master? Is it possible that Latis let these invaders of the nightmare plane return with blood-stained loot?"

The strong resentment in Veranika’s tone made the abyss dragon Simba very speechless. Instead of caring about his tone, he raised his right front paw and pointed at the eight-eyed spider Clonin who was still standing on top of the giant stone pillar. Say. "If you see it, that is the highest commander of the invading spider beasts. It also knows that the current situation is unfavorable, but the elite spider beasts it controls are busy leaving. Do you think it is possible to keep it? Is it here?"

"More than six thousand hunters above the dawn level, even if they are pushed flatly, they can be destroyed..."

Speaking of choking, Veranika also knows that she is allowed to come here, but it is the lord of the deep prison, Latis, to show that her promise will be fulfilled, so don't say it is participating in the management of these hunters. . Even now she herself exists here only as a spectator.

After night fell, the battle between the two sides also fell into a see-saw, but because the guards controlled by the eight-eyed demon spider Clonin were still quickly withdrawing, the psychological defense of the spider beasts also became unstable. sign.

The previous stubborn resistance was naturally due to the order from above and my worries that it might be completely wiped out.

Therefore, when the defeat of the battle was irreversibly understood by most spider beasts, its overall line of defense also took the initiative to slowly retreat.

Seeing that the hunters were only ten kilometers away from the prayer square, the eight-eyed demon spider Clonin, who had been standing on top of the giant stone pillar, turned around and came to the interplanetary transmission channel. There was a low roar that seemed to be a whimper, and he entered the transmission channel directly.

The supreme commander who invaded the wizard plane suddenly withdrew, causing the spider beasts who had been gradually retreating into chaos.

The elite spider beasts behind the defensive line turned around and fled, and the rout was out of control.

It’s just that although the large number of spider beasts are flustered, the leaders in their team have a sober understanding. They even shout and shout to restrain the spider beasts that can be restrained, and when they retreat, they also release their subordinates at any cost. With various attacks, the hunters who wanted to launch the pursuit quickly had to avoid their sharp edges.

At this time, the overall situation has been set, and the spider beasts who are retreating crazily will soon appear to be trampled. The hunters following behind only need to concentrate some strength to push them, and they can cause more serious chaos.

And Simba, the abyssal dragon, who had been behind the hunters, saw that the transmission channel on his side had begun to converge and was about to close, so he began to slowly advance.

But before it approached the end of the hunter's ranks, the anomaly that appeared in the sky above the prayer square caused it to stop immediately.

The interplanetary transmission channel expanded by the spider beasts originally had a height of 100 meters. Although the spider beasts who withdrew into the prayer square were madly drilling into the passage and leaving, they were on the sky above it. It was in vain that the space was distorted, and a gap in the space that seemed to be forcibly torn apart was exposed!

The sudden change in space caused the energy disorder around, but the giant palms that protruded from the gap in the space, after protruding from the void, grabbed the edge of the gap in the space and violently outwards. Tear.

In just a few breaths, the gap in the space was torn apart by a width of tens of meters, but the owner of the giant palm did not show up, but the huge head thrown out of the gap in the space was a cause. The spider beasts who sensed the abnormality above the sky let out a horrified exclaim.

The huge head that was thrown down from the air ~www.ltnovel.com~ rolled down and fell rapidly, with unbelievable expressions, and the eight huge compound eyes were full of horror.

Standing on the top of the abyssal dragon Simba’s skull, Veranika, although unable to break through the barrier set by it, saw that face clearly when the huge head fell, just because it was really impossible. Confidence, could not help but doubt it at a loss. "So, is that the highest commander of the spider beasts before?"

Hovering in the abyss ten kilometers away from the prayer square, Simba, the demon dragon Simba, also looked astonished and surprised at this time, because it was the eight eyes who stood on the top of the giant stone pillar before being thrown out of the space. Magic spider.

Who killed it?

What kind of existence will be rushed out from within the gap of space?

Many doubts arose in my heart, but even if he hadn’t noticed that the danger was coming, the abyss dragon Simba still uttered a whistle and ordered the hunters to retreat, and it did not hesitate to head northwest. The direction began to evacuate.

But after the hunters began to retreat, a face with vertical pupils appeared in the gap in the space that was torn apart... (To be continued.)

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