
Chapter 1601: Pass through

The mutation that occurred in the tower of the Wizarding Plane, Raymond only knew about it on the fifth day after entering the sea of ​​time and space.

Because the area reached from the depths of the abyss tornado through the door of space is actually a relic like an abandoned "intestine of the world".

The narrow passage that only allows two people to walk side by side is cramped and extremely gloomy, and perception cannot penetrate into the stone wall, and this passage itself also has a strong suppression effect on perception, so that everyone can only see the front and back. The situation within ten meters.

Although most of the prohibitions have already failed, the ubiquitous pressure and resistance make it impossible for everyone to increase their speed.

It is also unclear what kind of material this abandoned "Intestine of the World" is made of. Not only is its material extremely strong, it also has a strong self-repairing ability.

No matter what kind of attack, it can only cause a small amount of damage to its surface, causing the black matter inside to leak out for a moment, and then it will return to its original appearance in an instant.

But fortunately, there is no divergence in this passage, and there is no excessive danger. It is just that its own restraint power will suppress the strength below the dawn level.

As an energy body, the girl Becky can't withstand the pressure in the environment, and although Shaliman, the single-pupil sandman, can support it in a short time, it requires considerable strength.

Only the devout believer of the Holy Light, Adolf, who has the speed to surpass Raymond and others in this environment, has become the pathfinder in the forefront.

It's just that the deeper you go, the greater the resistance in the channel.

But with the end of the first day of the trip, Semirio relaxed. The area that can be reached from the portal of the abyss tornado, this abandoned "intestine of the world" actually belongs to the safest of them. One kind, if it is teleported to an area called "Dream Garden". It is likely to take a lot of time, and the degree of danger will be increased several times.

And as the pressure in the channel gradually increased, everyone's emotions became depressed. Realizing that the atmosphere had become serious, Raymond asked about the situation of the "Intestine of the World".

"It is said that this'gut of the world' is a special channel to many planes. However, because the risks and benefits contained in it are disproportionate at all, so nowadays, in addition to some proven stable and effective Apart from being used, any new "World Gut" will not cause any turmoil after being discovered..."

While speaking, he pointed to the stone gates on both sides of the passage that seemed to be inlaid on the stone wall, and Samario continued. "Some of these stone gates are almost independent spaces, and can even allow you to directly enter other planes, but some are extremely strange traps. Even members of the plane guardian clan will not try to explore them. the truth……"

Raymond following the advance of Samario. He felt the same way about what he said.

When he was trapped in the gap of the nameless plane before, he had seen such a ‘gut of the world’, and the situation within the stone gate at this time, when he thought of it, it was more consistent with what Semirio said.

Both were moving forward, so Raymond also explained the situation of the passage he entered that year.

Especially the eyes of the weird creature with red eye pupils in the memory still make him feel a little bit cold inside.

After listening to Raymond's narration, Samario laughed. "The intestine of the world you entered is obviously still capable of functioning. Generally speaking, those imprisoned after Shimen are extremely powerful existences. It is even said that some existences close to the ancestors may be imprisoned. In such an environment, it will decay and completely die!"

"Rotten to death?"

"Yes, if you are imprisoned in an environment where there is no free energy and cannot escape, unless it is strong enough to destroy the intestines of the world. Otherwise, sooner or later, you will be consumed inside..."

Semirio's explanation made Raymond completely dispel the idea of ​​exploring it. Back then, after the stone gates on both sides of the weird passage, he saw a lot of dead bones and the remains of decaying creatures.

Although this is a section of the abandoned "Intestine of the World" leading to the Sea of ​​Sky at that time, if you really encounter risks when you break into it, it is really asking for trouble.

Sure enough, when halfway through the next day's itinerary, this seemed to be abandoned in the passage of the "Intestine of the World". A small number of dry bones began to appear one after another, and behind the stone gates on both sides of the passage that looked like decorations . It actually made some strange noises occasionally, and Adolf who was exploring the road ahead was very shocked.

It is like a stone gate carved on the stone walls on both sides of the passage. It seems that it cannot be opened and it is like some decorations, but as long as there are moving objects passing by its door. After these stone gates, there will be low or sharp sounds, some like howling, and some like sobbing or sobbing.

The almost completely enclosed environment makes people feel depressed and nervous, and the production of these sounds and the generation of rules made Adolf who was exploring the way in front of him become a little nervous.

The body formed entirely by pure light energy will shift to the left or right as it moves forward, so that Raymond and others, who were following ten meters away, only noticed his impropriety soon afterwards. .

Raymond, who stopped Adolf from advancing, discovered after carefully examining Adolf’s condition that there were many strange auras in his body that were extremely difficult to detect. Although there was no movement in his body, it was a loss of Adolf. The balance was improved, and his thinking also produced a certain degree of confusion.

"It is probably because he was cursed by those detained after Shimen, which caused him to have such symptoms. It is better for you to hide him..."

Because it is not clear how long it will take for the ‘gut of the world’ to reach the end, Samario also made suggestions after understanding the situation.

It's just that Adolf insisted on continuing, and Raymond, who accompanied him to start exploring the way in front, was able to find out the cause because he maintained the same pace as Adolf.

It turns out that the individual who explores the path in the forefront will not only induce the airflow in the front passage, but will also be disturbed by an invisible force at the moment of crossing those stone gates. Over time, this invisible force with an indefinite effect will be affected. The accumulation of Adolf's body even caused some weird changes.

However, the interference and influence that this invisible force can cause is only effective for those who do not have the force field protection above the dawn level. Therefore, only Adolf will be affected during this journey, while Raymond and others have I didn't notice it.

After Adolf returned to the storage ring, Raymond and others began to move forward in silence.

After the stone gates on both sides of the passage, everyone was a little curious about what kind of creatures were being held. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

It's just that the more you advance, the dead bones and various rotten and broken artifacts scattered in the passage make everyone maintain a high degree of vigilance.

Resisting the extremely strong resistance in the passage, the team marched on foot, and finally came to the end of this abandoned "Intestine of the World" in the evening of the third day.

Raymond, who had just turned a corner, suddenly became bright in front of him. The narrow and cramped passage before was cut off in vain by extremely sharp objects, at the end of only ten meters from the corner. Outside the passage, which was concealed by a layer of tulle, was the sea of ​​the sky.

It seemed to be somewhere in the air, standing inside the gauze barrier, Raymond could see the vast ocean outside.

The golden ocean is turbulent, and there are some larger seabirds flying above it.

Samario, who followed quickly, laughed when he saw that Raymond seemed to be in the process of positioning. "Outside is the sea of ​​time and space, but after we leave the'Intestine of the World', this exit will completely disappear. No one can figure out where it will appear next time. Don't waste your energy..." (to be continued) )

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