
Chapter 1603: doubt

Even with suspicion, Raymond, who was in the sea of ​​time and space, could neither contact anyone on the wizarding plane nor send the message out, so he had to put it aside for now.

It's just that the Sith's invasion of the wizarding plane, in his opinion, the consequences will be more serious than the invasion of the nightmare plane spiders.

The powerful beings that are not restricted by the power of the plane will be extremely powerful for the destruction of the plane, and based on the various characteristics of the Sith that have been seen in the nightmare world, they are likely to be on the wizarding plane. It grows quickly and is extremely difficult to expel.

As long as he thought of the Sith eggs in the cone-shaped buildings that were breached on the plane of nightmare, he felt that the scene of plane collapse might appear on the plane of wizarding.

And based on his previous experience of fighting with the Sith, it is obvious that they have not been suppressed by the power of the plane, so when the area that was swept by the arachnid of the invaders of the nightmare plane was being swept by the west again After being occupied by the Si clan, it is quite difficult to expel them.

Therefore, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong. After Semirio had completed the pre-judgment of Moritz's position on the road, he found an opportunity to ask Semirio about the power of the plane.

"Why do the spider beasts on the nightmare plane gradually suffer more and more suppression by the plane after they invade?"

The ocean surface of the sea of ​​time and space is quite calm, so Samario, who uses some kind of flying machine as a means of transportation, seems quite leisurely at this time, but when Raymond raised this question, he quickly responded Come here. "Could it be that the Sith you came into contact with on the plane of nightmare before can not be suppressed by the power of the plane?"

"The individual strength of the Sith tribe is quite powerful. Individuals at the dawn level are only in the middle and low tiers of their group, while those above the dawn level will use extreme self-detonation when facing the seal or may be captured. Resist, they will not retreat due to failure!"

When he heard this, Samario was very moved, thinking for a moment and his expression was confused. Somewhat uncertainly. "The power of the plane is a powerful restriction for those who do not have the aura of the plane, especially those who may cause serious damage to the stability of the plane. With the extension of their stay on the different plane, they suffer from the repulsion of the plane. Influence, Moritz seems to have mentioned it before..."

After talking about this, Samario fell into contemplation again, and after a long time his expression became more and more confused. "If these invading Sith tribes can withstand the nightmare plane for so long, it is obvious that they have the ability to be undetected by the power of the plane, and it is reasonable to say that there are not many individuals with this ability. what……"

Raymond, who had been thinking about the reason for this, after thinking about it, decided to tell what he knew. "When I was in the far north of the Plane of Nightmare, I once dissected dozens of Sith individuals whose strength reached the dawn level or higher. The structure in their bodies was similar to that of the three-eyed tribe. But because of the core of their eyes. The energy is extremely violent, so it is difficult to be used to extract..."

Speaking of this, Raymond looked up in his storage ring, took out the only remaining artefact that was refined with the eye core of the Sith, and handed it to Semimario. "This is a one-time surgical tool refined by the Sith eye core. After being released, it can cause great harm to the Sith!"

Samario, who took the surgical instrument over, was surprised after careful inspection. "How did you do such a complex pattern of symbols in such a small eye core?"

Leimen who smiled did not explain, but continued to ask after he retrieved the surgical tool. "What kind of creature will not be suppressed by the power of the plane, and can even make it impossible to detect the power of the plane?"

"Moritz mentioned it before. Only those creatures who don't possess a soul will not be noticed by the power of the plane, but individuals who don't possess a soul generally refer to those puppets that have been refined. So. According to what you said about the reproduction method of the Sith, there are many doubts in their ethnic group!"

The first time he heard such a statement, Raymond was a little puzzled. "Don't have a soul?"

"Yes, only those powerful puppets will not be noticed and noticed by the power of the plane. It's just that if the puppets that can be refined can reach the strength of the dawn level or above, then the strength of the refiner can be somewhat It's too amazing!"

"This is, if you want to refine a puppet with a strength above the dawn level, then its creator must surpass the puppet itself in two levels to be possible, but the Sith tribe's method of reproduction is oviparous. There is no reason to say that they belong to The refined puppet..."

When Raymond talked about this, he was shocked in vain for the problems contained in it!

Within the cone-shaped buildings of the Sith that he had broken. Although the descendants of the Sith tribe have powerful strength from the beginning of their birth, they are definitely not puppets.

Because puppets are absolutely unable to reproduce offspring. What's more, the huge crystals in the cone-shaped buildings only serve to increase the growth rate of the Sith larvae, and at that time he did not find any Sith individual to have a gender.

Is it a single or self-reproduction?

But where did those Sith eggs come from?

The extremely large number of Sith eggs were transported by some particularly powerful individuals of the Sith tribe. At that time, the Sith transport team that was attacked on the northern frontier of the nightmare plane, its leader had the dawn Grade-level strength, if it were not for the support of the dark elf Freya at the time, that action would be quite troublesome.

Through the strong radiation of the huge crystals in the cone-shaped buildings of the Sith tribe, the eggs of the Sith tribe will hatch quickly and the individual within them will be born. Even though their appearance and strength are greatly different, each Sith tribe Individuals have no reproduction organs in their bodies.

Thinking of Raymond here, he was a little confused. "Could it be that the Sith is similar to the Zerg? There are female worms in its group?"

"It's possible! But if they belong to the Zerg race, the individual hatched from every egg born by its mother worm should also have a soul!"

Samario's somewhat surprised answer made Raymond fall into contemplation.

Only creatures with souls can have other possibilities after they die.

The simplest example is that after the death of a human wizard, as long as his spirit is not extinguished, he may become ghost-like creatures. Even the skeletons living on the plane of bone are because of It possesses spiritual power so that they can continue to survive by relying on the skeleton.

The skeleton horse named ‘House’ in the Hongze Wetland Wizarding Academy before, obviously belongs to this life form transformation.

Even if Raymond didn’t know what kind of creature the skeleton Mahaus was in his lifetime, he could speak, communicate and communicate with human beings after possessing the skeleton. Obviously the spirit within that skeleton Strength plays a decisive role and effect.

But Raymond had been fighting with the Sith many times before~www.ltnovel.com~ even if he killed him, he didn't notice that he had a soul escape!

So, if the Sith is really a group without a soul, how did they make their descendants multiply?

The more I think about it, the more weird it becomes. Any kind of creature needs to go through a long time of cultivation in order to reach the strength of the dawn level. Not only does it require a lot of resources, but also coincidence and luck, and even those with Creatures with extremely strong bloodline inheritance also need to undergo a lot of hardships if they want to be promoted to the realm of dawn level.

But the Sith tribe does not need such a long accumulation of years, but can have such strength after birth!

So, does it mean that the Sith can violate the rules of strength improvement, allowing them to obtain powerful power at the cost of not having a soul?

Thinking of Raymond here, he sighed after thinking for a long time.

Because of these many doubts, he must wait for him to return to the wizarding plane before further research... (to be continued)

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