
Chapter 1604: Jellyfish

Leimen, who had put many doubts about the Sith people aside, finally relaxed, and had the mood to watch the beauty of the sea of ​​time and space and study the magical species here.

The golden ocean that you entered at the beginning may be just a huge sea area in the sea of ​​time and space. Therefore, as the team continued to advance, the appearance of the coastline did not surprise everyone, and it also made the single-shot sandman Shali Man can come out and breathe.

Only shortly after the team crossed the coastline, the aircraft had to be put away.

Therefore, a large group of jellyfish blocked the way, blocking the way for everyone.

Only the size of a palm, the body is almost transparent and colorless, as if the air is regarded as the basic environment for its survival. It stretches back and forth and seems to have a thickness of tens of thousands of meters, and it seems to be slowing along the coastline towards the ocean. The movement, but the speed of the jellyfish group is slow to the point of speechless.

Attempt to capture, these small jellyfish do not seem to have particularly high strength, but they do have the characteristics of moving in the air, and their wide range makes everyone afraid to break in. .

And it’s not clear what the reason is. This kind of small and seemingly cute jellyfish, after Samario put away the flying device, made everyone hear the sound of slap like ocean tide. And just like the previous capture behavior of Samario, these jellyfish were very angry, and they quickly gathered from all directions.

People who hovered not far away from these small jellyfish were a little surprised.

But in Raymond's feelings, these jellyfishes were kind of kind, and the rushing sound that filled the heavens and the earth also seemed to be an expression of the kindness of these jellyfish.

Therefore, Samario's attempt to attack was stopped, and he slowly moved closer to the past alone. But after a while, I saw the jellyfish group in front of him in vain indignation to both sides, so that the leader hidden in the jellyfish group was seen by Raymond.

A golden yellow giant jellyfish with thousands of tentacles is surrounded by a group of slightly larger jellyfish. Slowly came towards Leimeng from the group of jellyfish.

The rushing sound that echoed in the ears was like a sea tide, and now it became clearer and more rhythmic. The giant jellyfish, which was more than ten meters high, finally stopped at a distance of fifty meters away from Raymond.

The slender tentacles, like silk threads, slowly stretched outwards and swayed, and weak mental energy fluctuations followed, making Raymond feel the kindness he wanted to express, and even the similarities contained in it. Yu Muru-like emotions!

A jellyfish living in the air, Raymond firmly believes that this is the first time he has met.

But why he couldn't raise any guard in his heart when facing him, this made Raymond very puzzled.

But just when he was thinking about the reason. The pale golden tentacles that the giant jellyfish stretched out triggered the reaction of its left arm when it approached him!

An extremely weird emotion was actually generated from the left arm, and as the giant jellyfish approached slowly, a desire to approach was produced in vain in Raymond's heart.

Lei Meng, who had been cold for a while, suddenly woke up, his left arm decomposed into a tentacles as soon as his mind moved, and he was allowed to reveal it without control.

The change in vain caused the golden tentacles that the giant jellyfish explored to shrank back suddenly, but then slowly stretched it out, hovering at a distance of ten meters away from Raymond, and gently swinging up and down.

Feeling the kindness conveyed from the direction of the giant jellyfish, Raymond guessed that this should be a way of expressing his feelings.

The girl Becky sitting on Raymond's left shoulder. Seems to feel this emotion too, can't help wondering. "Huh? Could it be said that this giant jellyfish treats you as a kind of incompetent?"

"This left arm is fused with the residual limbs of the Star Demon Ogis, so it will naturally have the aura of some Star Demon Ogis. It is estimated that these jellyfish have a certain relationship with the Star Demon Ogis. It showed kindness..."

Leimen was very emotional, and found that the wrist contact that was broken down by his left arm was actually in a weird posture at this time, with its top condescending and lightly tapping, as if he was accepting the giant jellyfish's wrist contact. Generally, extremely interesting.

The young girl Becky, who was also amused by this scene, gave out a cheerful laugh, but her laughter seemed to disturb the entire group of jellyfish, producing a little noisy ocean tide from the area where it was parked.

Uncountable small jellyfish. The Simmario and others behind Raymond were a little nervous, but they moved faster with the many tentacles under the giant jellyfish. The sound of this tide disappeared.

Raymond released his mental power to communicate with the giant jellyfish, but the giant jellyfish seemed to be frightened. The body suddenly tightened and became tense, as if he was terrified and panicked at the touch of Raymond's mental power.

Guessing that the giant jellyfish appeared because of his left arm, Raymond slowly began to move forward after thinking about it.

The bowl-shaped gap formed by many small jellyfish continued to move outward as Raymond moved forward, while the giant golden yellow jellyfish initially seemed to hesitate back, but quickly avoided Raymond’s march The direction of him was like giving him a passage, causing many small jellyfish to form a passage with a diameter of more than ten meters in front of him.

The appearance of such a scene also relieved the people who followed Samario and others.

Although the abilities of these jellyfish are not clear, the ability of such a large number of jellyfish to gather in an environment like the sea of ​​time and space clearly possesses certain characteristics that are particularly feared by other creatures.

After Samario and others followed Raymond into the passage formed by the small jellyfish, Raymond also approached the golden giant jellyfish. At this time, it actually fell a lot, its height It was located just below Raymond's left arm, and most of the tentacles were taken into his body. Only the pale golden tentacles that had been protruding before were still swaying and shaking slowly in front of him.

The inability to communicate made Raymond feel helpless. After thinking about it, he took out some resources containing water system energy from the storage ring. After lightly waving his right hand so that it was wrapped in an energy film, he threw it to the golden giant jellyfish.

The slender pale gold wrists resembling silk threads, after catching the fist-sized resource, his entire body shook rhythmically, and an extremely strong emotion of joy was immediately felt by Raymond.

Such changes as the golden giant jellyfish made Leimen understand that it possesses middle-to-higher-level wisdom, but it is a pity that he cannot communicate and communicate.

Only shortly after he moved on, the giant golden jellyfish that seemed to be stunned came up from behind again. When the pale golden tentacles appeared on his left side, it was in a bowl-shaped tentacles. The pile of liquid that he was holding was stunned~www.ltnovel.com~The light gold color, sticky and waxy, but there is a slight smell of flowing light inside, which permeates the space. It is also intoxicating like a vintage wine.

With a move in his mind, Raymond, who took it over by the wrist of his left arm, said after wrapping it with an energy film. "This, this is the liquid of Jinhu?"

Samario, who followed Raymond's side, exclaimed when he heard the sound. "If it is really the liquid of golden amber, that would be terrible..."

The golden giant jellyfish chasing from behind did not pay attention to the dialogue between Raymond and Samario. After seeing that the pale golden liquid at the top of its wrist was taken away, it slowly retreated into its group. Re-visible.

Only the straight passage formed by the small jellyfish still maintained its shape until Lei Meng and others had all left.

And with the departure of Lei Meng and others, the jellyfish group suspended above the grassland began to move toward the ocean, and its speed was increased several times than before, but faced with such a huge group of people. , But also has a preliminary impression of the vastness of the sea of ​​time and space... (to be continued)

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