
Chapter 1606: go ahead


Moritz, the guardian looking for the wizarding plane, may need to break into the territory of the Thousand Birds.

Thousand-headed birds guarding the ocean current flowers are said to not only possess immortality, but also infinitely close to their ancestors. So when Samario invited Clemente to participate, he gave clear notice of these situations. .

"Raymond, the purpose of your coming here is to find the realm of the mirror, so naturally the old man does not need to say more about the thousand-headed bird, but the old seal knows the risks clearly, so he is like this. Nervous and cautious..."

The explanation given by Semirio cannot be said to be concealed.

Because when the agreement was reached, Raymond said that he would not necessarily participate in the action against the Thousand-Headed Bird, so it is understandable that Semirio did not explain.

"The existence close to the ancestor shouldn't be something you can contend with?"

Raymond's question caused Samario to sigh with a wry smile. "Why doesn't the old man know this? Entering the sea of ​​time and space is hoping that he won't conflict with the Thousand-headed bird in the process of searching for Moretz..."

Since Semimario thought so, Raymond did not continue to ask questions.

The ringed seal Clemente only spent a day before he came out of his camp and returned some of the remaining golden amber liquid, saying that he could only absorb so much, and the rest remained with him It makes no sense in your hands.

Without being able to collect more data through Clement's use of Golden Amber Liquid, Raymond, who was a little disappointed, wanted to return the items that Clement gave back. But the taciturn old seal shook his head with a smile, and finally said that if the resources that can extend his life can be successfully collected, these items will be meaningful to him. Otherwise it would be a waste to stay with him.

Clement, who is frank and persistent, with such an attitude makes Raymond more and more admired.

And when the team was back on the road, the inland of the sea of ​​time and space also showed its shape and appearance.

The vast desert world illuminated by the pale golden light is quiet and serene.

It's just that as the team continues to advance, some creatures belonging to the sea of ​​time and space can finally be seen.

The slender terrestrial beasts resemble gazelles, large in number and extremely agile, and any disturbance will cause them to run wildly. Obviously, you rarely encounter other creatures in your life here.

Many lakes that you see after entering the wetland are inhabited by extremely large water system creatures, even hideous and terrifying individuals. Its personality also seems to be quite docile, even if the team camps by the lake, it will not make him react.

The silicon-based creatures bred by the sea of ​​time and space made Shariman the Sandman with a single pupil very happy. Because it can simply communicate with these creatures. Learned the information that Raymond and others could not understand.

It's just that the creatures resembling huge rocks are mostly in a long-term deep sleep. The huge and heavy body makes them unable to move. They can only provide some surrounding landforms and tell the situation of the creatures living around them.

The huge mountains are the bodies of these silicon-based creatures, and the fluctuations in their mental power can only be felt by the Sandman Shariman. In addition, the communication between the two parties was also quite time-consuming, leaving Leimen and others speechless.

It's just these life forms that were bred in the sea of ​​time and space. Most of them showed their peaceful and good side, and rarely were offensive, which made Semirio, who had collected time and space data before, very annoyed.

Because the information he collected showed that there are many risks in the sea of ​​time and space, especially the native creatures bred by the sea of ​​time and space, the most dangerous!

During the ten-odd-day journey, although many of the various creatures discovered were quite afraid and alert to outsiders, even if everyone twisted their breath, they did not feel the hostile prying, nor did they encounter any Risk, this made Samario, who solemnly reminded the other members after far away from the coastline, quite depressed.

It’s just that Semimario, who was very depressed, relaxed the mood of the other members. Even the taciturn ringed seal Clemente seemed a lot more cheerful. Although he still didn’t say much, he took the initiative. Take up the responsibility of exploring the front.

After crossing the grassland after the coastline, crossing the wetlands with dotted lakes, and flying over many towering mountains, shortly after the free energy concentration in the environment suddenly increased, the radiant power in the environment that was in vain increased, but it made the arrival Everyone in a desert was finally attacked by the native creatures of the Sea of ​​Time for the first time.

The seemingly barren desert appeared peaceful and peaceful under the light of the pale golden light, but shortly after Raymond noticed the extremely high concentration of environmental radiation, a huge sand snake emerged from the ground in vain and faced it. The attack from the crowd.

The giant sand snake that is one hundred meters long has a camouflage color that is close to the wasteland itself. After it emerged from the flat surface in vain, it sprayed venom towards the team just over it, covering a radius of more than one hundred meters in an instant. The area, so that everyone in it was taken aback!

Clement, who was in the queue, reacted the fastest, when he dived down.

The air blade released by him instantly reached the rising sand snake. I saw the air blade cut into its body along its skull, and cut off its head without any effort. !

The huge sand snake that caused such a big movement was actually a person who was easily exterminated when they met each other, and everyone who hovered in the air and increased their protection strength, could not help being surprised.

And the misty venom that flooded the environment, after being collected and checked by Semirio, also made him furiously curse. "What the hell! The toxicity of the diamond-headed sea snake in the hurricane sea is a hundred times higher than this guy!"

Clement, who killed the sand snake with a single blow, fell into the face of the sand snake he had cut into two pieces. He was stunned before continuing to dive, and only a moment later returned to the team with the huge head. Among them, there was a weird expression among the expressions. "Specious……"

Raymond, who swayed to the side of the head, also shook his head after checking.

It turns out that this seemingly fierce sand snake has a crystal nucleus in its brain the size of a thumb, and its body is only as strong as a low-level monster. It is not clear how this guy grew so big, but The strength he possesses is obviously not enough to match his size.

"Could it be said that this sand snake was mutated due to the increase in the radiation concentration in the environment?"

Raymond's question made Semirario frowned and asked back. "The question is for such a huge creature, where does the food it needs come from?"

"High concentration of abnormal radiation can alienate its body, which is huge but does not have matching strength, so obviously there are no overly powerful creatures in this desert..."

Speaking of this, Raymond ~www.ltnovel.com~ quickly landed, and after inspecting the remains of the sand snake, he verified his previous guess.

The seemingly huge sand snake has many holes and bubbles in its body tissues. It lives in a hundred meters underground in the desert. Although the nest is huge, it has no special features, and the material it eats is actually Minerals such as silt.

After taking out some of the mineral crystals contained in the sand snake, Raymond returned to the team and asserted. "Since it will appear here, if you want to move forward, you will see some, but its strength is not easy to judge by the size of the body..."

The size of the creatures bred from the middle and high planes has a great relationship with their strength.

The larger the body, the higher the energy that the body can hold, but the creatures seen in this desert are just the opposite.

Lei Meng and others, who continued to set off, encountered many attacks in this desert, but the larger the attacker, his strength was mediocre, while those with small size were surprisingly powerful. The strength made everyone suffer a bit during the next journey... (to be continued

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