
Chapter 1607: Mother River One

More than a month was spent in constant search and advancement.

The sea of ​​time and space, which has many similarities with ordinary planes, has extremely diverse life forms.

If divided according to the camp, most of the creatures bred here belong to the neutral camp. They will not actively attack, but the IQ is not high.

And the very few environments that are flooded with intense radiation will give birth to extreme evil camps. They don’t care about the strength of the target. It seems that their own instincts are the same as those of Lei Meng and others. As far as the team is concerned, it adds some trouble.

But Samario's use of that method to deduce Moritz's position has no clue at all.

And Raymond's response to the realm of mirrors did not make any progress.

Therefore, although everyone is constantly advancing in the direction originally chosen by Samario, the wrong idea of ​​choosing the direction is naturally sprouted in most people's minds, and it is getting stronger and stronger.

Sen Mario, who was sensitive to this, looked more and more gloomy, and his temper became a lot more irritable. The hostility of any creatures would cause him to violently attack, even some obviously belonged to peeping into the whole team because of curiosity. He killed the creatures at any cost, seeming to vent his sullen anger.

And on the third day of this situation, just after crossing a snow-capped mountain at the end of the line of sight, the scene that appeared in front of everyone made everyone's eyes wide open.

Behind the vast snow-capped mountains. There are many strange ice ridges on the descending mountain slopes. These ice ridges are not covered by snow, but are piled up randomly and spread towards the bottom of the snow-capped mountains.

And not far above it, a golden river flows in nothingness. It seems that a gap was created on the side of the river when it turned in vain, causing a waterfall that was only a few meters wide but more than two hundred meters high to fall from the sky and appeared in the eyes of everyone.

"This, this is the'mother river'?"

The stunned Samario murmured towards the waterfall, and as he approached Leimen, after releasing his perception, he discovered that the golden river that appeared in the emptiness was actually extremely affected. Isolated by a powerful force field barrier. Waterfalls other than the gap can be explored. The river itself actually has a blocking effect on perception.

Seeing Samario staring at the river above the waterfall without movement for a long time, Raymond couldn't help asking. "What is the mother river?"

"It is said that it is the core of the sea of ​​time and space, and all the matter drawn from the nothingness will be decomposed in the mother river or thrown into it..."

The color of the golden river water splashing from the gap quickly faded with the decrease in height, and the drop of only a few tens of meters had become colorless and transparent, and it splashed and formed a white mist. That is the reason for the many ice ridges on the snow-capped mountains below it.

After the palm of his hand plunged into the waterfall, Lei Meng was in the process of slowly falling downwards, and he noticed that the water temperature was also rapidly decreasing, and it would take a moment for it to completely freeze after falling on the snow-capped mountain.

Therefore, according to the speed of the water flowing from the gap and the volume and number of ice ridges accumulated on the slope, a little calculation of Raymond feels a bit strange, because the river in the emptiness seems to appear before a dozen hourglass hours. Generally, it should not be seen by everyone.

After speaking out such theoretical speculation data, Samario's eyes on the golden river became brighter and brighter, and after thinking about it for a long time, he turned to Raymond and asked. "Raymond. Can you tell whether the gap is expanding or healing?"

Looking at the gap for a moment, Raymond felt a little embarrassed. "There is not enough time. At least half an hourglass time is needed for statistics. If there is insufficient data, it is impossible to analyze..."

After hearing the sound, Samario's pupils became brighter, shouting loudly. "It's okay! It's okay! It's not easy to know the changes in half an hourglass!"

After wandering around the waterfall twice, the ‘Witcher’s Eye’ released by Raymond brought the gap and the changes in the water flow underneath it under surveillance. And as the data in its pupils began to refresh, the tasks that were established were analyzed by the chip.

The relationship between the width of the gap and the change of the water flow, after a lot of data is collected by the chip, one after another graphs appear in Raymond's right eye pupil.

Although the change in the gap is minimal, and the change in the water flow from the gap is extremely difficult to feel the change, under the precise scanning and recording of the chip, Raymond knew that the gap is now correct in less than half an hourglass. In a state of gradual healing, it will completely disappear after about ten hourglass hours.

After telling Semimario of this conclusion, he thought for a long time before slowly speaking. "Raymond, if you enter the mother river, the risk will also increase exponentially, and whether you can find the next gap in it is not certain, but if you go upstream, you should be able to reach the area where the thousand-headed bird is... …"

Leimen immediately questioned when he heard it. "how do you know?"

"Moritz once sent a message to the old man, but most of the content was ambiguous, and only some of the fragments were revealed after years of analysis by the old man, and the old man knew something..."

Speaking of this, seeing Raymond's expression getting more serious, Samario sighed with a sigh of relief. "The name'Mother River' was also deciphered from Moretz's message. I am not sure whether it is accurate, but I believe that the risk of entering it is not small!

He swayed to the top of the waterfall, Lei Meng, his right hand slowly approached the gap.

The pale gold and warm river water is nothing special, but the invisible force field at the edge of the gap burst out with a strong light after being touched by Raymond’s fingers, and the inexplicable repulsion also caused his right hand to be quickly bounced. Back.

After the dazzling light exploded, Samario, who came to his side, also clenched his right hand slowly into it.

The luster of the protective force field outside of his fist showed his considerable caution, and the protective strength on the fist surface was obviously raised to the highest.

After the gap in the river was touched by Samario's fist, it burst out again, but Samario, who was prepared, was not pushed away by the repulsive force.

Only at the moment his fist entered, the flow of the river itself showed its power, causing his fist to suddenly deflect to one side, causing Samario's wrist to make a soft crack!

Samario, with a tight expression, immediately shrank his hand. After retracting his right fist, a golden drop of water wrapped in a force field film appeared in the palm of his open palm~www.ltnovel.com~ head down for inspection. After a while, Samario breathed a sigh of relief. After the force field film in his palm was removed by him, the golden water droplets quickly faded, becoming colorless and transparent in the blink of an eye.

"This river should be the mother river. The energy contained in this drop of liquid is quite mammoth, but it cannot exist without the river itself!"

When Raymond heard this, he moved his heart and plunged his palm into the river in the same way as Semirio. After taking out a few drops of golden liquid beads, he started the analysis and research on the chip.

Waiting patiently for Raymond to complete the inspection he had done before, Samario called Clemente, the ringed seal, and after telling him about the river, he turned to Raymond. Said solemnly. "It is said that this mother river is extremely repulsive to all foreign substances. If the strength is not enough to enter it rashly, it will be strongly squeezed, and the old man is not sure whether the helpers who come with you can resist... "

He didn't sense the Raymond of the Mirror Realm all the way, and he couldn't help but smile. "Semmario, if I don't go in with you, how can I leave this sea of ​​time and space?" (To be continued.)

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