
Chapter 1608: Mother River II

Before entering the mother river, Adolf of the Holy Light, Shariman and the girl Becky of the Holy Light were put into the storage ring by Raymond, while the rose poisonous scorpionfish Sen Mario and the ringed seal Clement Finally revealed its body.

The rose poisonous scorpionfish, Sen Mario, is a stone fish more than six meters long.

Clemente, the ringed seal, is an old seal with a fat body but numerous scars on the surface.

It was the gap in the mother river that was constantly shrinking and healing. When the three of them were ready, they had shrunk a few centimeters, but it was enough to make everyone enter smoothly.

Puff, puff, puff...

After three consecutive beeps, Lei Meng, who jumped into the golden river, felt the powerful squeezing force and the interference caused by the flow velocity!

The body was rushed out ten meters away in an instant, and the river water, which was warm but like a thick slurry, made his movements extremely slow.

His arms suddenly moved backwards, and the powerful force caused the river in front of him to be quickly broken open. After a short while, he came to Semimario's side.

Before entering, Samario was prepared to lead the way by him, but at this moment, there was a deep surprise in his pupils, and when he saw Raymond come and meet, he said through a voice. "The old seal is bigger, let him open the way in front..."

Clemente, the plump ringed seal, remained silent, but he swam from the side to block the turbulent current, stroked with his pair of sturdy fin-like forelimbs, and then began to upstream.

Golden river water. It is impossible to know the magnitude of its power before entering it. After the ringed seal Clemente opened the way in front, Raymond, who was trailing behind, had time to observe the situation in the mother river.

Although the golden river water is liquid, it is not composed of the basic substance'water', but is like some kind of high-concentration viscous liquid. It is also very corrosive to outsiders.

The body surface has a double force field protection, but Raymond can only make it able to push the river a dozen centimeters away.

Only the old seal with a spindle-shaped body does not seem to be too much affected in this mother river. At first, he moved slowly because of caution, but as Raymond and Semirio became more adaptable to the environment, he gradually improved. speed.

As a result of being in the mother river, one's own perception cannot be released from the body at all, and even the golden river water looks quite clear. But the scope of vision is not large. The naked eye can only see clearly within ten meters of the body.

Therefore, even if Clement's speed can continue to increase in this environment, because the range of vision has been suppressed, his speed began to decline after reaching the highest point, and finally remained at twenty thousand per hourglass. The speed of meters.

Unlike their Raymond, it turned on the chip's visual aid after the speed stabilized. With the help of its spectral filtering ability, its field of vision was expanded to about three times its original size, so that he could basically see this. The general situation of a golden river.

The up and down height is only about a hundred meters at most. The narrowest part is only forty meters long, but the shape of the entire river channel has always been elliptical, much like a blood vessel in the human body.

The river is turbulent and there are many undercurrents in it, so only the speed of the water in the middle of the river is relatively stable. Therefore, when Clement's speed stabilized, Raymond also checked the flow of the river when the flow of the river was slow. Outer wall.

It seems to be a material with extremely toughness and elasticity, which can penetrate into the half finger when touched, but because it cannot be further explored, and it cannot be destroyed, the thickness of Raymond cannot be determined in the end.

And as the three of them continue to upstream. The many turnings and sudden vertical drops in the entire river course have also caused the water velocity to change continuously.

But as time goes by, something will appear in the river from time to time.

Or broken artifacts, or fragmented objects, and even some creatures that seem to be ghosts.

It's just that these things are difficult to touch, and under the action of the water, only an afterimage can be seen, and it will quickly disappear from the field of vision.

And Raymond tried to grab it. But when he was about to touch an artifact, he felt the powerful pressure contained in it, and the sense of astonishment that seemed to be trembling in the heart, also made him dispel the idea of ​​forcibly acquiring it.

Following the gigantic body of the ringed seal Clemente, Samario saw Raymond’s various attempts in his eyes. He was quite amazed at the tentacles that his left arm could differentiate, and waited for him to stop. After trying to obtain those items in the river, he spread the word. "Raymond, these artifacts don't necessarily exist in the mother river, what you see may also be its projection..."

"Just now the object felt a strong pressure when it approached. Does the projection also have such an effect?"

"It's not necessarily true. All the objects involved in the mother river from the outside world will eventually fall into the sea of ​​time and space. Whether it disintegrates depends on the solidity of the object itself..."

Speaking of Samario here, the huge fish tail suddenly flicked, wrapped a very small object that happened to pass his body with the front fin, and then handed it over. "Look at this, it seems to be a limb of some powerful creature..."

The object grasped by Semirio's front fin was a bit huge for Raymond, almost equal to the length of his entire arm.

But its shape is like a phalanx. Its surface skin has turned pale gold due to the infiltration of river water, but its end seems to be quickly cut off by a sharp object, exposing the white Sensen section. There was a certain kind of energy inside, which made Raymond feel weak pressure after starting.

"This should be the skeleton of some kind of giant creature. It is estimated that it was cut and lost during the conflict, and was eventually involved in this mother river..."

After the explanation, Samario's swimming speed slowed down slightly. After making the side of the river covered by it could be seen by Raymond, he signaled Raymond to turn his gaze.

I saw many weird creatures appearing on the other side, floating and sinking in the river water. Although they are also going downstream with the flow of the river, their speed does not match the speed of the flowing water. Obviously it has the ability to resist water currents.

And these faces don’t seem to be able to see the existence of Raymond and others. Even if they come close occasionally, there is no abnormality, but the pupils in the sunken eye sockets do not have any look or luster. The eyes of the dead fish are average.

Clemente, the ringed seal in front, was unconscious of these changes around his body, and was still moving upstream at his original speed.

But these strange faces were taken away by the river after a while because of speed.

After seeing many weird phenomena, Raymond had a certain immunity to the artifacts and these inexplicable existences that appeared in the river.

But as time goes by ~www.ltnovel.com~ the river is gradually closing, the speed of the water is getting stronger, and the powerful squeezing force becomes more and more majestic.

With the narrowing of the river, Raymond also saw a lot of phenomena like gaps.

With only a gap of the diameter of the mile, the golden river water in the river has formed many eddies, and the more you move forward, the more you will be affected by the suction of these eddies, making Clemente in front of you speed Lowered it down.

In addition, the temperature of the river that I was in was also rising rapidly, and particles of various shapes also appeared in the originally clarified river water.

These tiny but obtainable particles surprised him after being inspected by Raymond, because they contained extremely rich energy of various systems, just like being ‘precipitated’ from the river water.

And Samario, who was beside him, finally spoke after being silent for a long time. "Raymond, if you go upstream to its source, it should belong to the area occupied by the thousand-headed bird. Remember that when such a vortex reaches a very dense level, you can choose to leave from the mother river, otherwise Just follow the old man to the area where the Thousand-Headed Bird is..." (To be continued.)

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