
Chapter 1610: 0 head bird plain two

The invisible barrier that separates the mother river from this lake, although not aware of its existence by perception and vision, is impossible to shake at all.

Obviously, the hope of trying to return the same way has been cut off.

Back to Raymond above the lake, only to discover that both Samario and Clemente had left here, standing under the yellow plover closest to the dark spring, looking up as if Carrying out a careful observation.

Because they didn't notice that they had improved their defenses, Raymond, who was a little confused, made the fluctuations of the force field around him to a minimum, and then left the lake and walked slowly over.

Just when Raymond jumped out of the lake, he suddenly turned his head and screamed. "Raymond! Remember not to release perception for exploration. These thousand-headed birds seem to belong to their juvenile stage. As long as they are not attacked and tested, they should not be awakened!"

Hearing the surprise in his tone, Raymond, who had condensed his own breath, quickly came to his side.

The head of a yellow giant bird with a height of several tens of meters, looking up from below will cause a heavy feeling of depression, and observing at such a close distance, Leimeng can also see the fine fluff on its surface and its beak. The light yellow color of the edge.

"It is not clear what area we have arrived at, but the age of these thousand-headed birds should not exceed a thousand years..."

Samario, who spoke as if he was sighing, paused for a long time when he said that, then turned his face to face Raymond and said. "Fortunately, we did not appear in the area where the adult individual was located, otherwise we would have to hide in the lake and wait for death to come..."

"Thousand-headed birds? Does it mean that there are still age differences in the thousand-headed birds?"

Raymond's questioning made Semirario a little dazed, and explained with a wry smile. "It's just a legend, and the old man can't be sure whether it's true or not. It's just that I just saw the circle pattern of the black threaded unicorn on the top of his skull is relatively clear, and then I took the risk of checking according to the legendary inspection method. I roughly determined the dangerous being Release..."

Looking around, these thousand-headed birds whose eyes are tightly closed seem to be sleeping, the huge number of which has never been able to cope with these few people. Therefore, Raymond, who knew some fluke, asked about Semirio's next plan.

Samario has been preparing for this trip for hundreds of years. At this time, it seemed that there was no concealment anymore. According to his explanation, the Thousand-Headed Bird was guarding the Ocean Flow Flower, but it was just how big of a territory it possessed and what capabilities it possessed, but Semirio didn't know everything.

But if these yellow bird heads scattered on the Thousand-Headed Bird Plain belong to the million-year-old Thousand-Headed Bird, then their individual strength will exceed the seventh rank, and they have the secret technique. It is said that invaders above the eighth level but who have not reached the realm of the ancestor can be killed.

"It's just that the many materials that the old man found did not mention that the current situation will occur, so now I can only try not to disturb the sleep of these thousand-headed birds, and then choose a direction to take a step. Right..."

Such a decision made in desperation would naturally not be opposed by Raymond.

Of course, under the current situation, whether it is Shariman from the single pupil sandman or Adolf of the Holy Light, it is not suitable to be released, so after informing the girl Becky not to come out hastily, Raymond also Just in accordance with the requirements of Semirio. Without using his own mana, he followed him on a trek.

The Thousand-headed Bird Plain, which is not divided between day and night, wanted to explore without using any force. But it will make people desperate because of its huge area.

And as everyone moved forward, everyone found that not only were there countless thousands of birds erected on the surface of the plain, but even more numerous were hidden under the ground, so everyone started to move in one direction. After that, everyone converged their breath, lest the huge but unknown thousand-headed birds on the plain would wake up, and then produce uncontrollable changes.

A few days later, the team that had been trekking for a long time found the second dark spring.

It is still surrounded by primitive stone fences and still resembling an inverted funnel-shaped underground lake. There is still an invisible barrier in the corner of the lake bottom that cannot be broken.

Knowing that there are probably many Simmario within the mother river that can reach the passage of the Thousand-Headed Bird Plain, after inspecting the Thousand-Headed Birds around this dark spring. Completely speechless.

Because the thousand-headed bird here is much older than the one on the plain before. It's just that the color of the edge of its beak is still bright yellow, and obviously it shouldn't be those powerful thousand-headed birds whose strength is comparable to that of the seventh-order existence.

Sensing that the previous caution was a little too cautious, Samario, who stopped moving forward, after discussing with Raymond, retreated.

After choosing a thousand-headed bird that is relatively remote and there are no individuals hidden underground within a hundred meters of its surroundings, Semirio started the structure of the talisman formation around the selected target.

The talisman array surrounding this thousand-headed bird is quite complicated.

With the help of Clemente, the ringed seal, Samario, who devoted himself to it, spent two days before it was completed.

Knowing that Semirio is preparing to test and evaluate the strength of the thousand-headed bird on this plain, he is also analyzing and deducing various possible changes. Adolf of the Teaching of Light is called out from the storage ring, ready to cooperate with Samario's attempt.

The rune array activated by Samario completely covered the giant yellow bird head erected on the ground in an instant, and for the sake of safety, he deliberately set up double barriers to make this one chosen by him Thousand-headed bird, in a tightly sealed state, completely isolated from the outside world.

The only thing that made everyone very speechless was that although this thousand-headed bird opened its eyes at the moment the rune was activated, the large green mist it spit out was only as powerful as level 4 single spells. The power of!

The corners of his mouth were filled with transparent salivation, and after waking up, he looked greedy and hungry. This thousand-headed bird, like a beast without sane, did not even have the possibility of making everyone feel dangerous.

It's just that the collision power it possesses is somewhat fierce, but with the surrounding and encirclement of many high-level existences, there is no chance for it to be arrogant.

For Samario, who initiated the experiment, the hard work and cautiousness of those days before turned out to be just his false alarm. Therefore, after making this thousand-headed bird show all his abilities like a tease, The leaping Samario slapped the head to pieces, and collected a crystal from his head.

Seeing that the smashed thousand-headed bird turned into a substance like glass shards ~ www.ltnovel.com~ was already annoyed when he returned to Raymond, and when he threw the collected crystals, he also roared Tao. "The strength is so low that even if all the thousand-headed birds on the entire plain attacked together, it is absolutely impossible to cause the old man to suffer a little bit of damage!"

He smiled and took the crystal to prepare for examination, but before Lemmon's mental power was released, a strange but somewhat hoarse voice came from behind in vain.

"That's not necessarily true, you just entered the area with the lowest level of danger, otherwise you would have been destroyed by the thunderbolt of Baiji thunder released by his unicorn..."

The unfamiliar voice made everyone present feel tense.

But Samario, whose body surface was instantly radiated with power, his eyes widened in vain. After his expression stagnated, the corners of his mouth twitched as if his face was convulsed.

Leimen, who suddenly turned around, saw a thin woman outside the isolation barrier, her expression seemed to have a strong apologetic expression, and she sighed. "I couldn't send the message to you back then. It seems that all this is because of me. I'm sorry, Old Stone..." (to be continued)

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