
Chapter 1611: Bet one

The woman in a tender yellow over-the-knee dress was thin and her appearance was not beautiful, but the haggardness in her expression could not conceal the heroism between her brows and eyes.

In the eyes of a woman with refreshing short hair, it seemed that there was no other person, and after being seen by Raymond, she stared at the rose poisonous scorpionfish Sen Mario.

It's just a bit weird why the existence outside the double barrier can make its voice be heard by everyone.

Therefore, Raymond, who looked down, saw the light golden anklet on his ankle, but his pupils shrank after seeing this anklet, because the anklet seemed extremely long. , One end is still hidden in nothingness, making the side of his ankle have a spatial distortion that is not easily noticeable.

And Samario, who heard the woman's mouth twice, immediately cancelled the operation of the double-layer isolation talisman, and then came to the woman's body and spoke with trembling lips. "Moritz! Is it really you..."

"Old Stone, how can it become so old!"

"It's really you! It's really you..."

Samario, who seemed a little incoherent while speaking, made the woman's eyes flashed with pity, and then there was a little mist in her eyes, and she stretched out her hand to rub her white temple and smiled.

The gray-haired and old-fashioned Samario did not resist this woman's behavior. After hesitating, he lifted the trembling right hand and held the woman's hand rubbing on her temple, and pasted it. No longer allowed to move his cheeks.

The woman who wanted to take her hand out of the unsuccessful blushes, but then she looked a little annoyed, and Sun Mario had to shake her hand away and walked with her under the sign of the woman. On the side, it seems that communication has begun.

Guessed that this woman was the group of Moritz, the guardian of the wizarding plane, and naturally wouldn't be disturbed in the past at this time. And Raymond, who got to the ringed seal Clement's side, still asked in a puzzled way. "This is Moritz, the guardian of the wizarding plane?"

Clement, with a simple smile, his eyes were actually narrowed this time. There was joy and relief in his expressions, and he sighed. "Just thinner..."

Clemente said nothing more. Turned around and started to check the remains of the thousand-headed bird that was smashed by Samario's palm before, but the glass-like fragments have been mostly integrated into the environment at this time, and only some ash-like substances continue to volatilize. As a result, the air was filled with a faint fishy smell.

The crystal that was handed over by Samario before was found under Raymond’s inspection. It contained rich energy, just like the core of the thousand-headed bird that was killed before, but it was still Mixed with a strong breath. It seems that it can be used only after processing.

After a while, the cheerful Samario walked over with the woman, and after introducing her identity, he bowed to Raymond in salute. "Raymond, thank you very much for being able to accompany the old man here, otherwise the breakthrough of the barrier of the mother river will be quite difficult..."

"Yes, it is because you broke through the vortex barrier with three relays. Otherwise, even if the old stone and old seal's abilities can break through, they will suffer severe trauma. Thank you..."

Moritz, who took Samario's words to express his gratitude, leaned slightly as a salute. But the girl Becky, who followed her gaze on Raymond's shoulder, frowned as if she was thinking, and then asked a little hesitantly. "Are you the true spirit projection?"

After the woman appeared, Becky seemed to be afraid of her. The body shrank back and then softly responded. "I'm not sure about it myself, but they all say so..."

"That's right, but your seal has not been completely lifted. You will know everything when your memory is fully restored..."

After talking with a smile, Moritz turned to Shariman, the one-eyed sandman and Adolf of the Church of the Holy Light, who were staying next to Raymond. He slightly nodded as if he was making a judgment, and then turned to Ray. Meng said. "Old Stone told me the purpose of your coming here, but it will take some time before Azis's mirror world enters the sea of ​​time and space. You need to wait patiently!"

The thin Moritz in front of him. Although the whole body does not have any force field fluctuations, its own aura is surprising. Therefore, Raymond asked directly. "You also know Azis, the son of space?"

"He is an old slipper! The last time he lost his bet, he would rather wander in the mezzanine space for a hundred years than open the realm of the mirror to me, so he dare not appear near the mother river so far!"

An angry expression bulged on his cheeks. After speaking, Moritz turned his eyes and seemed to think of something, then turned and shouted at Semirio. "Old Stone! You dare to attack the larvae of Thousand-Headed Birds, if I hadn't patrolled around here, you would have been killed!"

"How did the old man know about the situation of the thousand-headed bird? The one seen here is still a juvenile, so naturally I need to test it..."

Samario just opened his mouth to explain Moritz, but he became more annoyed, and immediately cut off his words and shouted. "Old man, old man, why didn't you claim to be an old man back then? After I finish my work, I will clean up you!"

Na Na, who didn't dare to speak any more, stepped aside, lowered his head, but his expression was joyful, and Moritz turned his face to reach out to Raymond. "Return the crystal to me. If I lose one, I need to stay here for another year!"

After handing over the crystal collected from the thousand-headed bird that was stuffed into the waist pouch, Moritz, who lowered his head to check, walked to the location of the previously killed thousand-headed bird, and waved the crystal with his right hand. In front of him, his hands quickly constructed a certain spell, causing the crystal to begin to spin quickly.

Moritz has no energy fluctuations around his body, and the edges of his palms that are swiftly waving can only see some traces of the force field running and remaining. Such an extremely restrained method of casting spells attracted Raymond’s attention. Samario, who was to his side, sighed with a long sigh at this moment. "Who would have thought that Moretz would have lost the bet and was stranded here. If the old man can wait another ten years, he can see her..."

"Bet? What bet?"

"Thousand-headed birds bet, the loser needs to stay here for a hundred years to serve it..."

Hear the Raymond Road here. "Didn't you say that Moretz has been missing for nearly a thousand years?"

Raymond’s question made Semirario stunned for a moment, his expression turned a little weird, and he paused for a moment before lowering his voice. "Yes! Moritz is extremely gambler, otherwise why would he need to stay here for so long! She..."

It's just that when it came to this, Moritz, who was facing the two of them, suddenly roared. "Old Stone! Shut up! If you dare to speak out, I will immediately throw you into the million-year-old thousand-headed bird territory~www.ltnovel.com~ The individual thousand-headed bird that has been exterminated has the ability to revive it anyway!"

With his neck shrinking, Samario smirked and backed away again, while the frowning Raymond was very confused about the "resurrection" mentioned by Moretz, so he asked. "Master Moritz, what do you mean by being ‘resurrected’ by a thousand-headed bird?"

The right hand was still swiftly waving Moretz, who had constructed a certain spell, with a groan but did not speak, but his left hand was erected against Raymond in the gap between casting the spell, swaying and making a waiting gesture.

Raymond, who stopped asking questions, walked around and watched patiently.

I saw the yellow mist escaping from the surface of the crystal with the rapid waving of Moritz's ten fingers, and it quickly rose up, forming the vague outline of the thousand-headed bird after a while.

After the outline of the thousand-headed bird became clear, Moritz's finger flicked, causing the crystal that had been reduced a lot to rise into the air and into the outline of the thousand-headed bird. In the blink of an eye, one eye was tight. The closed two-headed bird took shape again.

Moritz, whose expression relaxed, turned around and said to everyone. "Okay, come with me..." (to be continued)

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