
Chapter 1612: Bet two

A small room with a length of no more than five meters, only a golden low bed, a stone table and four stone benches.

Using the method of space transfer, Moritz brought everyone directly into her residence. After feeling that the room was very cramped, she rubbed her broken hair with some distress. After thinking about it, he waved her right hand to make this All the walls of the room became transparent.

The blue-black stone wall became transparent, and as the pale golden light above the sky shining into the room, the feeling of depression gradually faded after entering.

Standing on one side of the room, Raymond couldn't help but stare at everything outside, because Moritz's residence was actually above a certain plover plain.

A black stone pillar at the foot lifted the hut high, making the hut look like a bird's nest high above.

And there are dozens of huts similar to this shape on the yellow plain, but the distance between them is quite far, so that people can only vaguely see the other huts.

And the thousand-headed birds standing on this yellow plain, each of the black threaded horns on the top of their skulls is surrounded by ripples of force, and the eyes of the thousand-headed birds located here have never closed, just like this. Wandering freely on the plains like being stocked.

Although no sound from the outside world can be heard at this time, the black threaded unicorns on the tops of these plovers wandering on the yellow plain below can release a white thunder and lightning to attack.

These thousand-headed birds, who were constantly fighting and playing with each other, gave Raymond the feeling that they were quite dangerous, especially the white thunder and lightning, which made him feel shocked after witnessing it, obviously its power is quite powerful.

Moritz, who was sitting down, laughed at the sight of Rose Poisonous Scorpion Mario's discoloration after observing the situation outside. "Each of the thousand-headed birds here is more than two million years old. As long as ten gather together, you can easily kill the existence of Tier 8. Old Stone, your luck is still as good as before..."

"What is the white thunder and lightning they released?"

"The Thousand-headed bird is the most powerful method besides the combination, Baiji Lei!"

Samario was shocked when he heard this. Turned around to question. "What! Baiji Lei, who claims to be able to judge souls? Isn't it a joke?"

"I have stayed here for nearly a thousand years. The white thunders released by the thousand-headed birds on this plain. But even I can't resist it. If you have any doubts, Old Stone, you can try it yourself..."

At this point, Moritz, who was smiling but not smiling, raised his hand, and a door-shaped hole appeared in the wall beside Samario with a light wave.

The strong wind that poured into it from outside made the room full of howling the wind, and the rattling sound of the thousand-headed birds below was also heard by everyone in the room.

With his eyes beating violently, Samario's entire face turned black, and he raised his fingers to point to Moritz. He seemed to dare not say anything cruel, his expression was very embarrassed.

With a wave of his right hand, the wall quickly returned to its original shape, and Moritz, with a thick smile in his eyes, seemed a little proud. He raised his face and looked at Semimario as if he was demonstrating and provoking.

The dark-faced Samario shook his head, walked to the stone table with a wry smile, and sighed after sitting down. "You, you... As long as your gambling ability can be slightly reduced, you won't be trapped here for so many years if you want to..."

"Old Stone! You will feel uncomfortable if you don't expose the scars..."

"As the guardian of the wizarding plane, he was trapped in the sea of ​​time and space for thousands of years because of his addiction to gambling. It is not something ordinary beings can have for such an honor..."

"Old Stone! Shut up!"

"Poor wizard plane, the guardian's position hasn't collapsed in these years. It's really lucky to the extreme..."

Semirio who started lamenting himself. The entire face of Moritz sitting opposite him collapsed, and the fists placed on the stone table were also clenched, but even though he was extremely angry, he did not take any action. But there is an inexplicable brilliance shining in the middle.

However, after severely degrading and taunting Moritz, he suddenly stretched out his hands to hold Moritz into a fist and held him with a strange look, and asked. "Now the old man has fulfilled the promise that year. Do you think we are here or wait until we return to the Sea of ​​Canglan to hold the ceremony?"

Moritz, who was also stunned, didn't break his hands free. But the voice became dry, and the words became a little squat. "Lift, lift, what rituals are held..."

"Of course it's a wedding! Could it be that you want to break the contract?"

Samario, whose voice was raised in vain, put on a look of consternation. Pulling Moritz's hands, she pulled her to her feet. "Or is it that you have broken your vows and are unwilling to repay the gambling debt you owed before?"

Moritz's expression stagnated when he heard the ‘gambling debt’. Then yelled. "Nonsense! When will Moretz not repay the gambling debt! I'm Moretz is not a foolish talk..."

It's just that before she finished speaking, Samario, who was holding her hands, shouted decisively. "Then hold it here!"

Moritz was completely stunned and blinked his eyes, as if speechless.

But Clemente, the ringed seal, who hadn't said a word, clapped his hands in vain and spoke. "Congratulations to both of you for signing a marriage contract..."

Stunned, Moritz's entire face flushed, and inexplicable emotions piled up in the eyes staring at Semirio, causing an extremely weird atmosphere to spread in this room.

Samario, who laughed from ear to ear, was quite triumphant, blinking at Clemente seemed to be thankful.

Astonished Raymond was just about to speak, Moritz suddenly pulled his hands out of Semirrio's palms, and left the room in an instant when he moved and appeared outside.

The howling gust of wind caused her long yellow dress to be blown, and only a few of the thousand-headed birds gathered on the yellow plain raised their heads. After seeing her appearance clearly, they ignored her and recovered. The hoopla and hustle.

It's just that Moritz stands in the air like this, but it makes the anklet on his ankle completely revealed.

One end is tied to her ankle, while the other end is up to the end of the field of vision, just like a chain that fastens her.

Moritz, who was carrying the crowd on his back, seemed to be still shaking his shoulders. After a while, he raised his hands and seemed to cover his face.

"Fortunately, fortunately, Moritz did not become irritated and this thing is considered appropriate..."

With emotion, Samario came to Raymond's side while speaking, and he sighed a moment later. "Unexpectedly, Moritz was stranded here because he lost. As long as he can go back on time, he should be fine..."

When Leimen heard this, he turned his face and asked. "What does the bet mentioned earlier mean?"

"Moritz bet with a thousand-headed bird~www.ltnovel.com~ after losing, she had to stay here to take care of the thousand-headed bird larvae on the plain. As a result, she was very gambler and she lost again and again. As a result, I have never been able to leave here..."

Speaking of this, Samario then took his gaze back from Moritz, turned his face and spoke to Raymond very solemnly. "Raymond, don't bet with Moritz, her gambling is quite heavy, don't let her have another chance to gamble!"

"Does the Thousand Birds also like to gamble?"

"Thousand-headed birds are very cunning. In order to be able to occupy a larger share of the ocean currents, Flower adopted this method. It is said that the high-level existence that it is stuck here currently exceeds 20, all of which are the top-level of other planes. The strong..."

Under Semirio's explanation, Raymond understood the mystery.

It turns out that in order to keep more ocean current flowers, the thousand-headed bird began to use its powerful strength to attract the powerhouses of different planes, or use contracts, or use cooperation, or even use methods such as gambling. Alien powerhouses have become their help in the competition for ocean current flowers once every 100 years... (to be continued)

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