
Chapter 1613: contend

Moritz returned to the room, his eyes seemed a little red and swollen.

Only Moritz, who seemed to have figured it out, became more straightforward.

"The real situation is that I accepted the invitation of the Star Palace and entered the sea of ​​time and space, but the battle for ocean current flowers was ambushed by a thousand bird heads. As a result, I was captured by him and finally lost the game. It has become one of its help to resist the flower being robbed by the ocean current..."

Moritz sat back at the stone table, his right hand was clenched tightly by Semirio, and his cheeks were flushed, but he no longer had the shame he had before. Obviously his personality should be of the bold type.

Only when he heard the strange ‘Star Palace’ Raymond didn’t understand, Moritz explained under questioning. "The Star Palace is a special existence that the guardians of all planes can come into contact with. Its creator was originally an ancestor, but it was unwilling to continue to attack the intestines of the chaotic plane because of the falling realm. After being bored, he formed this Star Palace, which can give guardians of all planes a gathering place!"

"Gathering place? Why gather?"

"The competition for ocean current flowers once every 100 years, or a certain relic needs to be explored in this world, or it is to coordinate and resolve disputes between certain planes!"

Speaking of this, Moritz saw that Raymond looked strange and smiled apologetically. "Your strength hasn't reached this level yet, and now I know that it doesn't make much sense..."

The despised Raymond was speechless, but Samario, who was sitting next to Moritz, murmured in dissatisfaction. "Existence above the seventh rank is meaningless, but you who have been promoted to the eighth rank are not the same as being stranded here by the thousand-headed bird and becoming its slave..."

"Old Stone shut up! No one will treat you as dumb if you don't speak!"

"Originally, you will lose to an old man of the dawn of the dawn at the seventh rank. Could it be that you will definitely win if you reach the eighth rank now?"

The teasing Samario said so, even though Moritz turned his face black, he suddenly took out his right hand and turned his face, which seemed quite angry.

It's just that Samario is as if he has never seen it before. Still sighing. "The guardian clan of the Wizarding Plane had the power to contend with during the strong period of the ancient wizards, but after you took over, you have disappeared for a thousand years. The first layer of the Wizarding Plane has not only suffered from the Nightmare Plane. Invasion, even those Sith tribes have begun to enter in a big way. When the plane collapsed, I don’t know how you dealt with yourself..."

Seemingly stunned, Moritz, who was trembling, turned around in vain when he heard this, and yelled at Semirio. "Old Stone! Don't use these words to provoke me! I, Moretz, won't bet anymore, can't it?"

"Then the old man made a bet with you, you must not be able to quit!"

"I, Moretz, can do it when I say it! I said, Moretz doesn't make a bet! This time you lose!"

Moritz, who was angry in his eyes, roared with a determined expression, but as her words ended, the atmosphere in the room became more and more weird.

And the girl Becky, who was sitting on Raymond's left shoulder, stunned and laughed. The sudden silence in the room was immediately broken, causing Moretz to cast his angry gaze.

She was afraid of Moritz, so when Moritz's gaze turned, the girl Becky turned into a cloud of smoke and penetrated into Raymond's fingers, and escaped into the picture of the girl by the creek.

Moritz, who wanted to vent his anger and stood up, was stunned by the swift escape of the girl Becky, and standing beside Raymond, Adolf finally noticed what was in the conversation before. The mystery of existence was about to put his hands on his mouth and suddenly turned around.

Seeing this, Samario sighed, shaking his head and sighed bitterly. "I said just now that I would never gamble, but I don't want to bet where there will be any old man who will lose. Moritz, really can't bet anymore..."

With a blushing face, Moritz covered his face with his hands, and stomped violently on the floor with his feet bitterly. After a long time, his breath eased, and he dropped his head and returned to the stone table to sit down. It seemed that he was a little annoyed and scratched his head with his hands. Then he said dejectedly. "Old Stone, you remember to remind me later..."

"I know, I will never allow you to leave the old man's sight in the future, so that you can really stop participating in gambling, otherwise we don't go back at all, just let the thousand-headed bird be a slave here..."

Moritz was a little unwilling to hear this. He raised his head and complained in dissatisfaction. "What kind of slave is not a slave! Thousand-headed birds dare not treat me Moretz as a slave! After every battle for ocean current flowers I can get more than a dozen ocean current flowers for my own use!"

"I have been locked here for nearly a thousand years, and I am ashamed to say that I have not been treated as a slave..." I noticed that Moritz's mood improved. Samario deliberately said this joking, but this time Moretz stared. He noticed something wrong, and hurriedly squeezed her right hand back together with a smile, which eased her expression, but dispelled the previously embarrassing atmosphere.

And when the topic returned to the Star Palace and Thousand-Headed Birds, Raymond learned of the connections and many secrets that only the Guardians of the plane knew.

Thousand-headed birds that occupy the sea of ​​time and space have become the target of public criticism because of the ocean current flowers that flow down from the source of the mother river every hundred years.

"Thousand-headed birds originally had the same strength as the ancestors, but because it was unable to obtain the'rootless source' so that it could never be promoted to the realm of the ancestors, it had to rely on the special effects of the ocean current flowers to stay in time and space. The sea!

However, the ocean current flower is also a cherished resource that the owners of the Star Palace are willing to work hard for. Therefore, when the Star Palace is built, the two sides have become deadly enemies, but the Thousand Birds themselves are immortal, so the Star Palace owners There is no good way to do it, only to summon the strong from all planes to **** it every hundred years, so that you can get a part of it! "

Hearing that Raymond here was a little strange, he couldn't help asking. "Then since the Thousand-Headed Bird is an immortal body, and its strength is no less than that of the ancestor, why are the guardians of many planes willing to take the risk to participate in the battle for ocean current flowers?"

"The guardians of all planes also have their own backing, and the exchange item that the master of the Star Palace takes out is really irresistible. Therefore, as long as it is an existence beyond the seventh order, they are willing to participate in the countercurrent flower Because even if it fails, it won’t lead to death. That’s why the Thousand Birds gradually changed their methods, and in turn used Ocean Flow Flowers to find a powerful boost for themselves so as to be able to compete with the Star Palace..."

After listening to Moritz's explanation, Raymond understood the reason.

The owner of the Star Palace could not leave the Star Palace he built~www.ltnovel.com~ so he had to invite other guardians of the plane to participate in the competition for the ocean current flowers, which caused the Thousand Birds to lose quite a lot of ocean current flowers.

Therefore, after the thousand-headed bird woke up, it also used a similar method to recruit these plane guardians who came to participate in the battle for the ocean current flowers to fight against the master of the star palace.

Therefore, this kind of game-like method between the two parties also caused internal differences among the many outside guardians who knew the existence of the Star Palace and Thousand Birds.

Those who are willing to take advantage of the power of the Star Palace will accept its call on time to participate in the competition for ocean current flowers.

And accepted the Thousand Birds condition. Or the guardian of the plane, who is subject to some of its constraints, is on the side of the thousand-headed bird. By resisting the competition for ocean current flowers once every 100 years, they can obtain relatively stable income from ocean current flowers, although the number is small. .

"As a result, the number of ocean current flowers acquired by Star Palace began to drop sharply two thousand years ago. The last competition for ocean current flowers almost ended with a complete victory of Thousand-Headed Birds, so one year later, he accepted Star Palace. The number of guardians of other planes from the conditions may be reduced a lot..." (to be continued)

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