
Chapter 1614: Path of the First Ancestor One

After Moritz left the hut, Raymond was led along with Semirio to the top platform of a huge black stone pillar ten kilometers away from the hut, and saw those belonging to the thousand heads. Birds help, or it can be said that it is the guardians of the plane who are stranded here for various reasons.

A terrace surrounded and supported by some kind of force field barrier has an area of ​​more than 10,000 square meters. The giant mushrooms scattered on it cover the tables and chairs below, like a parasol.

"This is a platform expanded by the guardians from the plane of the mushroom. When nothing happens, everyone can come here to rest and communicate. As long as it doesn't affect the thousand-headed birds below, there will be no problems..."

Moritz, who brought Raymond and Samario on the edge, pointed to the giant mushrooms and said after he had finished speaking, he motioned Raymond to observe the thousand-headed birds below. "This is the main territory of the Thousand-Headed Birds. Below are some Thousand-Headed Birds that are more than two million years old. If they are stacked more than a hundred, then even the existence of Tier 8 will not be able to compete. Can flee..."

Speaking of this, Moritz's chin was raised, and there was a sense of temptation in his expression. Raymond, who understood the meaning, replied after thinking about it. "In fact, the duty of you and the guardians of these other planes here is to delay the time for the following thousand-headed birds to complete the stacking of more than 100 birds, and then you can take the ocean current flowers. Those participants drive away?"

With a clap of both hands, Moritz nodded with a slightly surprised expression. "It's true. This is the sea of ​​time and space, and it also belongs to the plane where the Thousand-Headed Bird is located. So as long as those who try to participate in the current flower contender stay here for too long, then the Thousand-Headed Bird will have absolute certainty to treat them. Drive away. So the risk of standing on the side of the thousand-headed bird is the lowest!"

"It's just that your income will decrease year by year, and it's unlikely that you want to increase it!"

"It's good to understand this! For those guardians of the plane who desperately need a large number of ocean current flowers, only by joining the Star Palace can they get enough ocean current flowers at one time. Otherwise, they can only exchange resources. Wait for other methods and pay a high price to get it!"

Moretz turned around after speaking. He led Raymond and Semirio to leave the edge of the platform, bypassing several giant mushrooms, and came to a light blue mushroom, facing the human silhouette on the rocking chair covered by a thin blanket Opened the mouth. "Shadow demon! A ocean current flower in exchange for your nine years!"

The thin blanket spread on the recliner trembled a little, and then the silhouette of the human figure gradually disappeared, but a lazy voice sounded from the top of the thin blanket. "Nine years, is one too few..."

"Two flowers are enough for fifteen years. How about I add some other resources?"

"Two shares of Star Gold!"

Hearing this number, Moritz opened his eyes and lifted his feet to lift most of the thin blanket on the recliner. "Shadow Demon! You can get one at most in six years! I'll find Old Turtle to trade!"

Wrinkles appeared at the corners of the thin blanket that was lifted up. It seemed to be grabbed by an invisible hand, and then the voice came out from the thin blanket. "Okay, okay, just on your terms!"

The corner of his mouth curled up and Moritz pulled out an arc of laughter. After a sigh of relief, he sat on the stone bench next to the recliner, and signaled that Raymond and Semirio would continue to speak in a weird tone after they had gone to bed. "Shadow demon, you have been so desperately collecting ocean current flowers, it seems that you owe a lot of time now?"

"Three hundred and seventy-one years..."

"Aren't Thousand-headed Birds afraid that you will regret it?"

The ridiculous Moritz questioned so much that the outline of the human figure covering the recliner was changed in vain, and the center of the thin blanket suddenly bulged, forming a shape that looked like a bull's head. Followed the somewhat annoyed voice angrily. "Moritz! My credibility has always been outstanding. Where is the Thousand-Headed Bird still need to worry about! Or do you want to make a bet with me to see if you can reduce the time?"

Moritz's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard "Bet". Even though the body that had just sat down bounced, Samario, who was sitting not far away, immediately let out a dry cough, which made Moritz's expression stagnant, and lost his thoughts. What he said was also quickly held back.

"Hahaha, it turns out that you can no longer bet with people. It seems that even if you go to your place in the future, there will be no advantage..."

With the sound of laughter, the thin blanket on the recliner suddenly disappeared, and the laughter became farther and farther, until it could no longer be heard.

Moritz sitting on the stone bench looked extremely annoyed. Staring in the direction where the laughter disappeared for a long time, the entire face that was clenching her lower lip quickly turned black.

Samario appeared behind Moritz in a flash. Even if he hugged him with his arms, he put his face to his ear and whispered. "Moritz. As long as you can quit gambling, you will win, don't care about the minor details..."

"This **** guy! There must have been a history of fraud before! Otherwise it would never say that!"

Gritting her teeth, but Moritz's cheeks turned red, but she didn't reject the embrace of Semirio, but curled her lips to explain. "The shadow demon is the guardian of the shadow world. He rebelled from the Star Palace without knowing what debt he owed. Over the years, he has spent time in exchange for a lot of ocean current flowers, and he doesn't know how Thousand Birds think. Ignore it..."

After hearing the sound, Samario, whose expression was tight, said in amazement. "Shadow plane? It belongs to the category of the black domain!"

"Yes, the guardians of the planes in the Black Territory were the main force competing for the Ocean Flow Flower, but with the shadow demon's rebellion, the attack intensity has also decreased a lot!"

Speaking of this, it seems that Samario's hug is too strong, and Moritz, who broke free from his arms, turned to Raymond. "The Mirror Realm of Azis, the son of space, is about to reappear in the middle of the mother river. If you want to find the old slippery head, remember to bring me a word to him. The wizard plane after a year can also be right. He is open, but I need him to exchange it with ocean current flowers!"

Raimon, who had been skeptical before, started to ask questions. "What role does the ocean current flower play? Why are so many top-tier existences competing for it?"

"The rootless source, only the rootless source has the opportunity to be promoted to the ancestor without challenging the intestines of the world of the chaos plane. Even if the opportunity is slim, no one is willing to give up..."

Speaking of this with a bit of emotion, Moritz looked helplessly, staring into the distance for a long time, only then sighed dejectedly. "The probability of obtaining rootless sources just by gathering ocean current flowers is too low. For tens of thousands of years, no one can obtain enough rootless sources through ocean current flowers..."

"Isn't being promoted to the ancestor means that a thorough understanding of a single type of energy is required? Does it mean that this rootless source is still needed?"

"After reaching the eighth stage~www.ltnovel.com~, after having a thorough understanding of time and space, one way is to enter the intestines of the world leading to the chaos plane to challenge, force an impact and be promoted to the ancestor...

And the second way is to obtain the rootless source, so that a kind of talent called ‘power’ can be possessed..."

There was a deep unwillingness in the expression, but Moritz, who explained this, sighed deeply and sighed somewhat lonely. "But there are only three or five people who have been promoted to the ancestor through these two methods in tens of thousands of years, so it is only feasible to find the mark of the ancestor..."

Listening to Moritz's narration and explanation, Raymond felt that he was too unfamiliar with such top-level messages.

The rootless source has not been fully understood yet, and the ancestor imprint does not sound like something that is easy to obtain. It seems to have a deep connection with the ancestor.

It seems that if you want to understand the reason, you can only learn from Moretz... (to be continued)

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