
Chapter 1615: Path of the First Ancestor II

"After comprehending the attributes of time and space to the extreme, either condenses the rootless source or obtains the mark of the ancestor, and the only thing left is to challenge the intestines of the world on the plane of chaos. Is there only these three ways? Can be promoted to the first ancestor?"

The questions Raimon raised after collating the information about the ancestors caused more thoughts in the expression of Moritz who drove Samario away. She pursed her mouth and stared at the vast sky beyond the platform for a moment. After that, he nodded and shook his head.

"Not necessarily, but these are several ways that I know of Moretz. And in this way, only a few lucky people can smoothly promote to become the ancestor..."

"Then it is quite difficult for an existence that studies basic energy to advance to the eighth level?"

"Study the top-level existence of basic energy, the possibility of wanting to be promoted to the ancestor is quite low, because the ancestor mark will never be obtained through various means..."

Seemingly being aroused by Raymond's questioning, Moritz, who turned his face, looked at him up and down, and the brilliance in his pupils became brighter. "Because the ancestors who studied the basic attributes existed for a long time, they are almost unshakeable today. Each of them has many planes as a support, and is naturally difficult to be nurtured and guarded by the power of the planes. Will cause the ancestor's mark to be shed!"

Hearing here, Raymond asked. "The rootless source is equivalent to condensing a complete ancestral mark out of thin air, so that the owner can be promoted to the ancestor, then what is this ancestral mark? Also, the'power' you mentioned before. Is it similar to a nightmare? The natural disaster spells possessed by the plane's natural disaster lord?"

"The ancestor imprint is a kind of soul imprint, even if there are only a few fragments of the imprint, the various rules and laws contained in it are also what ordinary wizards cannot comprehend in their entire lives. It is a manifestation of a certain amount of change to a qualitative change! Power, you are right, the natural disaster spells possessed by the lords of natural disasters are a form of expression of power!"

The expression of Moritz who explained this was a little surprised. After thinking for a moment, his right hand lifted and slid in front of him. As the energy of the water system gathered, a drop of crystal clear water began to rotate around his fingers.

But the small group of clear water taken out by Moretz from the storage space immediately caused the trajectory of the water drop to shift. After a while, he melted into the clear water and disappeared quickly.

At the same time that the ball of clear water was handed over, Moretz also introduced it. "This is the fountain of Thebes. It belongs to the performance of the power of an ancestor of the water system. I, Moretz, accepted the three tasks. The last one has not been able to find a suitable plane for placement..."

After receiving the cloud of clear water, Raymond's eyes suddenly lit up. So this group of seemingly ordinary clear water. It seems that there is some kind of rule power.

But no matter how Raymond tried, the power of this faint rule couldn't be felt by him, just like it was separated by a barrier that could not be broken through.

With a smile on his face, Moritz looked at Ramon trying there, and spoke after he gave up. "This is what I encountered in a house of gaps. This is the last one that has not been settled. If I can find a suitable plane for placement, then I will get a little bit of rootlessness in it. , To improve the sensing ability!"

"This is also some kind of mark belonging to the ancestor?"

"It contains the mark of the ancestor. It's just that even other ancestors can't separate it from it, because the ancestor who controls the Fountain of Thebes. It is said that it has existed for millions, tens of thousands of years..."

Raymond was stunned when he heard such a number.

Although time is no longer a problem after being promoted to the first ancestor, the ability of its existence for millions of years, or even tens of millions of years, is beyond imagination.

"Moreover, this ancestor occupies a lot of planes. Anyone who conflicts with it will be affected by many planes. Therefore, the ancestors like this are actually at the top of existence. There is absolutely no one. Want to get the ancestor's mark from it..."

Moritz, who saw Raymond’s expression in his eyes, had a deep envy and expectation in his pupils after saying the above words. It seemed that because the narration aroused his thoughts, he closed his mouth and stopped talking. .

Time passed slowly, and this floating platform built by the Guardians of the Glory Mushroom Plane was really a place of communication through Raymond’s observation.

Many strange-looking creatures converge from other directions, or rest on the platform, or communicate with each other, and some are obviously conducting transactions.

It's just that the powerful creatures that come to this platform are basically solitary, and will quickly disappear after leaving, and no one will stay near here.

It's just that because the waiting time was a bit long, Lei, who was thinking about the rootless source and the imprint of the ancestor, remembered the information he had learned in the underworld before, so he took the initiative to break the dullness. "Master Moritz, have you heard of a Lady Maria from the Underworld?"

Moritz, who had been stuck in longing before, turned his face for a moment, and looked at Raymond for a moment before regaining the brilliance in his pupils.

The situation of the soul-sacrificing fruit tree Ariel and its owner, Vernal, the great lich encountered in the underworld, was told, and Raymond added at the end. "It is said that this lady Maria is a pure spiritual body, and it should have entered the sea of ​​time and space long ago."


Moretz frowned and kept repeating it, but after a long time he said with some uncertainty. "If she is a pure spirit body, then she has not been here for nearly a thousand years. Of course it does not rule out that she has stayed in the sea of ​​time and space, and has not caused disputes, so she is not noticed..."

"What is the relationship between the sea of ​​time and space and the Thousand Birds Plain?"

"The entire sea of ​​time and space is the home of the Thousand Birds, and this is where the mother river and the sea of ​​time and space overlap, so there are dozens of large and small plains here. You can also consider this place as a thousand heads. Hatchery for the first bird..."

Speaking of Moritz, whose expression seemed a little weird at the end, his voice was extremely low, and if Raymond hadn't been listening carefully, he probably couldn't hear him.

After speaking, Moritz looked around with some guilty conscience. After confirming that no one was paying attention to her, he patted his chest and let out a long sigh of relief, and then picked up the previous topic again and continued. "It is difficult to condense success without roots, and the mark of the ancestors is only occasionally lost if the ancestors who are injured or whose realm has fallen. There are very few successful people who challenge the intestines of the world of chaos, so this This is why it is extremely difficult for the ancestors to be born today!"

"According to your opinion~www.ltnovel.com~, if you want to be promoted to the first ancestor, you can only find the ancestors who are injured or have fallen in realm, so that you have the opportunity to get the ancestor mark and succeed in promotion?"

Raymond's very quick summary gave Moritz a look of surprise, and she nodded after thinking about it. "What you have summed up is pretty good, but even the ancestors who have fallen in realm, their abilities are by no means those that can be countered by existences above the eighth level, especially those who are not well-known, but are actually steadily growing and eventually promoted. , The ability it possesses will be quite powerful, even if it is weakened, it has the ability to severely damage some low-level ancestors!"

When Lei Meng heard this, he couldn't help being a little stunned. The ancient ancestors did not dare to challenge at all, and those ancestors who were weak or even depressed were afraid to provoke them because they could not determine their strength. To be promoted to the ancestor's many top-tier powerhouses, they had no choice but to wait.

Thinking of Raymond here, he couldn't help sighing, but soon he thought of a question. "Isn't the master of the Star Palace just an ancestor whose realm has fallen? Why didn't anyone challenge it to obtain the mark of its ancestor?"

Moritz looked more weird when he heard this, suffocating a smile and lowered his voice. "The ancestor's mark possessed by the Lord of the Star Palace has been lost. This is the reason why his realm has fallen..." (To be continued.)

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