
Chapter 1616: Invite

"It’s less than a year before the next ocean current battle. According to speculation, Thousand Birds hopes to win a decisive victory this time, so if you are willing to stay and participate, I can let you and yours These friends participate together..."

Moritz, who was sitting on the stone bench when he said this, had a faint expectation in his expression, because no matter that he can have more help in the face of that situation, it also means that everyone's risk is greatly reduced. .

In the nearly thousand years since she accepted the condition of Thousand Birds to stay here, the nine previous participations have enabled her to see various situations, and she also clearly understands what she will face when facing the massive attacks of many plane guardians. what.

Therefore, even if both Semirio and Clement have the strength of Tier 7, this does not prevent her from continuing to recruit.

In any case, the lean human wizard Raymond in front of him, as well as the helpers he brought, also possessed a certain degree of combat power.

"I still need to go to the realm of mirrors, I don't know if the time is coming..."

For Raymond, he believes that this kind of battle must be quite exciting, but the main participants on both sides are all of Tier 8 and above, so he seems a little hesitant.

"Don't worry, what I need to guard Moritz is the last line of defense. It is the closest place to the Thousand-Headed Bird's body. It should be far safer than being at the forefront to resist..."

Moritz's explanation seems a bit obscure, but the meaning is self-evident.

It's just that the mission of this trip has been completed for Semirio, while Raymond's own purpose has not been achieved yet. So he spoke after thinking for a moment. "Then if time can catch up, how do I get in here?"

After taking out a colorless and transparent model of a thousand-headed bird that looked like a shrinkage, Moritz solemnly explained after handing it over. "As long as its color has not turned bright red. You only need to crush it to enter this place. But remember, if its color has turned bright red, then crush it again and you will fall into Encirclement, no one can save you at that time!"

After receiving the artifact that resembled a model, after experiencing it for a while, he discovered that the spatial fluctuation it had was exactly the same as the frequency inside the platform, and it was obviously a one-time operation device for directional transmission. So he smiled. "Is it possible to think the same way, if this artifact turns completely red, it means that the line of defense may collapse?"

"Yes! If this artifact is completely disintegrated before being used, it means that this place has been completely captured!"

Moritz replied very positively. Leimen understood that this belonged to the ingenious design of the guardian of the mushroom plane, so after asking where the mirror world would appear, and how to return to the wizarding plane from the sea of ​​time and space , Followed Moretz to the center of this platform. After paying the transmission fee. It was passed from this Thousand-Headed Bird Plain back to the sea of ​​time and space.

Seeing Raymond stepping into the teleportation gate, Samario waited for the spatial fluctuations to stabilize before he spoke to Moritz. "Moritz, can it be said that this competition for ocean current flowers will change?"

"It's not a change, but the last time the Star King Palace came back with a feather, it will definitely not be reconciled, so the current competition for ocean current flowers will be more intense and uncontrolled..."

When Samario heard this, he twitched his mouth and continued to ask helplessly. "Then what's the use of the old man and the old seal staying here? It's not always necessary for us to contend against the guardians of the black domain, right?

Moritz laughed when he heard this. "Only by you? The strength of the seventh-tier Intermediate is not even able to withstand the first wave of shock!"

Samario, who was severely despised, lowered his head and felt a little frustrated, but Clemente, the ringed seal, who had never said anything. But he said abruptly. "It is estimated that no one participating in the defense will face the first wave of attacks..."

Immediately, Samario raised his head, staring at Moritz with annoyance.

Moritz, who was only demolished on the spot, giggled. Turning his face to look at the honest Clement for a moment, then he shook his head and sighed. "Old Seal, can you not always be so keen, the first wave of attacks in the Star Palace is naturally to be borne by Lord Thousand Birds, and the defensive side is naturally only required to take on the task of delay and differentiation, and face the risks directly. No one can resist..."

Clemente, who was laughing slyly, stopped speaking, and Samario, who was consciously molested by Moretz, was speechless, but there was joy in his expression. On the contrary, Moretz became a little depressed. , Turned around and took the two to the trading area on the platform.

It is said to be a trading area, but in fact it is just a larger mushroom house. After entering it, the inside is empty, but on the wall there are many things that look like memory balls.

Moretz pointed at those memory **** and introduced directly. "All the resources here are quite expensive. It's just that the guardians of the planes here are carrying a lot of precious materials, so if you need to, you can contact and communicate, but you must remember not to do it in your own capacity. Trading, otherwise the gap between strengths will cause trouble..."

Sun Mario, who was about to check the information in those memory balls, turned around and said strangely. "Could it be that all transactions here are risky?"

Moritz, who was interrupted, looked a little impatient and said in dissatisfaction. "You two only have the strength of Tier 7! If you are trading as you, it is possible to be hacked by anyone! What's more, although it is said that fighting is prohibited here, it will not be possible if you are not strong enough. Who will put you in the eyes!"

Just passing by Samario, the ringed seal Clemente who was going to check the information in the memory ball, muttered. "It's normal to eat black, it's normal..."

After being ridiculed by Moretz, the sudden sound of words in his ear made Samario even more annoyed, and turned around and said. "Old Seal! Can you not say so suddenly!"

"What the old seal said is the truth. Here you must remember not to leave my side, otherwise you will be looted by some weird existence, and there is nothing even I can do..."

Although Moritz’s tone seemed a little relaxed, her expression at this time was particularly serious, making Semirario who wanted to retort, even if he closed his mouth, backhanded Clement standing next to him. Specially pulled over.

"Jie Jie Jie...Little girl, don't always have such sharp teeth. The old lady hasn't eaten fresh meat in a long time..."

The dark laughter came in vainly from outside the door, and when even the pupils of Samario, who were facing the door, shrank suddenly, they became nervous.

Only Moritz, whose expression was relaxed, seemed to be relieved, and turned around and turned out to be aching. "Mother-in-law Minash, don't use such a tone~www.ltnovel.com~ you will be scared to death if you don't know..."

Following Moritz's opening, there was a faint distortion of space outside the door that seemed to have nothing before, and after the ripples like water waves were produced, a figure appeared.

Shaped like a toad, the upper body straight up less than one meter, the weird creature whose eyes occupy most of the face, raised its head and sighed at Moritz. "Moritz, I heard you are going to return early?"

Moritz, who seemed to be very familiar with this creature, knelt down and asked. "Yes, I plan to go back when the next ocean current flower competition is over, what's your order?"

"Remember to come to me after the wait, there are some things that need your help..."

Moritz's expression tightened when he heard this, and said in a strange way. "Huh? Are you not ready to participate in this defense?"

"The old woman always has a bad premonition, so she prepares to escape into the sea of ​​time and space for a while..."

Such a statement by Minash, who is grotesque in shape, made the squatting Moritz look suddenly changed... (To be continued.)

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