
Chapter 1617: Re-encounter

Raymond, who was transported away from the Thousand Birds Plain, returned to the sea of ​​time and space.

According to the direction indicated by Moretz, it did not take long for Raymond to arrive at a wasteland. The cratered surface showed that there had been violent volcanic eruptions, and the extremely cold environment made the restoration of the landform quite slow.

It just seems that the local creatures in the sea of ​​time and space also control the law of appearance in the realm of mirrors, and they have already gathered around here.

Various forms of monsters, strange-looking humanoids, and even water creatures with fins and gills, surround the largest volcano here in a ring shape.

It's just that Shariman, the one-eyed sandman, Adolf of the Holy Light, and Raymond of the girl Becky, after their arrival, caused these gatherings to have fear and panic, and quickly retreated to the crater. Large areas are freed up.

Basically, they were all individuals of the Transformation Period or Dawn-level strength. After releasing the perception and exploring, Raymond stopped paying attention to the prying eyes that came over, and began to wait.

The sea of ​​time and space contains rich spatial energy, and various free energies are quite rich, which is very suitable for recuperation.

The creatures who had already gathered here calmed down after discovering that Raymond hadn't driven them out, but because the difference in strength was too great, most of them did not dare to approach. Only a fat Demon King Squirrel was added to Raymond's team because it was favored by the girl Becky.

The fluffy squirrel with fluffy hair and a hearty character is called Dacia. According to its own introduction, its ethnic group lives in a virgin forest half a year away from here. It traveled long distances to try it out.

The strength has only reached the third intermediate level, but the communicative ability is quite good, so within a short time here, Dacia became familiar with the other participants who wanted to enter the world after waiting for the appearance of the mirror world. .

Because the sea of ​​time and space is where the Thousand Birds are. Therefore, there are fewer disputes, and because the strength of the local creatures is not high, there are very few existences above the dawn level.

"If Azis, the son of space, is a legend. Then Lord Thousand Birds is a legend..."

Moreover, the evaluation given by Dacia when he was questioned also made Raymond feel compelled about the strength and development of the sea of ​​time and space. Have a certain understanding.

I remember meeting a demon king squirrel named Patrick in the realm of mirrors, so Raymond asked about it.

It's just that Dacia is extremely unfamiliar with the name Patrick, and has no impression at all.

It's just that Patrick, the demon king squirrel at the time, betrayed the son of Space, Azis, and brought Ramon a great deal of trouble, so the favor of Dacia Ramon who took the initiative to get together was very limited.

Because of the uncertainty of time, Raymond began to meditate.

It wasn't until three months later that the metal ball of indeterminable material in his hand had a strong sense, which made him wake up from meditation.

Only this time he returned to the realm of mirrors in the sea of ​​time and space. The way it manifests is different from when it appeared in the far north of the plane of nightmare. The entire world of mirrors is completely revealed, making one see the exterior outline that resembles a huge castle, and its original appearance. A period of illusion also seems to be lifted, so that all the creatures waiting in the sea of ​​time and space can reach the entrance like a city wall.

It was equivalent to revisiting the old place, so Leimen quickly broke through those small reciprocating phantoms, and came to the area that looked like nothingness, and saw the manipulator of the mirror world that he had not thought of!

Grass mud horse house!

Trapped in the mural of the circular corridor, with his own reflection in the mirror, House guessing the punch!

"Respected Lord Leimong. The master knows that you will be here, so he told me to wait here..."

House, whose forelimbs were bent and saluted, his entire skeleton became snow-white at this time. The fluctuations in the force field lingering around these bones are extremely clear.

When I met House before, it had only reached the realm of a second-level wizard, but now the sheen of the force field around it obviously has the strength no less than the dawn level. Very surprised Leimen couldn't help but ask the reason. .

House, who entered the control area with Raymond, told Raymond after sending the message that it was reshaped after being taken away by the son of space, Azis. Although he suffered great suffering, With the guidance and support of Azis, the son of space, his strength has improved by leaps and bounds.

"Master Raymond. What's more, I have been cultivating here for nearly three hundred years, and I have already been able to independently control the realm of mirrors..."

Raymond couldn't help being stunned when he heard the time number. Dang Even questioned. "House! You have been cultivating here for three hundred years?"

Without House's answer, the old voice of Azis came from the opened space door. "Yes. The speed of time passing here is different from the outside world, so even it has grown to such a point..."

Seeing the kind-faced but extremely old son of Space Azis, Raymond hurriedly bowed to salute. "Dear Azis, thank you for the Phantom Festival!"

After walking out of the door of space, Azis, the son of space, who nodded slightly at Raymond, looked equally surprised. "Huh? You have been promoted to such a realm. It seems that the effect of the Phantom Festival is quite obvious!"

After sitting down with Azis, Raymond spoke. "It's not a long time to leave here, but at present, I have encountered many bottlenecks in the study of the Phantom Festival..."

Recounting the problems encountered in studying the Phantom Festival over the years, especially the several talents currently mastered, Raymond also felt a little weird.

"Even though the abilities of Shadowscore have one-third the strength of the body, I always feel that such talents are somewhat inconsistent with the power displayed by the Phantom Festival..."

Azis, who listened carefully while Raymond spoke, thought for a moment before speaking. "The old man of the Phantom Festival was also acquired many years ago. Although the description in the ruins says that it has great power, it is possible to condense the rootless source after studying to the extreme, or even directly possess certain powers. Yes, it's just that the old man couldn't study after he got it, which made him shelved here!"

Having said this, Azis looked at Raymond, and after Raymond noticed that his eyes seemed to have a certain power of probing, Azis continued to speak. "After reaching the dawn level, it is an unimaginable thing to want to give up the originally condensed spiritual power crystallization, so you don't need to thank too much..."

Although Azis said so, Raymond was grateful for the effects of the Phantom Festival, so after finishing this topic ~www.ltnovel.com~ Raymond also asked about the time in the realm of mirrors. The problem of flow rate.

"The realm of the mirror was created by the old man after he failed to attack the ancestor. Therefore, with the help of the power of time and space contained in the remnant body of the year, the old man kept the remnant soul in it, only because the realm of the mirror was affected. The attraction of many planes has caused great differences in the flow of time between various areas within it, so if you don’t worry about lifespan, you can stay here for a hundred years..."

Speaking of this, Azis himself laughed first, then got up and pointed to House. "This time we have screened out a few individuals with higher potential. If they are willing to stay permanently, then take them to see me after the world of mirrors is closed..."

And then Raymond, who followed Azis into the portal, was led by Azis into a garden.

A log cabin, a piece of green grass, and the uniquely shaped fountain constitute the area with the slowest flow of time in the realm of mirrors.

After leading Raymond into the hut, he handed a silver bell on the table to Raymond Azis instructed. "Raymond, the old man also hopes to know the effects that can be obtained after studying the Phantom Festival to the extreme. If you need anything, shake this bell to inform Little House..." (to be continued)

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