
Chapter 1619: Qianxiuyi

There are no four seasons in the garden where Raymond is located, let alone day and night.

So in such a safe and comfortable environment, people can hardly notice the passage of time, as if time has stagnated.

The cottage located in the center of the garden was expanded by Raymond due to the lack of internal space, and finally expanded more than twice, which ended the single-pupil Shariman Shariman and the Holy Light’s Adolf. After living out for a long time, I moved in.

The laboratory needed for material processing, the secret room for medicine preparation, the quiet room needed for meditation, and the various rooms that have been expanded for convenience of use have slightly damaged the beauty of the garden.

It’s just that for every member here, they’ve devoted themselves to cultivating. Even the tired girl Becky has built a tree house above the fountain, absorbing all kinds of energy and suffering. Thinking about how to make his memory seal be lifted.

If it weren't because the underground here was a thick barrier formed by invisible energy, Raymond had the intention to build a basement under the hut.

Because he couldn't detect any peeping, but as long as he completed a retreat, Azis, the son of space, would show up in the garden in advance and wait.

Therefore, when the number of "coincidences" is so large that people are accustomed to it, Raymond has to accept such a reality, not to mention that it is quite easy to understand, since the entire world of mirrors belongs to the son of space, Azis. Every plant and every stone here is equivalent to a part of itself, how could it make him not clear about what happened here?

Therefore, Lei Meng who was looking for its principles and methods was abandoned, and this phenomenon was ignored, and he devoted himself to submerged training.

of course. Many questions and doubts about the ancestor were gradually clarified and uncovered in this time-tested coincidence, which made Raymond feel that the road to the ancestor was far away. But it is not out of reach.

Because compared with the information obtained from Moritz, the guardian of the Thousand-Headed Bird Plains and the Wizarding Plane, Azis, the son of Space, who has obsession and hopes to be resurrected. I want to come to this end for more than ten thousand years of unremitting efforts, not only knows many secrets, but also holds countless ruins that may be related to the ancestor.

It's just that these messages are the core secrets that Azis has, and I believe that only after he has been promoted to the ancestor, will he reveal these secrets and tell them all.

Azis, the son of space, who fell because of the impact on the ancestor realm more than ten thousand years ago, gave up another re-cultivation as soon as the impact failed, and created this mirror world with his remains and everything he possessed. , So that it carries the hope of resurrection of the son of space, Azis. Wandering among many planes in order to find an existence that can help his wishes fulfill.

It’s just that as Raymond’s study of the phantom sacrificial texts has entered a difficult period, the interval between his coming out of the quiet room has become longer and longer, and Shariman, Adolf and Becky of the single-pupil sand are also used to this strategy. After some boring days, Azis, the son of space, rarely appeared in the garden.

In addition, Dacia, the demon lord Squirrel with the lowest strength, also showed the superior potential of his strength growth, was taken away from the garden by House and sent to other areas.

Day after day, year after year...

Time goes by without anyone paying attention.

With the assistance of many resources, but also with the help of Azis, who had reached the realm of assaulting the ancestor. For the many bottlenecks encountered in the study of the Phantom Festival, for Leimen, he no longer had the shackles of the previous study, so his strength began to soar without knowing it.

And outside the realm of mirrors. The gate of the giant castle suspended above the crater was closed at this time.

It’s just that after the entrance to the realm of mirrors was closed, the realm of mirrors that appeared here as expected every 30 years did not disappear into nothingness as quickly as before, but stopped in the same place and was covered by a layer. Shrouded in invisible barriers.

The creatures in the sea of ​​time and space that had entered it before, because they received the notice before leaving, they quickly moved away from here after they got out, making their surroundings become deserted again.

Standing at the top of the crenellation of the tallest building of the castle, Ma House, after confirming that the creatures of the last sea of ​​time had finally left, did he return to the secret room on the top of the tower. Bowing to the son of Space, Azis bowed in salute. "Master, all the creatures that have emerged from the realm of mirrors have already left..."

Slightly nodded to indicate knowing. It's just that when House retreated to leave the room, Azis said aloud. "Little House. What has changed in Raymond?"

"Return to the master, Master Lei Meng took a year to repair the contract this time, which is two months longer than the time spent last time."

"It seems that he hasn't reached the possibility of hitting the middle level. When he finishes the dive this time, he will send those purified gilt grass liquid over..."

House was surprised when he heard this. Over the years, because of the management of the realm of mirrors, it knew of Azis' various resource reserves, among which the gilt grass liquid was sealed as the highest-level resource.

So it couldn't help but curious after agreeing. "Master, did you not say that Liuyun Caoye is the bottleneck that hits the eighth order?"

House's doubts made Azis, the son of Space, who was sitting there, finally got up. He walked to the window and looked into the distance for a long time before sighing in a low voice. "Only the speed of this person's progress over the years can surprise the old man. The wait for thousands of years can no longer be dragged on. If he still cannot reach the top of the eighth rank, the old man's hopes will be even more slim... "

When House heard this, even if he fell to the ground, he hurriedly spoke. "Master, you will be able to achieve your wish! Even if Lei Meng-sama can't do it, those who are trained in other planes will gradually grow up. No matter what, you will surely achieve your wish..."

Perceiving a little panic in House, Azis, the son of Space, who turned his face, looked lonely, sighed and shook his head. "Little House, you also need to work hard, otherwise after you return to the original plane, there will be no convenient conditions here..."

When House heard this, he was shocked and quickly raised his head in amazement. "Master! You can't abandon me. Only by your side can I feel the improvement in my strength. You can't abandon me..."

"Where did it come from, you still need to return to your original plane sooner or later, so you won't be imprisoned here until this mirror world collapses..."

Speaking of the son of space, Azis, the compassion between his expressions became more and more obvious. Seeing that House still wanted to open his mouth, he waved his hand. "Go, try to do what you can do as much as possible, and you can't be anxious to improve your strength. The little guys who have passed the Mirror Realm assessment this time, you arrange for them to choose a suitable area for diving..."

Hearing this, House knew that this was the task it needed to arrange immediately. Although there was panic in his heart, he still got up to salute and stepped out. UU Reading www.uukANAnshu.com

When the door was closed, Azis sighed again, standing at the window, thinking for a moment and returning to the room, sitting down and waving his right hand to make dozens of projection-like screens unfold in front of him.

Every illusion in the realm of mirrors is revealed on these screens.

It was just that Azis, who did not conduct a detailed inspection, quickly made all the screens show the garden where Raymond was.

And the displays on these screens were quickly adjusted, and finally the Raymond who was sitting cross-legged in the quiet room was completely revealed.

The three talisman arrays, inside and outside, were set up separately, so that the calm looking Raymond sitting in the center was haunted by a light blue brilliance, and the slight distortion of the force field could still be seen around his body.

It's just that the gloomy light surrounded by his left arm is different from the light of the force field around his body. It seems that there is something accumulated on his left arm, which makes the Leimeng in the display look a little strange.

But after watching carefully for a long time, Azis smiled when he saw the corners of his mouth raised... (to be continued)

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