
Chapter 1620: Subsidiary II

Without the time record in the chip, Raymond would never remember the time he spent in each retreat.

He has always been in turmoil. Although the occurrence and continuation of many events were not within his expectations, he eventually had to integrate into them because of the development of these events, and spent more energy on handling and arranging.

Therefore, after adapting to the current environment, Lei Meng, who relaxed and entered the immersion training, felt that with the intensive study of the Phantom Festival, his own strength had begun to change from quantitative to qualitative unconsciously. stage.

The power of space, with his thorough comprehension and mastery of the phantom sacrificial text, becomes easier to feel, and the result of its small changes will be known in his mind.

It's just the comprehension and mastery of the power of time. For him, it is extremely difficult to comprehend and master it.

Fortunately, he has all the experience of the power of space that Azis, the son of space, can learn from.

And when he was about to start his comprehension of the power of time, the Mahousi "coincidentally" sent three different meditation thoughts for him to use.

Different from the phantom rituals given by Azis before, these three meditation thoughts are all high-level time attributes. According to their introduction, the effect they have is that they can smoothly enter the morning level. realm.

Time is a kind of high-level energy, and the changes that occur when you control it will also produce different paths of practice due to the strength of the learner.

It's just that for today's Lei Meng, no matter what kind of exercises, as long as he can perceive and master the attributes of time, he can gain the possibility of impacting the ancestor after studying.

Therefore, there is no discerning Raymond, he obeyed House's ‘suggestion’. I chose the meditation called ‘Dust of Time’ and started the study.

This meditation derived from the implied meaning of "time and brilliance", the initial study is quite simple. But after crossing the dawn level stage, the difficulty has increased exponentially. Lei Meng had to spend more time for perception and understanding.

It was just that with the passage of time, the single-pupil sandman Shariman who was stranded in this garden showed signs of promotion, and although Adolf of the Holy Light grew fatter, he also made great progress.

Only the girl, Becky, has never been able to feel the seal of her memory, unable to improve her strength, she can only accept Azis’s suggestion in frustration, and enter those illusions in the realm of mirrors. Within, to seek some slim'opportunities'.

And when the resources in Raymond's hands were nearly exhausted. He also finally mastered the time attribute of the "Dust of Time" and the space attribute of the Phantom Sacrificial Text thoroughly, and began to merge the two higher-level powers.

In Raymond’s spiritual space, there are four smaller spiritual power crystals around the hexadecahedron’s spiritual power crystals. It is only because of the time attribute brought by the "Dust of Time" that he has studied that it not only makes the spiritual space as a whole The color has changed, and even all the spiritual power crystals here are surrounded by a layer of halo, which looks a little gorgeous.

It’s just a pity that Leimeng is a bit convenient because the study of the dual-attribute exercises will not give him extra chances for the condensation of spiritual power crystals, and he will not be able to obtain any talent abilities before promotion, but for the time. Comprehension and mastery of attributes. On the contrary, the edge of his spiritual space became more solid, forming a barrier like a barrier.

So many years of immersive training, coupled with the use of many resources and medicines. It has already made him feel that he might have touched the threshold of promotion, but after entering the spiritual space, facing the scene in front of him, Raymond hesitated.

The extremely wide range of spiritual space is very different from the one mentioned by the son of space, Azis.

It is also unclear what the reason is. According to the son of space, Azis, the spiritual space he had before hitting the realm of ancestors was at most half of his current level.

Greater spiritual space means that its spiritual strength has greater development potential.

The greater the spiritual space. It means that the mental power that can be accommodated becomes more and more fierce and condensed, but it also means that it will face greater difficulties when it hits the eighth-order realm.

time and space. In his own opinion, he has already touched the part of its rules, and just wants to continue to understand and control the rules it contains. Then one's own realm must be improved.

Otherwise, the comprehension that belongs to the rules will not be able to be endured by his mental space. On the contrary, it may make his mental space unstable and even collapse.

After reaching the peak of Tier 7, if you want to cross the threshold of Tier 8 and enter a new realm, it’s not like every previous promotion that only requires huge energy and abundant resources to accumulate, but is similar to some kind of Sublimation in form.

It was like the silkworm sloughing off, only after fusing what he had, he had the opportunity to enter the realm of Tier 8.

It's just that when and how to take this step is quite difficult.

Leimen, who entered the spiritual space, came to the side of those spiritual power crystals. Although he did not have any body or senses here, he controlled and understood everything in the entire spiritual space. .

A total of five spiritual power crystals, the'shadow score' constructed when he was promoted to the seventh rank, although not very powerful to his own strength, is also condensed above the seventh rank, and it contains The total amount of mental power should far exceed the sum of the other four mental power crystals.

If Azis was promoted in the same way, then only need to mobilize these spiritual power crystals to completely integrate, then there will be a chance for a smooth promotion, but in this way, the opportunity to have the power of blood is lost.

I thought that it took such a price to finally obtain the possibility of dual-attribute fusion. If you were promoted completely in the way of Azis, then not only would you lose the talent that the time attribute should have given, but it would also make you from the star demon Ogis. The blood power acquired was completely abandoned.

The Star Demon Akis, whom he came into contact by chance, and the closeness of the jellyfish he had encountered before in the Sea of ​​Time and Space, made Raymond understand that the Star Demon Akis was probably also from the Sea of ​​Time and Space. The born strong.

It’s just that the age of its existence is obviously longer than that of the son of space, and according to the memory fragments he accepted at the time, the star demon Okis was defeated because he wanted to forcibly seize the origin of a weak ancestor. He was imprisoned, and finally fell completely because of the powerful seal of the ancestor when he escaped.

Thinking of Raymond here, he couldn't help but doubt it.

If you condense the blood of the star demon Ogis, coupled with the current mastery of time and space power, when you merge the spiritual power crystals according to the original promotion mode~www.ltnovel.com~ will there be a superimposed effect? ?

If you fail, you will suffer the consequences of a fall in your realm, and you will need to spend more resources and time. Only after the body is repaired can you have the possibility of promotion again.

But if it succeeds, it is likely to produce quite a fruitful harvest!

Thinking of this, Lei Meng is a little excited, because the power of the bloodline and the fusion of the spiritual power crystals he currently possesses will produce multiple superimposed effects, regardless of whether the final condensed is biased towards time or space. The crystallization of spiritual power will provide him with more powerful abilities!

The more I thought about it, the more I felt it was possible, and Raymond, who immediately got out of his mental space, gave the chip an order to analyze it.

Waterfall-like data began to refresh in his sight, and various data were retrieved by the chip.

It's just that the faster the chip retrieves data, the slower the data refreshed in its pupils.

Raymond, who sensed that something was wrong, was preparing to stop it, but the rigid warning sound of the chip suddenly sounded in his mind... (to be continued)

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