
Chapter 1621: upgrade

Garden, grass beside fountain.

Raymond, who was lying on his back, had a two-inch-long branch in his mouth, his expression was peaceful but a little bored.

Coming out of the hidden cultivation in vain made him a bit at a loss for a while.

Because both Shariman and Adolf of the Holy Light are still in retreat and are in good condition.

The girl Becky stayed in the maze. Although there were many strange ghosts in it, to Becky, these ghosts were the objects of her intimidation and capture. She seemed to be hunting like a game. The ghosts stored in the maze were about to collapse.

It's just that Raymond was imagining the scenes of those ghosts being chased in his mind, but Azis's old and slightly confused voice overwhelmed the sound of the fountain and passed into his ears. "Why does it stop suddenly when it can impact?"

"I can't help it, I'm not willing to give up the power of the bloodline of the star demon Ogis like this, so I had to calm down and consider..."

Following Raymond's opening, the son of Space in the sound of Xi Xi Suo Suo bypassed the fountain and came to his side, sitting down and speaking with some doubts. "The Star Demon is the title of the ancient times. The old man inquired the past records and was unable to find information about Okis..."

Leimen lying on the grass heard a little helpless here, and said after spitting out the branch in his mouth. "Because this guy wants to occupy my mental space, I have to explode all the spiritual power crystals in the fight, so the blood power obtained from it. I want to try to see if it can impact Time to merge!"

"The inheritance of the power of the bloodline is not helpful to the impact of the eighth-level realm. Even the power of the bloodline obtained through capture like you can be integrated, the old man is not sure..."

"Anyway, wait and see, it's equivalent to relaxation after fatigue. Could it be that your time is a bit tight?"

Raymond's rhetorical question made Azis, who sat down, smiled bitterly. "According to the normal flow rate of time. At most, the realm of mirrors can stay in the sea of ​​time and space for another month, so it's not that the old man's time is not enough, but your time is a little insufficient!"

"Where will the plane appear next time?"

"It's not the shadow plane, it will be the world of golden sand, the old man is not completely sure," said Azis, then turned his face, and looked at Raymond who was still lying on the grass with some dissatisfaction. "Could it be that you are going to wander among many planes along with the realm of mirrors?"

"Naturally it won't work! Last time you didn't say that as long as you follow the realm of mirrors a few times, you will be contaminated by the breath of the realm of mirrors and make it difficult to leave?"

"It's not completely impossible to leave. It's just that expelling the contaminated breath, which is quite troublesome and time-consuming!"

Azis said it quite solemnly. Leimen, who had no choice but to sit up, wanted it not because the chip had started to upgrade in vain, and how could he wait bored in this garden.

It's just that everything about the chip is not easy to tell Azis, so he can only put on a lazy appearance and spend time in this garden.

"Then how much time is left before the realm of mirrors leave the sea of ​​time and space and stay in this garden?"

"At most twenty years!"

Hearing this, Raymond felt relieved and lay down again lazily. "Understood. I will launch the impact as soon as possible, and strive to succeed before the world of mirrors leaves!"

Seeing Raymond lying down again, Azis sighed and shook his head. He wanted to speak, but in the end he did not speak. He stood up and took out a simple box next to the fountain, his figure slightly blurred. Disappeared.

Hearing the sound of a heavy object being put down, the corner of Raymond's mouth, who was lying on the grass, stretched out, and he was very moved.

Since it was sent by Azis himself, it should obviously be a very precious resource. It seems that his leisure time during this period made him a little anxious. So they came to urge them continuously.

It's just that the chip started the second upgrade in vain. This was something that surprised and delighted Raymond, so in any case, he would wait for the chip upgrade to complete before considering how to hit the new realm.

You need to put on a lazy look anyway, so after a while, Raymond closed his eyes, as if he was sleeping.

Just under his right eyelid, there was a faint red glow flashing.

All the data previously stored in the chip can no longer be retrieved. The upgrade data of the chip itself cannot be checked either, but the progress bar that represents the upgrade has already passed more than half, and it is estimated that it should be over in a few days.

Raymond, who entered the wizarding plane in the form of a soul, has only one upgrade of the gene chip he possesses. It is only the change brought about by the previous upgrade, and only its calculation speed, scanning intensity, etc. The promotion did not produce a certain kind of new intelligence, or a new ability, so Raymond has always had strong expectations for subsequent upgrades.

It's just that the memory of Star Alliance is quite vague, Raymond can't remember all the functions that this gene chip can have after the upgrade.

But he still vaguely impressed some of the effects that the second upgrade could have.

Whether it's the further modification of his own genes or the strengthening of his physical abilities, he remembers that after the second upgrade, it will bring about a substantial increase in life span.

After checking the progress of the chip upgrade, Raymond, who was lying on the grass with his eyes closed, completely relaxed. He slept for a long time before waking up. After he got up, he took the box that Azis had placed next to the fountain. Start checking.

As previously guessed, the box of Chixu’s Fangfang is the giltweed liquid once sent by House, and the other two liquids that are filled with energy in the test tube are obviously also some. Treasure things.

Together with the resources previously sent by House, top materials such as gilt grass liquid have been sent three times. Obviously, Azis hopes that he can attack Tier 8 as soon as possible, but why? So urgent?

Thinking of this, Raymond put the box away and sat down by the fountain thinking.

The realm of mirrors has been wandering on many planes for thousands of years, and there should be many creatures who want to come to Azis to meet and support them.

But why did he take the initiative to provide so much convenience after this meeting, and even give away many precious resources and medicines for free. Does it mean that something will happen in the realm of mirrors?

If the guess is correct, no matter what kind of changes will occur in the realm of mirrors, for Raymond, he must complete his promotion before the realm of mirrors leaves the sea of ​​time and space, otherwise he will enter the realm of mirrors together. For other planes, it would be quite troublesome to return to the wizarding plane.

And the relationship with Azis during this period of time has made Raymond feel his sincere goodwill, so if he can help him within his capacity, Raymond believes that he will not be stingy.

Therefore, after roughly understanding this, Raymond returned to the quiet room and began to wait.

Only the chip upgrade, Raymond can not carry out any intervention, so until the chip upgrade progress bar reached the end of the completion, he was able to re-open the chip interface ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ to check the results of the chip upgrade.

The substantial increase in computing speed is an inevitable result.

The increase in the scanning range is nothing special.

The ability to improve in many details will not attract too much attention to Raymond.

It's just that when he browsed to the end, his heart suddenly tightened!

Genetic recombination!

The benign recombination of autologous genes at the genetic level allows the chip owner to modify the adaptability of his own genes in the best way, making individual genes tend to be perfect!

This is one of the most optimized capabilities of gene chips?

Could it be said that with the current ontology, there is also the possibility of further improvement and evolution?

Suppressing the excitement and anxiety in his heart, when Raymond gave the order, he began to wait again... (To be continued.)

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