
Chapter 1622: effect

The waterfall-like data began to refresh in the line of sight, and the many instructions issued by Raymond began to run without any lag.

With the increase in computing speed, every instruction has been optimized for analysis.

The latest functional gene recombination of the chip requires the chip to collect the complete data of Raymond itself. Therefore, Raymond sitting cross-legged in the center of the ventricle felt the soreness, swelling, and even needles in many places in the body. Pain like a stick.

After more than a dozen hourglass hours, the analysis task of self-gene optimization and recombination is completed by the chip, and the several gene recombination schemes proposed by it have their own focuses.

Some are to increase the strength of their physical body, and on the existing basis, the various values ​​of the physical body can be greatly improved.

Others are focusing on the increase in life span, which can increase their life span by more than 30%.

And the genetic recombination that focuses on the spiritual aspect will make it virtualize the physical body, and then reach the level of pure spiritualization.

‘The body will eventually be replaced by pure spirituality. The evolutionary goal of carbon-based organisms is to completely abandon the body and become a fluctuating substance that can exist for a long time...’

Facing such a description, Raymond smiled bitterly and shook his head.

The researchers and developers of the gene chip obviously deduced the way of human evolution, and finally came to such a prophetic conclusion, and then regarded it as the ultimate evolution that chip users can choose after their ability is improved. aims.

It's just this way of evolution. It is too simple for a wizard.

After being promoted to the realm of the Dawn level, the wizard can make his body fully energized, continue to survive in the way of pure mental power fluctuations, and also have the possibility of continuing to improve.

It only exists in the form of pure mental power, and it is bound to be interfered by many factors such as energy fluctuations. As a result, such a life form does not have the possibility of eternity, and even suffers various forms of intrusion because it does not have a substantial body, which will lead to unpredictable risks.

The technological society is very different from the environment in which Raymond lives today. Therefore, he did not hesitate to abandon the so-called ‘optimal’ solution provided by the chip.

As for the other genetic recombination programs, the scope of improvement is limited. Therefore, after thinking about it for a long time, Raymond decided to temporarily abandon the reorganization of his own genes. Instead, the chip began to analyze and analyze the eighth-order realm of the impact it was about to unfold.

The power of the blood of the star demon Aojis can be gathered in his body.

As for the real body whose fit has been greatly improved, although it is not clear what changes will occur when its realm is improved, Raymond still requires the chip to perform deduction and analysis in order to find out whether the real body has an effect on the realm improvement. .

Chips with greatly increased computing power not only shorten the time required for processing each task, but also greatly increase the number of tasks performed at the same time. Some of the remaining questions that Raymond has accumulated over the years can also be answered.

Sitting cross-legged in the quiet room, Leimen didn't seem to be doing anything, but sometimes he would get up and modify the rune formations originally set up in the quiet room.

It's just that no matter whether it is changing the rune array in the quiet room or adding a new auxiliary rune array, he has never activated it, just like what effect each change will produce is known to him.

Because of the problem of the flow of time, Azis, the son of space, who has been observing in the tallest tower in the realm of mirrors, has become more and more confused.

He knew everything in the quiet room before. No matter what the person inside is doing or preparing to do, he can quickly judge it, and even reverse the problem that he is thinking and encountering.

But just after the last conversation, Raymond who entered the quiet room was no longer able to understand him, and as the number of runes in the quiet room increased and changed, the less he understood the Thunder staying in it. What is Meng doing. Or what you are going to do!

According to the flow of time in the garden, this phenomenon lasted for two full weeks, and Raymond, who had not launched a realm impact, quickly activated the quiet room after completing the laying of the last rune. Dozens of symbolic arrays superimposed on each other.

The flamboyant glow of various talisman formations generated in the quiet room in vain made Azis, who was sitting in the tower and able to observe through projections from various angles, a flower in front of his eyes, followed by various rays of light that turned quickly. The internal convergence is like a certain gravitational field producing an effect, causing the luster produced by many talisman arrays to be drawn, and quickly completely covering the Raymond sitting cross-legged in its center, making the entire quiet room only The splendid brilliance is left!

After a moment of stunned Azis, he reacted, waved his right hand and immediately began to adjust the dozens of screens in front of him.

But no matter what, the Raymond who should be at the center of it was no longer visible to him, and an invisible barrier made the central area of ​​the quiet room no longer felt by him!

"Can you avoid the old man's detection? Could it be that his strength has reached such a realm?"

The suspicion of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, the son of space who thought for a moment, Azis frowned. After standing up, his figure became blurred, and he disappeared from the tower and appeared in the quiet room of the garden.

The invisible and intangible body can make Azith's entry without causing any energy change in the quiet chamber, but Azis standing on the edge of the talisman formation is still unable to see the inside.

After wandering around the edge of the most extended rune array for two times, Azis became more confused, thinking that the superposition of these rune arrays of light, water, and auxiliary types alone could form a complete shielding effect. ?

It is as if under his control, an area that he can't control and understand unexpectedly appeared, which obviously subverted the relevant theories about the superposition effect of the rune array!

Therefore, Azis, standing on the edge of the outermost rune array, recalled Raymond's previous erection and changes to these rune arrays, and then began to calculate silently.

It’s just that the effects that can be formed by the superposition of many types of rune arrays with different effects, and the many changes they will bring to each other, quickly make Azis, who is doing mental arithmetic, fall into an incapable position. The degree of continuation.

With the extremely large amount of calculations, the generation and superposition of various variables, and even some of the rune array effects that would cause conflicts, Azis, who felt more and more shocked, knew that he could never continue by relying on mental arithmetic. Go down, so he went back to the tower with a blurry figure, yelling loudly. "Little House! Come in!"

After a while, House, who was summoned into the tower, faced the data that Azis had handed over, and the two soul fires in the eye sockets suddenly shrank, making it start to speak. "Master, does this kind of calculation also embarrass you?"

Leaning over on the table, Azis continued to write and record quickly~www.ltnovel.com~ without raising his head, let out a helpless sigh. "Hurry up! What is given to you is only a very small part of it. It seems that it is quite difficult to solve the effect formed by the superposition of those talisman formations..."

House standing at the table was more and more stunned when he heard the sound, but when he saw the thick calculation paper stacked on the table, he realized that the task was arduous and hurriedly started the calculation.

At this time, Raymond, who was in the quiet room, still hadn't started his realm impact. Although Azis didn't know when he entered the quiet room before, his sense of peeping was activated in the talisman formation around his body. After that, it completely disappeared, which means that all previous efforts have reached the best result deduced by the previous chip.

And the calculations made by the chip after introducing various rune array effects obviously met his previous expectations, so that Azis, the creator of the realm of mirrors, finally could no longer observe his situation.

I can finally start the realm impact with peace of mind...

Lei Meng, who was thinking like this in his heart, then took down the various medicine suits that had been configured, and calmly revealed his true body. After completing the integration, he also launched an impact on a new realm... (to be continued) .)

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