
Chapter 1623: Strike

The sound of crying like a baby makes the overall atmosphere of the Thousand-Headed Bird Plain filled with the halo of the force field and the brilliance of the magic spells seem particularly strange.

On the left side of the suspended platform, Minash, who was squatting on its edge, looked like a toad. After observing for a while, he turned his face and said helplessly towards Moretz who was standing next to him. "What did the Star Palace want to do this time? How could it launch a surprise attack in advance?"

Moritz, who has a substantive light in his pupils, is staring at the edge of the Thousand-Headed Bird Plain, which is bursting with fierce magical light, and clusters of brilliance will burst out from time to time, like fireworks. It was so bright, but the thousand-headed birds that swarmed past to resist were constantly being killed, turning into wisps of smoke and dissipating.

Moritz, whose expression became more solemn, lowered his voice after thinking. "Since the Star Palace has launched an attack in advance, you can't escape into the sea of ​​time and space as expected. You'll still follow me to the core area to resist..."

The child can't bear another heavy injury, why haven't the Shadow Demons withdrawn? "

"The time that the shadow demon needs to resist has not yet arrived. The thousand-headed bird below has formed a superposition of two or three. At least it takes half an hourglass!"

"It's still a lot of time, and I don't know if they can withstand it..."

"If you can't stand it, you will only retreat. Even with this place, it will be occupied. Even if you want to withdraw to the core area, it will be more difficult to resist, so don't worry about it. Anyway, the big deal is that the current ocean current pays for it. I can’t charge it..."

Moritz's words were a bit of an understatement, and his expression also seemed very relaxed at this time, but the poisonous rosefish Sen Mario, who was standing not far behind him, frowned. Special envoy Clement, the ringed seal who always smiles beside him, winked.

The seemingly clumsy Clemente clicked his lips and nodded to indicate that he had understood.

It was just such a silent communication that immediately attracted Minash's attention, and she appeared in front of Semirio with a sway in vain, and screamed at him. "What conspiracy are you doing! Say!"

Accompanied by the roar of anger, the crimson light of the force field instantly covered Samario and Clement, as if imprisoned, they both lost the ability to resist.

Moritz, who sensed the fluctuation of the force field, quickly turned around. After seeing the crimson force field light, the tension between his expressions was replaced by helplessness, and he lowered his head and said to Minash. "Mother, they belong to the sea clan belonging to the wizard plane. It is absolutely impossible to have any intersection with the Star Palace. Don't toss like this, okay..."

"Moritz! Don't lie to me. If something happens later, the old lady won't let you go..."

"Okay, okay, you can be safe. I haven't seen the other defenders are preparing. Since you are worried, you should prepare early, it is better than tossing like this..."

Moritz just said this, and the faint cheers from the eastern edge of the Thousand-Headed Bird Plain made Moritz turn around, and saw that the layered shock waves were like a storm. From there, it is rapidly advancing towards the inside of the Thousand Birds Plain!

Thousand-headed birds as high as tens of meters, as long as they have not yet completed the superposition, are annihilated under this huge but violent shock wave. The storm that swept quickly also caused many plane guardians on the suspended platform to be destroyed. Tensed.

Only when the violent shock wave reached a suspended stone pillar. The light of the force field produced in vain from its cylinder, however, caused this violent shock wave to be stopped. The invisible barriers that were originally nearby were also completely exposed, as if they were a line of defense, the Thousand-Headed Birds behind them were not affected.

Seeing the dark shadows who followed the shock wave and broke through quickly, Moritz sighed. "Thirty-seven hidden barriers, guardians of more than 20 planes, even if the assault of the Star Palace is too abrupt, it is not easy to get here, mother-in-law, please relax and start preparing... "

Although Moritz's tone was flat, the firmness in it made Minash feel a little relieved, waved his hand to lift the imprisonment of Semirio and Clement, turned around and came to the edge of the platform, still a little worried before he started busy. Muttered. "Moritz! You must remember that the old woman can't stand the severe damage..."

"Don't worry, even if they launched a sneak attack from the west side where the defensive strength is weakest, there are many stone pillars that will have an effect. When they arrive here, they should at least complete the stacking of more than five. There is still plenty of time. of……"

As Moritz spoke, those members of the Star Palace who finally broke through into the hinterland from the west of the plain began to fight with the Thousand-Headed Birds that were superimposed together.

The brilliance of the force field of various colors will explode with every contact.

Because this is the gathering place of thousand-headed birds for more than two million years, the white striata released by the superimposed thousand-headed birds, its unique white brilliance, will also instantly put the figures of these intruders Engulf, cover.

The dozen or so plane guardians who were on the suspended platform also began to be busy in the same way as they used to resist the last time.

The various auxiliary talismanic arrays constructed along the west side of the suspended platform make the light of various gaining force fields drop like a rain curtain, so that the thousand-headed birds passing under the suspended platform are given Improvement of various abilities.

It only participates in the battle in a supplementary way, so even though the battle on the west side of the plain is extremely fierce, the expressions of the guardians of many planes on the suspended platform are fairly relaxed.

Because of the difference in strength, Simmario and Clement are temporarily following Moretz as spectators. Seeing the ongoing fierce conflict, Simmario’s eyes are shocked. The rune array that Moritz had constructed began to exert its effect, and he leaned in and asked softly. "Does it mean that this can resist the attack of the Star Palace?"

"How is it possible! There will be at least three waves of attacks on the Star Palace, and what we have arrived at is only the first wave, which is only responsible for sweeping the entire plain, greatly reducing the number of birds that can be stacked, but these are Can't break through to the suspended platform..."

Seeing Moritz said that he was extremely relaxed, Samario, who was nervous in his heart, closed his mouth.

Only a moment later, when the Star Palace broke through to the third suspended stone pillar, Clement, who had been looking down and meditating, pointed to the east side of the suspended platform and muttered. "There seems to be a problem over there..."

Moritz, who turned his face when he heard the sound, smiled after seeing the direction Clemente was pointing. "The shadow demon's team is over there, it will definitely not become the main attack direction of the Star Palace..."

But without waiting for Moretz's words to finish ~www.ltnovel.com~ the seemingly unremarkable eastern edge of the plain, but in vain flashes of countless gleams of light, followed by the storm-like spells. In vain was poured out of nothingness!

Due to the tense fighting on the west side, the number of thousand-headed birds stranded on the eastern plain that is farthest from it is not many, but most of them have reached the superimposition of two or three, so it is accompanied by the baby-like issued by the thousand-headed birds. With the sound of crying, a dozen thousand-headed birds that were already superimposed rushed over.

However, in the mid-air above it, as the distortion of space occurred, several members of the Star Palace descended from the sky, and started a massacre like annihilation!

The screaming and screaming sound, along with the brilliance of the magical light, was learned by the defenders on the suspended platform. Although the unexpected changes would not make everyone panic, the flanking attacks from both ends caused the situation to happen. Changed.

Especially when the members of the Star Palace who assaulted into the hinterland of the plain from the east quickly pulled out three or four stone pillars, showing their powerful strength, and finally made the expressions of many defenders on the suspended platform suddenly changed and felt the danger. Is coming soon.

Not knowing which direction the sharp whistle came from on the platform, Moritz, who looked serious, also gave the order to evacuate... (to be continued...)

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