
Chapter 1624: awkward


The members of the Star Palace that rushed into the hinterland from the eastern side of the Thousand Birds Plain were not only more powerful than the defenders expected, but their speed was also underestimated because of their initial performance.

As a result, the evacuation of Moritz, Minash, and the tens of resisters on the suspended platform suffered irreversible failure.

In just a few dozen breaths of time, when the teleportation gate in front of the giant mushroom located in the center of the suspended platform was about to be opened, a cold voice came from above it. "Give up the resistance, otherwise you will be exiled into the void..."

Although the voice of the speaker was plain, the threat was to shock the many defenders who were preparing to evacuate, because the suspended platform had already been closed, and the invisible barrier had already isolated the inside and outside. How could it be possible? Make everyone hear such a noise?

Minash, who was closest to the teleportation gate, suddenly raised his head, but after seeing the figure in the sky, he exclaimed. "The King of Demon Flower! How could it be..."

The rest of the defenders who heard this name also raised their heads, and saw that a giant flower with gorgeous colors appeared above the suspended platform. Although it had a humanoid body, it had a blooming likeness. The flower-like head.

Layers of seemingly soft petals are still trembling like waves, but the place where the stamen should be is a neutral face with no expression. Its pupils seem to be colored and gorgeous vortexes, which is so impressive. You will feel coquettish when you look at each other.

Seeing everyone raised their heads, the king of the demon flower spoke again. "The goal of the Star Palace is the ocean current flower, and the meaningless resistance is extremely unwise. I believe you all understand..."

Moritz, who saw this guy's appearance, tightened, sighed secretly, and said. "The King of Demon Flower, how can giving up resistance guarantee everyone's safety?"

Turning his gaze to Moritz, the King of Demon Flower said without any change in his expression. "The distribution of ocean current flowers should return to the original way. If you join the Star Palace, you can still get your share. If you don't want to, you can wait until the dispute is over before you leave..."

The rate of speech was very slow, but the meaning expressed in it was that most of the defenders present were relieved. Minashdang, who had been extremely shocked before, even jumped up and approached the invisible barrier to speak. "King of the demon flower, I, Minash, is willing to accept your terms!"

The soft petals surrounding the face trembled, and then the King of Demon Flower who raised his right hand pointed at Minash to his side and motioned her to go out.

As if asking for a statement, Minash, who took a deep breath, left the suspended platform without saying a word, and stood on the right side of the King of Demon Flower. Although the force field brilliance still exists on his body surface, Obviously, the intensity was lowered, and it was actually a posture of complete surrender.

The shocked Samario was particularly puzzled. Seeing that other guardians of the plane also gave up resistance and lifted off to leave, he couldn't help sending a voice to Moretz to ask. "Moritz! How could this happen! Could it be said that the King of Demon Flower can restrict all the guardians of the planes here?"

Biting his lower lip, Moritz, who seemed to be thinking all the time, sighed after hearing the sound transmission, turned around to follow up with Semirio and Clement, and slowly lifted off towards the King of Demon Flower.

At this time, the space door leading to the core area of ​​the Thousand-Headed Bird has been opened, but apart from Samario and Clement, there is only one weird creature with two heads that does not move. When Ryze leaped up, he rushed to the portal in vain and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Seeing this, Samario quickly grabbed Clement's arm and quickly lifted off to the side of the King of the Demon Flower along with Moritz.

At this time, the members of the Star Palace who had attacked from the west side of the Thousand Heads Plain had already broken through the last two barriers formed by the black stone pillars, and were approaching below the suspended platform.

As for the team coming from the east, a guy in the front that looked like a black wolf had actually captured the Shadow Demon who was stationed on the east side of the Thousand Birds Plain, and dragged it to the side as well.

And the number of the thousand-headed bird on the entire thousand-headed bird plain has been greatly reduced. Even if there are still some that are coming towards the suspended platform, they are all individuals that have not been superimposed. Obviously, they will not affect the team of the Star Palace. Any threat.

The King of the Demon Flower, who was standing in the air, waited for the members of the Star Palace on the east and west sides to gather before speaking. "Since you all belong to the Star Palace this time, the Star Palace will naturally distribute it after the Ocean Current Flower gets your hands. It's just that the next Ocean Current Flower competition I hope you will not stand on the side of the Thousand Birds..."

After all, his figure is blurred, it actually penetrated the invisible barrier of the suspended platform directly, and appeared on the back of the giant mushroom house. With the generation of cryptic force field ripples, the entire suspended platform except that space All the buildings outside of the gate collapsed downwards as if melted, and in a moment it turned into a transparent and colorless liquid, dripping down from the edge of the platform.

The invisible barrier protecting the suspended platform was completely smashed. After the members of the Star Palace that gathered together, including the King of the Demon Flower, entered the portal one by one, they signaled the black wolf to throw the imprisoned Shadow Demon to Moretz. , And then went straight into the door of that space and disappeared.

When the black wolf also entered the portal, Moritz, with a serious expression, breathed a sigh of relief, and turned around to speak to Samario. "That's the king of the demon flower. A powerful man with no root and power has been condensed in the black domain. The people present are not its opponents at all. It is just that it has always kept its promises, so it is the result now. There is no other way..."

With Moritz's opening, Minash, who gave up the resistance first, seemed to recover from the panic. He panted to the side of the imprisoned Shadow Demon, and after he was rescued from the imprisonment. Then he said. "How can you be imprisoned by that black wolf? It stands to reason that you can escape even if you can't resist it..."

Just after being rescued from the imprisonment, the shadow demon roared angrily. "You show Lao Tzu to escape! The King of Demon Flower takes the shot himself, where is there any chance Lao Tzu can escape! It's lucky if I didn't kill him on the spot..."

When Moritz heard this, his heart sank, and he appeared in front of the Shadow Demon in a flash, shouting at it. "Shadow Demon! Could it be said that all but you stationed on the east side were killed?"

"They were all sent back to the Star King Palace! If it weren't for Lao Tzu's strength, I would have passed, otherwise I wouldn't even be eligible to surrender..."

As if feeling embarrassed, after the roaring Shadow Demon was finished roaring, he looked at the people hovering in the air and laughed wildly in vain. "Except for those two heads, all of them gave up resistance. If Thousand Birds knows the truth, then none of you will want to enter the sea of ​​time and space again, hahaha..."

The very arrogant laughter ~www.ltnovel.com~ made the expressions of the guardians of the planes present somewhat unnatural, but Minash only curled his lips and muttered. "Shadow Demon, that's not what I said! This time it was the King of the Demon Flower who came forward, and the next time the Star Palace might not be able to have such an offensive position. Don't Thousand Birds need help if they want to defend the Yangliuhua? "

"Do you still want to participate in the next garrison? You are not afraid that the King of Demon Flower will make another move?"

The question raised by the Shadow Demon actually pierced the minds of everyone present, so the guardians of the planes who seemed a little embarrassed before also leaned in.

But Minash's huge eyes flashed with light, lowering his voice. "The King of the Demon Flower just said no'hope' that we would stand on the side of the Thousand-headed bird, but he did not say that it could not'can' stand on the Side of the Thousand-headed bird, so next time if it makes another move, the big deal is to give up... …"

Hearing this explanation, Samario couldn't help being stunned, but the guardians of the planes present seemed to be relieved, and their expressions relaxed, even Moritz, who seemed particularly nervous before, was relieved. Tone...

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