
Chapter 1625: Decide

Because Minash’s ‘explanation’ helped the guardians of the many planes who had to stay here to resolve some embarrassment.

It's just that such a tricky method still cannot change the atmosphere, so the silence that follows makes the atmosphere more silent and embarrassing.

Think about it, because no matter how everyone will choose their respective positions in the next ocean current flower fight, now except for the two-headed creature that rushed into the core area of ​​the plover, everyone on the scene is considered to have turned his back on the plover. , Also violated the previous agreement reached with Thousand Birds.

Although there are many reasons for everyone to appear here, some are dissatisfied with the star palace, some are out of the need for ocean current flowers, and some are purely warlike, but the ultimate reason is still because of ocean current flowers. All the existences that appeared here came all at once, and none of them felt that their gains were enough to satisfy themselves and completely withdrew from the competition for ocean current flowers.

It’s just that the King of the Black Territory Demon Flower that he faced before, but no one can rise the desire to continue resisting, because the gap between those who have time and strength cannot be made up by courage, will, or responsibility. of.

Although the strength of Moretz was not the highest, because she stayed here for the longest time, when the embarrassment began to diffuse, not only Minash came over, but even mocked everyone before. The shadow demon also cast their gazes over, each of them had expectations, but none of them spoke.

Being stared at by more than a dozen plane guards, Moritz was also extremely helpless, thinking for a moment before sighing. "Don't look at me like this, the double head itself is a dead brain, it's not unexpected that it will rush in..."

Upon hearing this, the Shadow Demon spoke immediately. "No one wants to know about the two-headed thing! Everyone here still owes the time for a thousand-headed bird to be stationed. If the agreement is violated, the problem is not serious, but it is not a reason to betrayed! The most difficult thing now is the future What should I do!"

"What can I do, except for the two of them, everyone on the scene owes the Thousand-Headed Bird..." Pointing to Clement and Semimario standing behind him, Moritz said between his eyebrows. Crunch. After a pause, he said as if he was angry. "It's a big deal to return all the ocean current flowers in my hand, and make the previous agreement invalid..."

Moritz made a decision. After a sigh of relief, it seemed a lot relaxed.

The expressions of the guardians of the other planes present are different, especially the shadow demon. Although it cannot be seen by others, its aura has become restless, and it seems to be mad for a moment. Like roared. "You can do it, but what should I do! I owe a thousand-headed bird's garrison time for hundreds of years. Next time, the King of Demon Flower will appear. Lao Tzu will definitely be wiped out by it!"

The fluctuation of the force field around the shadow demon body became a bit disordered, but the aura belonging to the eighth rank still made Samario feel suffocated.

Clemente, who was standing next to Moritz with him, still had the same smile as before, but at this moment it seemed to be particularly annoying to Semimario, thinking about what he had said before. Sen Mario couldn't help but ask for the warning. "Clement, how do you know there is a problem on the east side of the plain?"

Clemente, who lowered his head and listened to others' words, turned his face in a daze, and said in a confused voice. "The resources that I replaced before were used up. It is estimated that the life span can be extended for more than a hundred years. Although I have not yet felt the improvement of strength and realm, my intuition seems to have been strengthened a lot. So at that time Just feel..."

Samario was shocked when he heard this, but he quickly reacted. Congratulations to Clement for getting rid of his previous difficulties.

The Shadow Demon who snarled and roared, after a while, because no one responded, he had to hide aside in depression, thinking about how to face the upcoming situation.

At this time, the entire Thousand-Headed Bird Plain has calmed down. Those Thousand-Headed Birds that would not regard Moritz and others on the suspended platform as targets, because of the lack of targets, gradually dispersed, but the Star Palace stormed through. Those two routes were also revealed because of the weakening of the magical effect.

It was originally these individuals bred by Thousand-headed birds, although most of them were eliminated because they failed to overlap in time. But as long as the crystals in the heads of these thousand-headed birds are not taken away, they will slowly come back to life. It's just that the strength of the resurrected individual is quite low, and it needs to be sent to other Thousand Bird Plains for recuperation.

It’s just that the guardians of the plane who stayed on the destroyed suspended platform, no one is in the mood to discriminate and guide them, so that many of the smaller plovers on the plain resurrected in the plain. Wandering casually.

But with the passage of time, the teleportation gate on the suspended platform was re-lit after a half hourglass hour, and the black wolf that had imprisoned the Shadow Demon immediately jumped out of it and stood by.

The members of the Star Palace who entered it not long ago also came out one after another. When the King of Demon Flower appeared from the portal, his expression was quite exhausted, and the soft petals around his face seemed to be roasted. It was generally scorched, mostly darkened and drooped, making it seem very embarrassed.

However, his expression was the same as before. After signalling the black wolf guarding the side with the person from the Star Palace to leave, his right hand raised and dropped dozens of sealed ocean current flowers.

"These are rewards for you to stay on the sidelines, so you can do it for yourself..."

After talking about it, a vaguely figured King of Demon Flower, he caught up with the members of the evacuation Star Palace in a flash, and quickly disappeared from the east side of the plain.

Moritz, who caught the ocean current flowers, was a little stunned after counting the number, because the amount given by the King of Demon Flower was almost the same as the amount that could be obtained after completing this assistance to the Thousand-Headed Bird!

After thinking for a moment, Moritz distributed the current flowers, and then spoke. "Everyone, the King of the Demon Flower obviously knows the amount that those present can obtain after completing the defense. Although it doesn't add anything, it obviously made us completely abandon the plover. What do you think?"

"There is no way to give up resistance under the condition of unequal strength. I believe that Thousand Birds will not be angry about this, but it is not appropriate to obtain the same amount of ocean current flowers without any effort. The old lady decided to go back..."

After Minash expressed his stance, he entered the portal of teleportation.

And the other guardians of the plane also entered the space gate after thinking, obviously to communicate with Thousand-Headed Birds.

Only the Shadow Demon hadn't moved, it seemed quite difficult to make a decision.

But Moritz, who entered the portal alone, came out of it after a moment~www.ltnovel.com~ with a smile of joy, and called for Samario and Clement. Hand, motioned for the two to follow her to the core area of ​​the thousand-headed bird.

Samario, who had no right to speak, was preparing to pass, but the Shadow Demon, who had been silent before, rushed over and asked in vain. "Moritz! What is the attitude of Lord Thousand Birds?"

"Shadow demon, I can't tell you anything, this is the request of Lord Thousand Birds..."

After hearing Moritz's reply, the Shadow Demon screamed. "Gosh! Why can't I let Lao Tzu stay here until the time limit is over? It's so unfair..."

The shadow demon who happened to be able to stop Moritz from leaving by the door of space seemed to be irritated, but when Moritz was about to open his mouth, the spatial fluctuations in the corner of the void platform caused It was to make everyone aware of it and turned their gazes.

There was a twist in the space there, and a man in a black wizard robe walked out of it.

It's just that this person was looking at the empty void platform, and he noticed the gazes of Moritz and others, and turned around... (To be continued.)

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