
Chapter 1626: 0 birds

Seeing the front of the man who turned around, Moritz couldn't help widening his eyes with an incredible look. "You, have you advanced?"

"Luck is better..."

With a sway, Moritz approached him, noticing that the fluctuations in the force field around him were a bit stagnant, and still couldn't believe it. "This is impossible! How can you break through in one year?"

From the sea of ​​time and space, using the Thousand-Headed Bird-like magical device to teleport to this suspending platform, Leimon was only aware of the invisible creature in front of the teleportation gate. After looking at it, she realized that it was the one she had encountered before. The shadow demon on the plane of shadow, even to Moritz spoke. "It took me more than a hundred years to get promoted. It's not that fast..."

Realizing that Lei Meng's gaze was on the shadow demon, Moritz, who was apologetic in his expression, asked instead using a voice transmission method. "Could it be that Azis, an old slicker, opened the core area of ​​the Mirror Realm to you?"

"The time flow there is relatively slow, so I can just catch up with the calculation, so I came here..."

Speaking of this, Raymond frowned slightly, because the mushroom houses on the suspended platform not only disappeared, but even the number of thousand-headed birds on the plain below was much less, he couldn't help but wonder. "Moritz, could it be said that the Star Palace launched an attack in advance?"

"Where is the advance? It's all over..."

With a helpless expression while speaking, Moritz explained everything that had happened before, and finally said to the shadow demon who hesitated to approach. "The Shadow Demon is more troublesome now, it still owes Thousand Birds hundreds of years of garrison time..."

"Wow! It turned out that I entered the realm of Tier 8 without seeing it for a year. Where is the area in the sea of ​​time and space that can stop time?"

The shadow demon who pierced the reason for Raymond's promotion in one mouthful, revealed its shape while speaking, and looked like a somewhat evil and handsome man.

It's just that his expression is extremely sad, and there is undisguised depression in his eyes.

I thought I didn't know you well enough to talk about Raymond of Azis, the son of space. Naturally, he would not pay attention to his problems and continued to speak to Moritz. "Now that the Star Palace has achieved its goal, can't you return to the wizarding plane?"

"Yeah, so I was preparing to take Semirio to meet the thousand-headed bird. Then I was about to leave..."

Speaking of this, Moritz saw that the shadow demon's face beside him was extremely ugly, and couldn't bear to wink at him. Then he glanced at the teleportation gate unintentionally.

The stunned Shadow Demon was a little confused, but soon its pupils suddenly lit up, nodded heavily at Moritz, and its figure suddenly disappeared, only to see the teleportation door shake. The aura of the shadow demon is no longer able to be felt, obviously entering the portal of teleportation.

Moritz, who was relieved, turned to Raymond and said. "You are really amazing. You have crossed this limit for more than a hundred years. You should be able to enter the realm of the ancestor..."

"Where can it be so easy? Entering the eighth rank is only to meet the minimum requirements to come here. Without the background, how can you talk about continuing to promote..."

"You are too modest, even the old slicker of the son of space, Azis, is willing to open up the core area of ​​the mirror realm for you. Obviously, you are quite optimistic about your growth potential. Otherwise, how could he bet..."

It's just that Moritz just said this, but Samario, who had already leaned aside, was angry. "Place a bet? Why do you always like to use these words to describe it! Have you forgotten your previous promise?"

Moritz replied with a slip of the tongue, but the annoyed Samario looked at her for a long time before she closed her mouth and lowered her head.

Turned his face to face Raymond's Semirio. Congratulations on his promotion, but the awe-inspiring expression on his expression made Raymond very speechless.

Later in the communication, Moritz learned that Azis, the son of space, had left the sea of ​​time and space with the realm of mirrors. She also realized that the time was wrong, and quickly led Raymond and others into the portal. Entered the core area of ​​Thousand Birds.

Only after stepping out of the portal, Raymond did not immediately see the Thousand-Headed Birds, but when Moritz passed through the extremely empty plain to the center, he saw what looked like a lake. Black pool.

The black water in the pool was still tumbling, and the huge yellow snake head inside, after everyone arrived, moved its gaze away from the shadow demon by the pool and turned around.

Perceiving an invisible wave passing by Leimon, he perceives a vague and powerful aura, although he knew the power of Thousand Birds in the communication with Azis, the son of Space. But the dignified pressure when he really faced it still caused his physical force field to be triggered and revealed.

It seems a bit weird. After the slender snake neck of the thousand-headed bird was slowly raised, he spoke. "Moritz, why are there so many strange faces?"

"They are all from the wizarding plane, Raymond has just been promoted to the eighth realm, so I didn't even know about it before..."

There was thought in the Thousand-Headed Birds eyes that turned to Raymond, and then he continued to speak after a while. "I noticed the breath of Azis, do you have a connection with him?"

"I was promoted in the realm of mirrors, so it may be contaminated with the atmosphere there."

"It seems that he finally dared to take this step..."

After some unexplained muttering, the Thousand-Headed Bird made the shadow demon leave, and then the slender snake neck slowly sank into the black water, and its huge yellow snake head was half-soaked in the black water. Moritz spoke. "Moritz, your time here is not short, will you come back this time when you decide to go back?"

"If there is no support from the King of Demon Flower in the Star Palace in the next competition for Ocean Flow Flowers, I will still come over."

"The Star Palace has worked hard to move the crowd, and this time the King of the Demon Flower was not lightly injured, so next time they can no longer invite an existence like the King of the Demon Flower. If you go back, you can continue to convene without worrying about payment. ..."

The speed of speaking was a little slow, but a closed container raised from the black water with the opening of the Thousand-headed bird slowly fell in front of Moretz.

Moretz, who picked up the airtight container, was a little surprised, but a ring-like object spit out from the mouth of the Thousand-headed bird suddenly appeared at her hand, making her instinctively catch it, and then the Thousand-headed bird What she said made her even more stunned.

"These are the rewards you deserve. If you want to come over in the future, you can contact me directly. If Sinner Dice is still collecting ocean current flowers to allow you to come over, you will give this to her so that she can also come over. ..."

Moritz looked down at the ring with his head down, and there was a deep doubt in his expression~www.ltnovel.com~ Dang Even asked. "Latis is a sinner. She can't leave the abyss tornado at all. Could it be that this ring can keep her from being restrained?"

"Since the Star Palace invited the King of the Demon Flower this time, the criminal of the Abyss Tornado, Latis, will be the main force of defense in the next battle for the Ocean Flow Flower. If you give her the ring, she will naturally understand... …"

After all, the huge yellow snake head was completely submerged in the tumbling black water, and when the black water in the pool stopped tumbling and the entire pool became calm, a door of space also appeared extremely abruptly by the pool. , And quickly stabilized.

Seeing the appearance of Moritz at the portal, he was completely relaxed, turned his face and sighed at Leimen and the others. "Well, we can return directly!"

It was just that before everyone left, the black pool water tumbling again, the huge yellow snake head protruding from the pool actually came out of the pool, and after approaching Lei Meng, he asked with some confusion. "Raymond, do you know of an existence named ‘Angle of Time’?"

The huge pupils that were only a few meters away from him made Raymond feel a great deal of pressure, and Moritz next to him even lost his voice. "Do you mean the Black Witch King Anglia..." (To be continued.)

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