
Chapter 1627: situation

The people who stepped into the portal of teleportation soon entered the abyss tornado.

The howling wind remained the same, and even its intensity had improved somewhat in Raymond's eyes.

It's just that when everyone went to the Extremis Bar, they found that the abyss tornado was no longer as calm as before.

All kinds of tyrannical creatures with fluorescence and force field light on the body surface continuously appear from below the abyss tornado in the form of small groups, rising at an extremely high speed until they disappear.

Those wind barriers that are tens of meters thick are not an obstacle to these guys at all, they will be easily torn apart and then broken through in an instant.

As the guardian of the Wizarding Plane, Moritz naturally knows the types and names of these creatures, so when she keeps screaming and suspicious, everyone who has just returned to the Wizarding Plane is a little confused. .

It was just that Moritz, whose expression became tighter, did not explain, but instead speeded up and found a secret passage directly, and entered the Bar of Extremis.

The Extremis Bar, which entered through the secret passage, is no longer the cold and empty appearance it used to be.

I don’t know when the area of ​​the bar has expanded by more than ten times. The guests sitting around the table are not hustling and noisy, but they have reduced their voices, making the atmosphere of the entire bar extremely solemn.

The only thing that hasn’t changed is the waiters who wore neat uniforms and looked like goblins but with their signature smiles. They shuttled back and forth in the hall like butterflies, delivering steaming food and barrels of fine wine. On the table.

Buzzing seems to be the sound of conversation in the ears, but you can't distinguish the content just by listening carefully, just like a noise.

But when Moritz saw such a scene, his whole face seemed to be frozen, and he walked to the bar lightly, and he didn't know what he had said to the waiter. So he quickly opened the bar and gave up a passage.

Moritz, who entered it, was quite familiar with the inside, and walked down the bifurcated passage for a long time. Finally, I entered a room that looked like a living room, pulled a rope and sat down and waited.

Moretz with short shredded hair. After making up his face, he looked like a stranger would not come close, even Semirio was a little afraid to speak.

After releasing Shariman from the single-pupil sandman and Adolf from the teaching of the Holy Light, Raymond turned on the magic to check the message, and his expression became solemn after a while.

And as the footsteps of Da Da Da approached, the nasal taunting voice of Latis, the Lord of the Deep Hell, also came in at this time. "The central part has been completely occupied by the Sith. The Alliance of Xilan and the remaining troops of the Supreme House formed a coalition, but the Sea Clan still did not take any action and did not allow land creatures to enter..."

Upon hearing the sound, Moritz stood up and furiously said. "Didn't you take any countermeasures?"

The secret corner door was silently opened. Latis appeared in that corner, too. "More than 30,000 hunters participated in the battle, except for those above Tier 7 who were able to return! Could it be said that the bottom of the abyss should be filled in and sent to death!"

"But the time they stay here has exceeded the time the power of the plane should take effect, don't you understand the danger?"

Moritz raised his voice and questioned, but it made Latis laugh. "Cut! Even the guardian clan has abandoned this plane, leaving them to stay is at most equivalent to an alien coming, the big deal is to give up the entire land..."

Moritz was stunned, even if he was a little crazy. "Latis! How can you do this!"

"Then what do you want me! You have disappeared for a thousand years, and you can ignore everything in the entire plane. Now it's mine..."

As if they were quarreling, the two women turned their backs angrily after a while, and stopped talking as if they were angry.

It's just that the arguing process made Raymond feel a little speechless. Because when the dispute is getting fierce, the words and tone of the two sides are full of grievances, and logically speaking, they should never appear between two people of the same sex!

Are they all lesbians?

Suddenly I saw the words that flashed in my heart. Leimen couldn't help but turn his gaze to Semimario, and saw that this guy seemed to have noticed the weirdness in it, clenched his fists and was stunned.

Latis, who was silent for a long time, seemed to soften her mouth after sighing. "Alright, since you have already returned anyway, you will handle it by yourself from now on. Anyway, I'm just an agent, and I won't lose anything because of it..."

Moritz, whose anger alleviated when he heard these words, turned around after thinking about it. Taking out the ring given by Thousand Birds, he walked two steps to Latis's side. Pulled her right hand over and stuffed the ring in. "This is the artifact given to you by Thousand-Headed Birds. If you are willing to participate in the next defense of the Ocean Current Flower. Then you can leave here..."

Looking at the ring in the palm of his hand in amazement, there was a shocked Latis expression in her expression, as if she was a little unwilling to believe it.

The corners of his mouth pulled up to form an arc, Moritz breathed a sigh of relief. Only then did he tell the situation that had happened before in the competition for ocean current flowers, and emphasized at the end. "The condition given by Thousand Birds is quite tolerant. It did not impose any punishment on our defenders because of the King of Demon Flowers. In the end, they released all the ocean current flowers promised before and opened the plane. The transmission channel will send us back..."

"Where is the Thousand-Headed Bird out of good intentions? It is just to be able to monopolize the ocean current flower, that is, you are in the game and do not know..."

Lattes, who spoke with ridicule and mockery, made Moritz look a little annoyed, only to see that she had put away the ring-like artifact, and then she smiled and stopped speaking, pulling her over and sitting down together.

Seeing this, Raymond asked. "Latis, why did the battle situation have been so corrupted? Although the expansion of the Sith in the Nightmare Plane was quite rapid at the beginning, it seemed that it only occupied more than half of the northern border..."

Ladis, who turned her face, was stunned, followed by a flash of light in her eyes, and she was surprised. "Little guy, how did you improve your realm?"

"He is lucky. The old slicker of Azis, the son of space, opened the core area of ​​the Mirror Realm to him, so it took him more than a hundred years to reach the eighth level..."

Moritz's explanation made Latiss even more surprised, and even grumbled. "He is so favored by Azis? Don't you understand..."

Realizing that the topic might be deviated, Raymond coughed twice before continuing to ask. "What happened to the Wizarding Plane? Are there any high-level individuals in the cone-shaped buildings created by the Sith?"

"Yes~www.ltnovel.com~ The most troublesome thing is their buildings. It is not good to say what kind of strength individuals will be produced, so this has led to the continuous improvement of their expansion speed, which is difficult to carry out. Targeted suppression and suppression!"

Speaking of this, Latis saw Raymond's expression more and more solemnly. "All kinds of information obtained so far indicate that the Sith tribe has invaded a large number of planes. After they wiped out the Southern Territory Spider-Beast Legion that invaded the Wizarding Plane in the space interlayer, they also started on the Nightmare Plane. Big expansion..."

Raymond couldn't help being surprised in what Latis said.

The original method used by the Sith on the Plane of Nightmare is just a means of showing weakness in its invasion strategy. The Sith first used the invasion of the Wizarding Plane Expeditionary Army to successfully divert the attention of both the north and the south of the Plane of Nightmare. , But at the same time invaded and occupied many low- and medium-level planes, and finally suddenly began to expand the nightmare plane and the wizard plane at the same time!

"The spider mother in the southern borders of the Nightmare Plane is said to have been hit hard and fled. The spider army under her is no longer in existence. Through communication with some natural disaster lords in the far north of the Nightmare Plane, it is confirmed that the Sith tribe possesses With the ability to avoid the suppression of the power of the plane, and the true purpose of their invasion has not yet been confirmed..." (to be continued)

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