
Chapter 1628: communication

Although Latis was filled with indignation, and even his attitude towards Moritz could only be described as bad, but the expulsion of the Sith that was about to be carried out, the discussion has entered the stage of formulating an action plan.

It was only at this time that Lei Meng knew that because of the erosion of the inland warfare on the surface, many surface creatures had been extinct.

The predatory resource acquisition by the Supreme Council before, if compared with the methods of the Sith tribe, would be insignificant.

The servant of the abyss lord Latiss, the abyss dragon Simba, was the first commander who led the hunters to reach the tower. It witnessed the arrival of the Sith tribe and experienced that complete defeat. Afterwards, she also launched several counterattacks against the Sith under the authorization of Latis, and possessed the most intuitive understanding of the Sith.

So when Latis vented her grievances, she also summoned Simba so that Moritz could understand the real situation on the surface of the wizarding plane today.

Simba, who was still wearing that set of uniforms in the Extremis Bar, looked like an elderly and kind waiter, but after sitting down and talking about it, his seventh-order aura was inadvertently revealed. Raymond and others, who had seen it at the Extremis Bar before, were very surprised.

The Abyssal Dragon, but an important member of the Dragon Leader of the Abyssal Plane, possesses quite powerful strength, and logically speaking, it also has unsolvable enmity with the Wizarding Plane, so why did the Lord of the Abyssal Hell pull The ability of Tiss to have such a servant made Raymond particularly puzzled.

But with Simba's narration of the battle, Raymond's attention was also concentrated, and after Simba's narration, he took the initiative to ask. "Simba, as you said, the strength of the current Sith people has generally improved, and the individuals bred in the cone-shaped buildings have the highest strength and can even reach the seventh peak?"

"Yes. These Sith individuals at the top of the seventh-order peak will explode without hesitation as long as the building in which they are inhabited will be captured. It seems that the secrets hidden in the cone-shaped building exceed the meaning of its own existence. This is what bothers the hunters the most so far!"

After Simba finished answering, Latis said to Moritz very distressedly. "The expansion of the Sith based on these cone-shaped buildings. The area it occupies has become an area that it can completely control. Especially the fluctuations in the force field released from the top of the building can make reinforcements appear quickly. In its vicinity, the hunters' "uprooting" operations have formed a great threat and interference, especially those high-level Siths who blew themselves up, and even lowered the hunters. I dare not fight with it..."

Moritz's whole face collapsed when she heard this, and she rubbed her short, broken hair indiscriminately. After a while, he was annoyed. "The existence above the seventh level is not something that can be discarded at will for the third underground level. There is no power that can allow such losses to occur and expand! How difficult it is to dispatch an existence above the eighth level, where can I collect it? Such a team!"

Seeing that Moritz was a little mad, Ladis, who curled her lips, mocked with disdain. "The existence of the eighth-order is naturally rare, but if you want to remove those cone-shaped buildings at a fixed point, it can only be carried out by forming an absolute suppression of the seventh-order individuals of the Sith! Otherwise, just wait for them to penetrate the ground plane. !"

"Couldn't it be expelled by other means? It is impossible for all the Sith Clan to have such top-tier existences, this is not reasonable!"

The abyss demon dragon Simba, who had been looking down low before, raised his head to respond when he heard this. "Master Moritz, there are more than a dozen cone-shaped buildings that have been attacked so far. Each of them contains no less than 30 Dawn-class individuals. At least one of the seventh-level and above is more than 30... …"

Such a number made Moritz even dumbfounded, thirty persons with rank 7 and above. Do not say that it is still fierce without fear of self-detonation. As far as its combat power is concerned, it is no longer an object that can be quickly annihilated. There is no more than three times the number of suppression, and even the possibility of siege. None of them.

It's just that the abyss demon dragon Simba hasn't finished speaking yet, after looking at Latis, it continues to speak. "Furthermore, the combined art possessed by the Sith also makes the magical power they release comparable to'power', so any area where such a building is located has become an absolute forbidden zone. The hunter team dare to face..."

Simba, the abyssal dragon, didn't speak any more when he said this, and Moritz, who was shocked in his expression, also fell into thought. It seems quite embarrassing and tangled.

Raymond sitting on the side was also particularly confused at this time. If Moritz, who was the guardian of the plane, was helpless. How to resist the invasion of the Nasis tribe?

The wizarding plane is different from the low- and middle-level planes. If it is completely occupied by the erosion of the Sith, then obviously no creatures will be spared, and in terms of the speed of its reproduction, the more prolonged it will be to face. The Sith tribe became stronger.

So Raymond broke the dullness and opened his mouth. "Could it be that it can only be eliminated by moving away from those buildings?"

Latis turned her face when she heard this, and said after thinking about it. "It only takes more than ten days for each cone-shaped building to be built. The hunter teams currently dispatched to harass have also received some useful information, but because these teams do not have the support of strong people above the eighth level. , So they dare not go too deep into the occupied area of ​​the Sith!"

"According to what you mean, you want to use Tier 8 existence as the core of the team, leading some hunters above Tier 7 to break into the occupied area of ​​the Sith to attack?"

"It's not just an attack! It's a thorough truncation! Only in this way can they be unable to rely on those buildings to expand outward, otherwise they will occupy the sea sooner or later, and the trouble will be even greater then..."

Hearing this, Moritz finally woke up, opened her mouth and pointed at Latis as if she wanted to reprimand, but Latis, who turned her face away, raised her chin, looking provocative.

Seeing this, Moritz flushed, and his nose became a little heavy. After a while, he suppressed the annoyance and took out a piece of pink crystal, turned and threw it to Semimario. "You immediately go to the Sea of ​​Silver Silk! It is said that it was a sign initiated by Moretz, asking the bereaved family to send Tier 8 elders and Tier 7 masters in the clan to join here and prepare to launch a full counterattack against the Sith!"

Samario, who had been silent before, was a little surprised. "Bereaved? Are you sure you want them to leave the Sea of ​​Silver Silk and enter the interior?"

"Hmph! The powerful masters of the deep prison already have a complete plan~www.ltnovel.com~ If the bereaved can't be sent, then there will be no combat power available on the surface plane, you quickly Go!"

Seeing Moritz gave the order, Latis finally couldn't help but showed a smile in her expression, and then she explained to the abyss dragon Simba. "Remove the seal of the transmission channel on the surface plane, and notify the hunters from the underground that they are ready to set off at any time..."

The abyssal dragon Simba who took his orders left with Simmario and Clemente, but Latis and Moritz's eyes turned to Raymond and the sandman behind them. Shariman and Adolf.

Thinking that his own affairs have not been done yet, and now he has no time to participate in the entry, Raymond even declined.

But Latis didn't mind, and the slight movement of her lips after looking at Moritz seemed to be transmitting the sound. After a while, Moritz's eyes widened in shock!

But Latis, whose expression became more relaxed, turned her face, as if her mood became more relaxed and stretched out her body, and then she smiled secretly at Raymond. "Raymond, when the survivors of the sea area arrive here, you must lead one of them to set off! Because the reward for this operation is not only provided by the wizard plane, but by several planes... …" (to be continued)

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