
Chapter 815: Special crystal

Raymond, sitting cross-legged on the ground, flashed red dots in his pupils.

The assembly drawing simulated by the chip is displayed in his sight. Each of the special crystal fragments is marked with numbers in the order of installation.

Thirty-six crystal fragments had been placed by Raymond in order, and the faint light of their shining light made Raymond's face look a little pale.




After being put together, these crystal fragments seemed to be fused, and they became tightly stitched and could not be disassembled again. Therefore, an incomplete Sith crystal appeared in front of Raymond soon. The number of crystal fragments above has increased, and faint energy fluctuations have also diffused from the interior of this special crystal.

And aware of Raymond's actions, the lunatic Willard, who had been hiding in the corner to shock him before, approached him first and sat next to Raymond and waited patiently.

And when the crystal shard marked "30" was installed, the wave rippling from the Sith crystal produced some kind of low-frequency vibration, which made Stuer, who was meditating in the corner, also noticed When he reached the abnormal state, he hesitated for a moment and came to Raymond's side, watching the special crystal that was about to be assembled.

But with the reduction of crystal fragments, although Raymond can proceed with the eyes closed at the location where each fragment is installed, the energy throbbing from this Sith crystal makes Raymond’s speed slower and slower. When there was only the last crystal fragment left in his hand, the strong heart palpitations made Raymond stop.

The madman Willard with a somewhat shocked expression finally couldn't hold back his mouth. "Such a strong force field fluctuation, will it explode after the assembly is completed?"

Holding the last crystal fragment in his right hand, and holding the special crystal that can be assembled in his left hand. Raymond's voice also became a little dry. "No guarantee!"

His eyes widened in amazement, the lunatic Willard shrank his **** and moved back.

Stewart was surprised by this action without going through his brain, and Raymond's mouth turned up to form an arc, and he stared at him speechlessly with nothing to say.

And the lunatic Willard who was also surprised, looked dazed, and slapped himself with a "slap" while lowering his head.

Seeing this, Raymond laughed for a while before re-twisting his mind, carefully inserting the last crystal fragment into the only gap.


The crystal fragments that were originally silver-white shone milky white in the after rhyme of the sound, and slowly rose from the palm of Raymond and began to rotate.

Layers of force field ripples rippled and diffused out of the crystals. After touching the bodies of Raymond and others, they became like non-attribute energy and were automatically absorbed by their respective bodies.

The soft and warm force field ripples make the crystals enveloped in milky white brilliance. And after the speed of its rotation increased, there seemed to be faint runes circulating inside it!

Because he didn't perceive the danger, Raymond bathed in this milky white light was waiting patiently and watching carefully.

But after a while, he raised his head and stared at Raymond's lunatic Willard, but he muttered a bit of a stutter. "I, I... I feel the Sith crystal buried in the right leg shows signs of melting!"

The whole body is warm and very comfortable. But the words of the lunatic Willard still made Raymond exclaim. "melt?"

And Stewart, who was sitting there with his eyes closed, also let out an "um" as if in response!

After taking a deep breath, Raymond took out all the Sith crystals from the storage ring. The Sith crystal caught in his hand was immediately covered by the milky white light. And it also began to tremble in Raymond's palm, making a slight crisp sound as if it had formed resonance.

And the lunatic Willard was even more indifferent to shed his pants, and cut his thigh implanted with the Sith crystal, so that the Sith crystal implanted next to his thighbone was exposed.

The Sith crystal in the right leg of the madman Willard has shrunk a lot, and it really seems to have melted, and a translucent liquid appears on the surface. And it is still rapidly infiltrating his body.

Stewart, who was puzzled, immediately cut the part where his arms were implanted in the Sith crystal. The two Sith crystals that were slowly fused by him have completely disappeared, leaving only the substance like clear water. Flowing between his flesh and skin.

But this transparent liquid was exposed to the air. It immediately volatilized on everyone's nose to form a rich fragrance, and the light energy enveloped everyone's body.

The madman Willard with drunken eyes shook his head and smirked, but the somewhat dazed Stewart quickly regained clarity in his eyes. After recovering the wounds on his arms, he stretched out his hand in front of Raymond and stood up. Two fingers.

However, Raymond, who had awakened from that momentary absence, frowned and looked at the rotating special crystal. After seeing Stewart’s raised fingers, he immediately combined two ordinary Sith crystals. Passed it over.

Stewart, who received the two ordinary Sith crystals, was hesitant. After hesitating, he opened his inner thigh, implanted the two ordinary Sith crystals, and then closed his eyes as usual and began to calm down. repair.

Seeing this, Lei Meng immediately awakened, and immediately cut a length of wound on his left arm, implanted an ordinary Sith lens, and started observation.

The special Sith crystal rotating in front of Raymond caused the ordinary Sith crystal that was just implanted to quickly appear to melt. Therefore, after Raymond confirmed that the implanted ordinary Sith crystal had melted, Then he implanted a new ordinary Sith lens into his left arm!

And some dumbfounded lunatic Willard finally woke up at this time, took out the ordinary Sith crystal from him without saying a word, and began to try a large number of implants.

But after Raymond implanted the fourth ordinary Sith crystal, he found that the ordinary Sith crystal under the light of this milky white light no longer melted, but was extremely hard as usual.

After stopping the implantation, Raymond turned his gaze on the madman Willard. Although the ordinary Sith crystal implanted in his right leg showed signs of melting, the newly implanted ordinary Sith lens was There is no response.

Willard, an anxious, sweaty lunatic, quickly raised his head, yelling unwillingly. "Why is this! Why! Why!"

Raymond, who was all comfortable, didn't know how to answer, hesitated and laughed. "More integration is not necessarily a good thing..."

The madman Willard got up angrily with a depressed face. He wanted to go crazy but finally sat down sullenly. Normal Sith crystals were implanted in his arms and thighs, and he stared at him angrily. The special crystals that were still spinning had inexplicable emotions in their eyes.

But Raymond no longer cares about him, but put his hands close to this special crystal. Uukanshu.com carefully feels the strength of the force field ripples, and at the same time makes the chip scan and analyze in all directions.

The red light shining from the pupil of the right eye was somewhat conspicuous in this milky white light. The madman Willard sitting next to him was very suspicious, but he did not get any results after studying for a long time, and finally started like Stewart did. Retreat.

However, Raymond was quickly shocked by the data refreshed in his sight, because his mental power exploration and the omni-directional scanning of the chip made the inside of this head-sized polyhedral crystal slowly revealed!

The special crystals made up of thirty-six crystal fragments are amazing in their perfect structure, and the runes looming inside are even more exquisite, and only a few of them can be collected by the chip!

The unfamiliar rune structure method attracted Raymond, but as Raymond's mental power explored the interior of this special crystal, weak shocks began to appear inside the crystal.

Initially this kind of oscillation was too weak to be noticed, but after the oscillation frequency gradually increased, a signal like a certain kind of microwave was excited from the inside of the crystal, continuously penetrating the shielding force field set by Raymond , Continues to spread to the outside world...to be continued. . )

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