
Chapter 816: Coming One

In the spacious and luxurious office, Dirges, who was on the back of his chair, looked tired and closed his eyes, but Vicki, who was kneading his shoulders, seemed very hesitant.

Vicky, who seemed to be meditating, quickly went away, her ten fingers stopped pinching, and Dirges, who quickly noticed that her mood was wrong, opened her eyes and pulled her over and hugged her. In his arms.

Dilges, who buried her head on Vicky's neck, became soothed as she sniffed her body scent, but Vicky frowned as if she had finally made up her mind and spoke very solemnly. "My lord, things seem to be wrong in Hurricane City these days!"

Dilges, who laughed bitterly, sighed. "Casualties are inevitable. The current battle damage rate of thirty to one is already pretty good. You can't..."

But before Dilges had finished speaking, Vicky, whose eyes became firm, straightened his body, and opened his mouth seriously, looking directly at him. "My lord! I didn't mean this! There is something wrong in the city of Hurricane Yan. The lava giant Gasri and his people are making a lot of noise, and there seems to be someone from the Presbyterian Church who has acquiesced to this behavior!"

"The lava giant suffered the most casualties, and it is understandable that Gasri was a little bit irritable..."

"No, sir! The places occupied by the lava giants are very close to the protection of the spire, and the imprisoned elephant Xavier seems to have disappeared last night!"

"It's just the leader of the original Secret Guard, just capture it!"

Vicki finally couldn't hold back because of Dilgers' indifference. She broke free from Dilgers' arms and stood in front of him and shouted. "But they are all direct descendants of the Fire Night King, and there are still rumors outside that Hurricane City will be breached!"

"Vickie, whether the King of Fire Nightmare is still alive is two different things, not to mention that even if he can return to the world of Nightmare. Will it still affect the defense system of Hurricane City?"

"Yes, but..."

Vicky, who still wanted to argue, was stopped by Dilges' serious eyes, and finally had to lower her head and shut her mouth.

But Dirges, who waved to open the curtain of the floor-to-ceiling window on the left, stood up and walked to the window, raising his gaze to the lightning clouds in the sky.

"Vickie, the defensive system of Hurricane City is set up based on this sky, and the force field protection formed by the spire will never be breached," Dirges, whose eyes were a bit deep and his expression was a little emotional, paused. Continue to tell. "It is said that there is only one way to break through Hurricane City, and that is to have problems in the city!"

His eyes widened. Vicky's voice trembled. "Could it be that the rumor that only the ancestors can break this defense system is false?"

"The ancestors can disintegrate Hurricane City's giant protective talisman array, but if there is a problem in the city, it can also make Hurricane City lose its defensive ability..."

When Dirges said it, his pupils shrank in vain!

The thick lightning cloud over the spire suddenly weakened the frequency of lightning strikes when he was speaking!

"How is it possible!" Dilges, who yelled in amazement, immediately issued instructions. "Vickie! Immediately send someone to the prismatic tower of the Presbyterian Church. The state of the lightning strike cloud is wrong!"

Vicky was shocked, but the door of the office was knocked at this moment.

咚, 咚咚, 咚咚咚...

At the same time, he will bet on the past Dilges and Vicky. Then I saw the guy who opened the door and came in. It turned out to be a lava giant wrapped in a protective place, and walked in without a sneer.

"Who allowed you to come in!" Vicky yelled immediately, furious. "You dare to go straight without an announcement. Don't think that it is enough to have Gasri backing. No one can save you this time!"

The lava giant, who was only a Dawn-level wizard, laughed without fear. "Ohhhh...I am informed by the order of the Presbyterian Church to go to the prismatic tower!"

Dirges, whose face sank. Raising his hand to the lava giant was a pinch, and the protective field of the lava giant immediately shattered with a click, and the hot magma on its surface was immediately covered by a layer of ice, which instantly became An ice sculpture. Keeping that sneer expression is completely imprisoned.

However, Dirges, who was about to grasp the lava giant to pieces, immediately turned around and cast his eyes to the sky again.

Therefore, it was only a moment's effort, the lightning cloud covering the entire Hurricane City actually began to dissipate, and the original raging electric arc disappeared!

Moreover, at the position where Dirges was watching, a red vortex also changed from small to large, quickly squeezing away all nearby lightning clouds, causing the rapidly rotating vortex to occupy more than a thousand meters.

Following a very vague face, it gradually appeared, the tall nose, the dark eye pupils and the three bulges on the top of the head, causing Vicky who could not help but walked to Dirges to exclaim. "The Fire Night King?"

Dilges who grabbed Vicky, waved his hand to make the French window disappear completely, followed him with Vicky and jumped up and quickly appeared on the top of the tower.

And the abnormal appearance that appeared in the sky above Hurricane Yan city also caused the garrison in the minaret area and the people in those minarets to fly out of it. In a moment, thousands of people appeared in the sky above Hurricane Yan city. Much.

Vicky, who looked around in amazement, found the top leaders of the Northern Xinjiang Alliance, as well as the leaders and even the commanders of the various teams, and the old men gathered above the prismatic tower of the Presbyterian Church are no strangers. They are all The hermit of the Presbyterian Church.

But the face in the whirlpool became clearer and clearer, and a loud voice echoed in the entire Huoyan City after a while. "Northern Xinjiang Alliance... The old man is back..."

The old and slightly dry voice of the Fire Night King was not unfamiliar to those present, but such an appearance was incomprehensible.

And as if responding to the Fire Night King, a few strong lights suddenly ignited from the periphery of Hurricane Yan city suddenly accelerated the dissipating speed of the lightning cloud in the sky, and the giant protective talisman array was activated in a moment The edge of the force field was completely exposed.

Bright sunlight shone into Hurricane City from the thin clouds. Although the dim Hurricane City finally became bright, most of the people standing in mid-air had their backs chilled and horrified!

However, the vortex that continues to expand in the sky makes the face in the center clearer, and at the same time that the phantom of the Fire Night King's body is exposed, the cross-shaped space gap in the vortex is gradually growing. Enlarged, faintly visible the dense, neatly arranged square array of phantoms composed of high-level vertical eyes in the passage.

Such a scene makes the people present like falling into the ice abyss. It can be expected that the huge spatial energy aura in this rapidly expanding vortex is providing energy for the space gap in the center of the vortex. UU reading www.uukanshu.com will soon Open up a stable space channel!

But this is obviously the projection of the Fire Night King's body, but he speaks again. "Surrender, the Sith will become the only ruler of the nightmare world, and surrender will be the wisest choice!"

The pale-faced Dilges took a deep breath, and after letting go of Vicki, he stood above his tower and roared. "Where is the expeditionary force you led? How are they!"

With a weird expression, the Fire Night King hesitated before speaking. "The Expeditionary Army? The original Expeditionary Army no longer exists. My Fire Nightmare has become the first commander of the Sith Nightmare Legion. If you want, I can make you the second commander of the Sith Nightmare Legion!"

"One hundred thousand expeditionary army, you have to trade it for a commander position!" With a sad laugh, Dirges lifted up the brilliance of the force field, and then raised his head and roared again after looking around. "Fire Nightmare, is this your choice!"

"I have no choice in the face of strength, this is the last thing I can do for the Northern Xinjiang Alliance," the tone became a little low, but the phantom of the Fire Night King gradually faded. "After an hourglass, it is the moment when Hurricane City falls, so please do it yourself..." To be continued. . )

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