
Chapter 818: defeat

A huge force field ripples emerged in the whirlpool, and the Lord of Natural Disasters, who had not reached the level of dawn, gathered near the Dilgers Tower, exclaimed in shock!

Because while their bodies were touched by this force field ripples, they suffered an irresistible imprisonment and involuntarily fell down!

Dirges, who noticed the strange situation, also opened his eyes, and in the depths of the huge whirlpool in his sight, a huge vertical eye appeared vaguely!

This huge vertical eye occupies more than half of the entire space channel, and as the gray-black huge palm protruded from the space channel, Dirges' clone projection was suddenly imprisoned.

The astonished Dilges wanted to speak, but the gray-black giant hand had already appeared next to Dilges’s real body, and with the fierce grip of this huge palm, the high number strengthened by the inheritance talisman The 100-meter clone projection didn't even have a chance to struggle, it was crushed on the spot!

Standing in the air, Dirges' complexion changed drastically, and the brilliance of the force field on his body dimmed in an instant, and he planted without saying a word.

Vicky, who was protected by the protective force field of Dilges, fell quickly, caught Dilges in his arms, and rushed into the tower below under the protection of Captain Gibson.

But this gray-black giant hand ignored the chaotic crowd. Instead, three consecutive slaps knocked down all the three core towers that formed the Hurricane City's protection system, completely disintegrating the Hurricane City's protection system!

In a moment, the situation that had just stabilized was reversed, and the high-level vertical eyes that emerged from the space channel began to gather. After a dozen or so formed a small team, they rushed to the Northern Xinjiang Alliance, the last resistance force.

Seeing that the situation was over, Adrian of the Presbyterian Church sighed and waved his hand to cancel the protective field of the prismatic tower under him, and jointly released the final blow with several other elders around him!

There was a soft "hum". The light blue force field brilliance appeared in the sky above the entire Hurricane Yan city. While the ripples of the force field diffused, all the vertical eyes in its range became static, and from the space channel The giant hand protruding out and waving in the air was also greatly suppressed and slowed to the extreme.

Elder Adrian, who leaped up and appeared under the giant hand, cast a sound amplification technique while waving his hand, so that his voice could be heard by everyone. "All retreat! The old man failed to protect this city, so let the old man fall together with Hurricane Yan City!"

The sorrow and absolute voice made the people who were preparing to continue resisting all discoloration, but the dazzling elder Adrian was all over his body. The huge aura emerging from his body makes most people understand that he has gathered all the mana in his burning life, ready to perform the final blow!

The number of high-ranking natural disaster lords gathered in the spire defensive circle is as many as thousands, but even if you don't know who this old man is covered in dense fog. But no one would doubt his prompt!

The scattered crowds were like hornets that had blown up their nests, and afterimages rushed towards the passage to leave Hurricane City. And the combination of the power of several elders caused Adrian who fell into the sky with a weird delay. But there was an abnormal flush on his cheeks.

And Vicky, who was under the guard of the Guards Captain Gibson's Guard, arrived at the only way to leave Hurricane City with Dilges, who was already in a coma. She turned her head and glanced at the dazzling figure standing in mid-air. , He gritted his teeth and rushed out.

And the last group of evacuated secret guard leader Yvli was with Ms. Meredith, when they brought their respective teams to the battlefield outside Hurricane City. The scene in front of me changed everyone's face.

The Straight Eyes Army, which has been besieging Hurricane City, has formed an encirclement tens of kilometers thick on the periphery of Hurricane City. The most intense place. Few troops left the first to break through the siege of Hurricane Yan City.

However, the appearance of these high-ranking natural disaster lords who had fled from Hurricane City greatly boosted the morale of the desperate breakout troops. Accompanied by the reverberation of the high-pitched screams on the battlefield, they were released by Ms. Meredith. Several black shadows covered in dense fog appeared like lightning in the most tragic battle.

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang...

These black shadows that directly rushed into the army of vertical eyes, but they shattered their bodies as if they blew themselves, and at the same time, a blank area of ​​100 meters in the army of vertical eyes appeared!

The secret guards who followed immediately released powerful collective spells, and the mercenary group also displayed their most powerful spells, rushing into the army of erecting eyes and expanding their results.

And some of the natural disaster lords who possessed similar magical instruments or puppets also used this method at any cost to launch a powerful attack on the army of the south.

The eyes without any feelings and fear suffered heavy casualties, but the nightmare creatures that escaped from the city of Hurricane also suffered the heaviest losses, but the battle unfolded in this situation was ultimately broken by the siege troops. Occupying an advantage, he forcibly tore a gap in the army of vertical eyes, making most of the natural disaster lords out of the scope of Huriyan City.

In a short period of time, more than 70% of the squatting army that was besieged south of Hurricane City was wiped out, while the various forces that quickly moved away from Hurricane City rushed into the Renshan Mountains and fled in all directions.

But the high-level vertical eyes who flocked to support from other directions suffered the most serious losses.

In the Hurricane City that had lost the protection of the lightning cloud, a strong light suddenly burst out, and the entire Hurricane City was completely collapsed and turned into ashes under the action of the shock wave at the same time as a loud noise!

Within a radius of more than ten kilometers, even the continuous mountain range suffered a devastating impact, the mountain peaks collapsed and the earth was trembling!

The shock wave formed by the mushroom cloud that soared to the zenith completely destroyed the stable space channel. The high-level vertical eyes that had been in the hysteresis field and the giant hand protruding out of the space channel were also turned into ashes in the explosion. !

However, the members of the Northern Xinjiang Alliance who escaped into the Renshan Mountains knew that after this loud noise, there would be no Hurricane City in the future, and the Hurricane City that had not been attacked for tens of thousands of years was created. , But it completely became history in the invasion of the Sith!

The various forces in the Northern Frontier of the Nightmare World that have lost their place of shelter have begun to break through and flee to the south, but the orders issued by Dilges regarding the giants of the threshings have been faithfully implemented by the various forces.

Because of his rebellious behavior, the giant Gasili caused his entire ethnic group to be destroyed, and the whereabouts of the expeditionary army led by the Fire Night King became a mystery that everyone could not understand!

The hundreds of thousands of northern Xinjiang creatures that were originally stranded in Hurricane Yan city have been reduced by 30% in a short period of time, and even if they escaped into the Renshan Mountains, it does not mean that they enjoy safety, but represents the beginning of escape. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

And Raymond and others, who were thousands of miles away, also encountered the most serious risks at the same time!

Following the muffled sound of the "bang", Lei Meng hidden in the mezzanine at the bottom of the volcano was awakened by the shock.

Stewart and the lunatic Willard, who closed their eyes and meditated, also awakened from the strong shock, and cast their suspicious eyes on the shielding force field.

The huge rock was falling downward, causing the hot magma that was more than 100 meters away from the crowd to splash, triggering the tremor of the entire extinct volcano.

And a Raymond who appeared out of the shielding force field was surprised to find that the rock above his head was falling at an accelerated rate, and the faint energy aura was also suppressed from above.

And the madman Willard who appeared next to Raymond was also a little at a loss. "Found it? Impossible!"

But with the sound of "click" reverberating in my ears, more and more rocks fell from above, and hundreds of meters of volcanic eruption channels were forcibly penetrated from above, and the palpitating coercion followed. Appear...to be continued...)

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