
Chapter 819: eccentric

The noise formed by Zizi's thunder and lightning made Raymond who was ready quickly took a deep breath and stared at the rock that was about to be smashed.

Hidden hundreds of meters under the volcano, the surrounding fire energy is completely turbulent and can completely cover up the three breaths. Why is there a chasing creature here? This makes Raymond a little confused. Solution.

The faint coercion pressed down from the top of his head, but its intensity was a little relieved after Raymond's temptation.

There are only two breaths of Chenxi-class strength, which can't really make Lei Meng and others into a desperate situation. Therefore, after the initial consternation, finding out the cause of discovery has become the most important problem to be solved.

The tens of meters thick rock above his head was obviously not going to be collapsed immediately, so the lunatic Willard hesitated for a long time before speaking. "Raymond, is it because of the pink head with erect eyes that you cut back?"

"Except for the eyeballs with raised eyebrows, the rest has long been thrown into the magma and burned to ashes!"

"Is that because of the special crystal you pieced together this time?"

The lunatic Willard's statement caused Raymond to frown, and a moment later he laughed and retorted. "The shielding force field plus the miniature rune array that isolates the breath, if it can be sensed in the storage ring, it can only show the preciousness of this thing, let alone can you sense the existence of this thing?"

"The storage ring is a separate space, and the things put in are rarely sensed, but there has never been a hidden place found by these vertical eyes. How can it be discovered so quickly this time?"

The lunatic Willard who seemed to be thinking started talking to himself, but soon he shook his head, obviously he couldn't figure it out.

But Raymond, who was hiding in the depression of the cave wall, started preparing for the spell at this time, because the sound of the rock being crushed was getting closer.

Soon after that, there was a muffled sound, and several deep cracks appeared on the huge rock above his head, and then the whole rock finally could not withstand the continuous blow from above, and it fell apart as it broke apart.

Before the dust filled it, Lei Meng had already rushed up, avoiding the falling trajectory of those rocks, and at the same time inspiring the wall of flame he prepared.

Stewart, who followed closely, slammed a punch, and the shock wave with the sound of breaking through the air directly smashed the falling rock, and also passed by Raymond, rushing up first.

A faint light shone from the top of the collapsed rock, and several high-ranked eyes with faint blue bodies immediately screamed, and the thunder of their talented spells also hit Stewart.

Because of the quantity, the blue lightning beams actually formed an almost impermeable thunder net, and Stewart, whose body surface was shining with the brilliance of the force field, reluctantly stopped the momentum and evaded.

The wall of flames inspired by Lei Meng rushing up from the side was unfolded in front of these high-ranking high-ranking eyes. With the help of the fire energy in the environment, the height of the rising flames reached After five meters, the dark blue vertical eyes that forced them within its range had to increase in height.

But without waiting for them to rebuild the blocked Raymond, a space shining appeared on the heads of these dark blue vertical eyes. The dozens of cone spears formed by the octopus-like tentacles on the left arm had already been pierced. Their heart.

The tinkling sound of gold and iron clinking echoed in this volcanic eruption channel, but dozens of cone spears only knocked over and pushed away these dark blue vertical eyes, but failed to break through their protective field.

However, several extremely slender tentacles interspersed between these cone guns have already entangled the necks of the two dark blue vertical eyes, and the sparkle followed by Raymond rose ten meters upwards, extremely smoothly He cut off the heads of these two dark blue eyes.

The madman Willard, who rushed up last, shouted loudly and used his wind blade to cut a dark blue vertical eye almost immediately. When he chopped off his head, he also rose rapidly and appeared in Raymond. By your side.

The tyrannical Stewart used his fists as weapons. After blasting and killing one of the dark blue vertical eyes on the spot, he also grinned and forced the last two dark blue vertical eyes up, making him in the position of three people. Surrounded.

The squeaky blue vertical eyes rushed forward again without fear at all, but it took only a moment to kill them after losing their quantitative advantage.

There are only seven dark blue high-level vertical eyes, of which only two have reached Chen Xi's strength, because when they scooped their eyeballs, the lunatic Willard mumbled very depressed again. "Strange! How did these eyes find us hiding below!"

Raymond, who was also a little confused, seized the time to dig out the eyeballs of these vertical eyes, and said after the disposal. "Hurry up and change the place, since it has been found, it will be filled with high-level vertical eyes soon if you don't leave!"

The lunatic Willard who leaped up was still confused, but Stewart, who followed Raymond, was still dumb and silent.

Raymond and the others, who were walking eastward along the edge of the gravel plain, discovered that the situation was quite wrong on the subsequent journey.

Those Sith bases that have been selected a long time ago are often fifty or sixty high-level squadrons, and the number of patrol teams coming out of the Sith bases is not something that Lei Meng three can clean up.

Moreover, these teams patrolling the edges of the gravel plains and lava mountain ranges will start to accelerate at a distance of tens of kilometers from Raymond and the others, as if they know the location of Raymond and others, and they have been accurate several times. Intercept and attack!

Occasionally, it can be regarded as a missed collision, but after being blocked five times in a day, Lei Meng's face is completely gloomy.

At every turn, dozens of Dawn-level vertical eyes swarmed over. Under the impact of a single powerful spell, even the wild beast Stewart, who had recovered his body, did not dare to rush forward and resist directly. He could only use the way of fighting. Kill.

The high-speed flight has been maintained, coupled with the continuous high-intensity fighting, the people who had to find a place to rest that night, but only stabilized for less than three hourglasses, they were caught by more than 30 people. Ji Shumou forced out from under the ground.

High-level vertical eyes who can only use their talents to attack, as long as they are careful not to be fired by them, there is not much risk, but this situation makes Raymond more and more uneasy.

More than 30 high-level vertical eyes are not too threatening, but if the number is increased by two times, then even escape becomes difficult.

Sensitively aware of the abnormal situation, Raymond exchanged opinions with the lunatic Willard, then decisively turned back and rushed into the lava mountain range, far away from the gravel plain, UU reading www.uukanshu.com before this kind of excessive Frequent "random encounters" finally reduced the frequency, giving Raymond and others ample rest time.

Carefully circled a large circle before getting into the Raymond under the volcano. After setting up several isolation force fields and shielding force fields, the special crystal placed in the storage ring was taken out. Carefully Start researching.

However, this indestructible special crystal containing huge energy is completely integrated and there is no gap when it was put together before, and during the three-hour observation of Raymond, there was no abnormality!

I was puzzled, but Raymond finally asked for a box with an isolation talisman from the madman Willard, and then re-squeezed the special crystal back into Raymond who was in the storage ring.

This night was fairly stable, but after a long time after Lei Meng and others left this hidden place, they were once again besieged by the high-ranking team!

The lava mountain range filled with sulfur mist, the three Leimen who had just bypassed an active volcano, immediately fell into the circle of high-level vertical eyes.

Dozens of burning flames did not show any signs, they appeared in the sight like a big net, facing the three people who had just appeared from the side of the mountain...

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