
Chapter 830: Reason 1 of the nightmare

Ms. Meredith, who has the title of "Guardian of Hurricane City", deserves her name for this title.

Two months ago, Hurricane City was breached. In the chaos, many nightmare creatures gathered to break through to the north of Hurricane City, and these scattered teams also obtained a lot of Sith bases during this time. Crystal fragments.

And Vicky, who was guarding Dirges, established contact with Raymond and learned about the crystal fragments, and decided to take out the crystal fragments owned by the guards to see if they could piece together a complete special crystal.

Therefore, while waiting for the arrival of the crystal shards obtained from the eastern and northern regions, the head of the secret guard Yvli and Ms. Meredith of the mercenary came to Raymond’s tent together to fight the Sith and the subsequent battle. Summary and in-depth communication on issues such as trends.

Because Leimen had left Hurricane City a long time ago, and had been in a state of hitting more with less during these months, he was also asked to express his impression of the Sith first.

"High-level vertical eyes with strength surpassing the dawn level, although their protective field and spell intensity are in line with dawn level strength standards, they rarely use auxiliary magic weapons, and rely solely on their power and talent abilities to fight. Moreover, their individual combat awareness, resilience and even teamwork are flawed, and they are far from the opponents of the same level of natural disaster lord...

In the case of the same strength, even if the madman Willard is taken as an example, without using the magic weapon, he can occupy an advantageous position in the siege of five or six eyes of the same level. Under the condition of the magic weapon, a dozen or so eyes could only make him retreat or escape, but it was absolutely impossible to kill him.

Holding a cup of steaming drink, Ms. Meredith, with a calm expression, had a little surprise in her eyes, but after thinking about it she nodded in relief. "That's it! But maybe it's because we are all leading large forces. When confronting the Sith, we are mainly fighting in groups, so this perception is not strong!"

However, the bewildered head of the secret guard, Ivli, shook his head. "Master Raymond, I don't agree with your judgment on the collaboration of the Sith team. When they broke through the lava mountain range, their fire-focused attacks were in place, and the intensity of the coverage strikes seemed to be measured and accurate!"

With a snap, Raymond snapped his fingers. "The key is here! Accuracy! After the Sith is set up, their coordinated combat capabilities are extremely precise, but such advantages are almost imperceptible during encounters. What do you think is the reason?"

Yvli, whose expression became a little hesitant, turned her gaze to Ms. Meredith. Seeing she was thinking, couldn't help but smile. "This...I haven't thought about this issue in particular..."

At this point, he fell into the silent tent, and the blanket-wrapped Raymond waited patiently with a smile on his face.

But Ms. Meredith, with a frowning brow, thought for a long time, and then she raised her head and was still very confused. "Raymond, what do you want to say?"

"The current strength of the Sith tribe begins with the gray-black ordinary vertical eyes that were originally born in that base. Until now, their main force has completed the improvement from the gray-black ordinary vertical eyes to the dawn level strength, especially The Sith base that was breached recently. There are hardly any more eggs in it..."

"Moreover, the birth of the Sith tribe is also extremely strange. Those high-level vertical eyes have had the corresponding strength from the beginning of their birth! Although it is still certain whether the seventh-order pink vertical eyes are also the same so far, but such Is the increase in strength too weird..."

Slowly speaking about the information he had collected, Raymond quickly expressed the characteristics of the Sith tribe and threw these questions to the two people in front of him.

The Red Winged Yves of Dawn's peak strength, Ms. Meredith, the seventh-level peak strength. It took several years of arduous training to reach this level of strength and level. Therefore, most of the doubts that the Sith had had from the very beginning of its birth were finally exposed to the two by Raymond.

Yvri yelled immediately, with a shocked face. "Do you mean that these Sith tribes were not born normally, but similar to the existence of some kind of puppets or magical instruments?"

"I very much doubt that these creatures that have appeared at present. They are all refined or cultivated in a special way. Although they seem to have the thinking abilities of ordinary creatures, they are actually like molds. The processed one is the same!"

The decisive conclusion made the two people present a little astonished, and both fell into contemplation after exchanging their eyes.

This kind of speculation proposed by Raymond is not particularly difficult to understand, because many nightmare creatures understand the way of biological cultivation, but because the individual bred through a large number of cultivation, the strength cannot reach such a high level, which leads to No one has started research from this aspect!

Ms. Meredith, whose face was no longer calm, looked at Raymond blankly, thinking about her words as if she was deepening her understanding. "Through the radiation formed by the conical objects installed in the base, the development speed of the vertical eye eggs can be increased, and it is even possible to achieve the purpose of individual mutation through the number, and ultimately form an overall increase in strength?"

Seeing Meredith's thinking began to reverse, Raymond was secretly relieved. "It's very possible! Just like low-level beasts like the ant colony and the Yanhuangfeng, the batch hatching of their descendants in the old nest is similar to that performed in the Sith base!"

Ms. Meredith, whose face changed greatly, exclaimed. "In that case, isn't the invasion of the Nassis really the law to resist?"

With his hands spread out, Raymond sighed with Nai on his face. "If the current situation continues, it is only a matter of time before the nightmare world is completely occupied by the Sith, and the race that can mass produce high-level vertical eyes can't resist it!"

Her face turned pale, and Ms. Meredith, who had lost her usual indifferent elegance, was finally horrified by the scene described by Raymond and muttered blankly. "Impossible...impossible..."

Raymond, who had long thought about it, was not optimistic about the survival of the nightmare world, so he simply laid out all his guesses. "The purple plain occupied by the Sith first, plus the more than one hundred thousand high-level nightmare creatures under the Firemare King may have surrendered. The current situation only shows that the Sith has not yet wanted to launch a fierce offensive, but It should only be a matter of time before they have cleared northern Xinjiang and the fall of southern Xinjiang!"

The weird atmosphere in the tent began to spread, the face full of Yvli lowered her head and stopped speaking, while Ms. Meredith, who was a little disturbed in her aura, stood up suddenly and clenched her fists toward the north. , Said word by word. "The Far North is the territory of the lords of natural disasters, they will definitely not let the nightmare world be occupied like this!"

When Raymond heard this statement again, UU reading www.uukanshu.com was very surprised. "The far north? Isn't there an eternally frozen area?"

"Eternally frozen? That's just a small part of the far north! The harsh and changeable environment there is unparalleled, but only the natural disaster lords born there can sweep the digital plane... or the Northern Xinjiang Alliance , The Southern Xinjiang Alliance, if the natural disaster lord of the far north appears, the whole world will be devastated..."

Ms. Meredith, whose voice became louder and louder, her expression became a little excited, surprised Raymondby, and even Ivli who was sitting there looked up in a daze.

But Ms. Meredith, who turned around very much, had a calm expression on her expression, but she had strong confidence in her tone. "Raymond! No matter how powerful the Sith tribe is, as long as the natural disaster lords in the far north take action, they will definitely be wiped out!"

The more confused Raymond became, he asked in astonishment after a while. "The natural disaster lord in the far north is so powerful? Are you sure?"

"Hahaha...you don't know that these things are excusable. The natural disaster lord of the far north will let the Sith understand what the power of the nightmare world is! Their existence is the origin of the name'Nightmare'... "To be continued. . )

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