
Chapter 831: Reason for Nightmare 2

The extreme north of the nightmare world, the vast area is still above the northern frontier.

The climate there is extremely bad, and there is no sign of the changing environment.

In many areas, it may have been a desert with the sun shining just now, but when you walk in, you will find that there is a blizzard suddenly, and the wind and invisible smoke raging here all the year round, plus the dawn-level wizards can be annihilated. The mysterious aurora makes it extremely difficult to survive here.

But in such a harsh environment, the concentration of free energy in the environment and the complexity of its types are unmatched by any plane.

"There are many natural disaster lords who have reached level 8 and above, because of their lifespan, they have to fall asleep all year round, but they and the high-level creatures under their command are the most powerful in the entire nightmare world..."

"The establishment and development of the Northern Xinjiang Alliance is because these natural disaster lords who exist in the extreme north are too cruel and cold-blooded. They were initiated and established by some gentle natural disaster lords countless years ago. Xinjiang is isolated from the extreme north..."

Countless years ago, because of the conflicts caused by a certain plane invasion, these gentle natural disaster lords finally chose the location of Hurricane City in northern Xinjiang. After establishing this fortress-like city, they deliberately moved the far north. These sealers and extremely aggressive and brutal and cold-blooded natural disaster lords in the land are excluded, making the division of forces in the nightmare world a little more gentle.

It is no longer possible to verify what happened that year, but in the end the natural disaster lords of the extreme north gave up control of the northern borders and kept and thrived in the extreme north according to their ancient inheritance rules.

Ms. Meredith, who was slowly telling the secrets about the natural disaster lord of the far north, her expression finally became complicated and somewhat emotional. "The plane plunder carried out by the Fire Nightlord a year ago has actually advanced the time of the plane invasion of the Far North, because when the Scourge Lords of the Far North were launched. The Northern Frontier Alliance is fundamental Doesn't qualify for confrontation!"

Ms. Meredith's description surprised Raymond and expressed his understanding carefully. "That is to say, the natural disaster lords who occupy the far north and the legions under them are truly the pinnacle of the strength of the nightmare world?"

"The natural disaster lord of the far north had to seal the body because of his life limit, so the title of'sealer' came into being." There was an inexplicable brilliance in the eyes, but the person who mentioned the'sealer' At that time, Ms. Meredith's voice became a bit contemptuous. "The so-called sealers of the Northern Frontier Alliance, even if they fully release their strength, are only equivalent to ordinary soldiers in the Far North, and the weakest natural disaster lords of the Far North have reached the realm of dawn! "

A mirror-faced Meredith formed between the waves, and smiled under the flip of his fingers. "This is a video of the Far North invading the Bone World. You can see it!"

The slightly vague picture was still a bit jerky at first, but as the video became clear, Raymond wrapped in a blanket could not help standing up, and Yvli who was sitting there exclaimed in a low voice!

In a completely black and white world, nightmare creatures covering the sky are soaring in the sky, and the turbulence created by the magical excitation makes the space tremble. One after another huge projections were shrouded by a huge force field brilliance, and the sky was in the space gaps that were forcibly torn apart. There was also a steady stream of nightmare creatures rushing out.

Screen jump. The 10,000-meter-high bone mountain collapsed completely under the cover of the pressure field, and the defense line formed by countless bone dragons and liches was forcibly torn apart, following the nightmare legion behind those huge projections, what every creature possessed The protective force field brilliance can only be stimulated by the strength above the dawn level.

"Hundreds of thousands of nightmare creatures in the far north have completely annihilated the world of bones in this raid. Hundreds of millions of bone spirit creatures have been completely wiped out, and the entire plane has become a dead zone and has been pushed into the space-time The sea and land are sinking..."

As Ms. Meredith's voice became muffled, the picture in the mirror also became a little fuzzy, but the huge figure that appeared in the entire mirror just before the freeze frame. Leimen still felt a kind of inexplicable heart palpitations!

The whole body is pitch black, but the huge projections in the distance are like ants and giant elephants under the contrast of this inexplicable biological entity.

Under the slap of its giant palm, a huge bone mountain turned into fine powder like annihilation, and was thrown out in one direction under the blowing of the strong wind!

In the silent tent, only some heavy gasps remained. With an inexplicable feeling in his heart, Raymond turned his eyes to Ms. Meredith, but her face was shining with pride and pride.

"Raymond, this is the existence of the top real body," raising her hand to point to the huge creature in the picture, Ms. Meredith's tone was unspeakable sigh and emotion. "This person is Yongye, an extraordinary character born in the far north!"

"Yong Ye? This is the strength of the Far North?"

"Thousands of years ago, he was already an eighth-level peak strength. There were more than 100,000 Nightmare Children under his command, and he occupies the Frozen Garden in the Far North, but he still likes to be called the Frozen Child... "

"Yong Ye, Son of the Frozen..." The huge figure in the fixed frame made Raymond repeat the name of this guy unknowingly, but when he noticed Ms. Meredith's cheek After that blush, he breathed a long sigh of relief.

But Yvli, who was sitting at the table, chuckled abruptly, and his voice became soft and greasy. "Oh, it turns out that this guy is the one in Ms. Meredith's mind, no wonder..."

Ms. Meredith, who has always been elegant and quiet, seems to be still immersed in memories. Yvli's ridicule did not refute her. On the contrary, she gave a sip with a faint smile at the corner of her mouth, revealing the air of a little girl!

The dumbfounded Yvli's eyes were heard, and a moment later, his head dropped and slammed heavily on the table, making a muffled noise and sighing. "It's over! It's over! The Guardian of Hurricane Yan City has a sweetheart!"

The sadness from the heart made Ms. Meredith finally wake up, but the blushing of her eyes is almost bleeding!

"What nonsense! Talking about business!" Ms. Meredith, who stomped her feet lightly and had a shy tone, made Evli's face even more desperate when she raised her head, and she thumped her chest. He turned around and rushed out of the tent.

The wolf howling sound from outside made Leimeng completely speechless, but Ms. Meredith regained her peace after covering her face with her hands for a while. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com turned to face her. Leimen opened his mouth. "Yong Ye is just a relatively powerful natural disaster lord in the far north. There are many guys like him there, so you don’t have to worry about the future of the nightmare world. There has never been a plane that dares to say that the nightmare world Occupied!"

Ms. Meredith, who had restored her grace and tranquility, became the appearance of being graceful and noble but keeping her distance from others, and the weird-looking Raymond also quickly lowered her head and passed these messages in her mind again. After that, he said solemnly. "Since the safety of Northern Xinjiang and even the Nightmare World involves the Far North, why would Adrian of the Presbyterian Church blew himself up when Hurricane Flame City was broken? Isn't he one of the founders of the Northern Xinjiang Alliance? "

"Adrian? His inheritance talisman formation was in Huriyan City. The moment the city was broken was when he completely died, his life span had already been cut off, and he could only survive by relying on the inheritance talisman formation effect. of!"

Ms. Meredith's explanation made Raymond relieved. Looking at the mirror image that had not been cancelled by Meredith, Raymond hesitated for a long time before speaking with difficulty. "What conditions are needed to get the method for the Scourge Lord of the Far North to smelt his true body?"

Enshi chuckled weirdly, and Ms. Meredith, who waved to cancel the video projection, immediately sat down and looked directly at Raymond's eyes and explored...to be continued. . )

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