
Chapter 960: wait

Empty and silent, the space supported by the eight pillars is silent, only those monitor-like mirror images are rapidly changing, bright, dim, or gorgeous.

Raymond, who flashed with red dots in his pupils, was full of helplessness, because the area map that appeared in his line of sight was like the fragments of countless jigsaw puzzles that were completely shattered, although the computing power of the chip was not problematic. , But many areas are not connected to each other, so the effort to construct a complete topographic map of the outer domain of the mirror is basically no hope of continuation.

It was like showing a slideshow, with winding twists and turns but no possible routes through each other, making Raymond a bit scratchy when faced with the final statistics. "Hundreds of reciprocating areas, 23 separate spaces, 37 secret passages all the way to the end, 19 resource cultivation gardens...Is it necessary to make it so complicated..."

The opportunity in front of him is quite rare, but after leaving here, there is no turning back.

So Raymond, who roughly estimated the time, inspected the entire outer environment of the Mirror Realm in this control center, trying to find a path that would allow him to find Willard and others, and also be able to enter as much as possible. Routes to cultivate gardens with hidden resources.

However, it only took Raymond’s three hourglass hours to investigate the entire Mirror Outer Domain environment, and after the chip analyzed the path through the entire Mirror Outer Domain, Raymond was very satisfied. Speechless.

Azis, the son of space who created this mirror realm, is obviously unwilling to allow entrants to obtain a large amount of resources at one time. Therefore, these hidden resource cultivation gardens basically do not exist in the same space. They are like a one-way street. Ingenious placement.

The task progress percentage in the line of sight has just passed one-tenth, and the chip is like a jigsaw puzzle. The route is finally sorted and screened according to Raymond’s requirements in order to select the best route for mine Mongolian reference.

However, the task screening performed by the chip caused the speed of the picture transformation in Raymond's line of sight to be increased by hundreds of times, which was only a short glance. Raymond felt dizzy and could only screen these images and save them to check after the final results came out.

As a result, Raymond was also free, and had time to conduct a detailed inspection of the control center he was in.

In the space supported by the eight uprights, there is a twisting force field between every two uprights. Although its strength is not particularly high. But after passing through the twisting force field, one could see the huge space-time gaps in the void outside, and the whistling circling and almost see the turbulence of the physical existence, it was definitely not something that Dawn-level wizards could resist.

The destruction of these distorted force fields will cause the invasion of spatial turbulence in the void outside. That is the same as suicide, so Raymond, who has spatial energy affinity, would not try to test the risk level of the external void, as long as his brain is not teased.

Anyway, there was nothing to wait. Raymond took out the monitoring and adjustment of the area where Willard and others were located. After confirming that Willard is currently in a safe state, he turned the bad luck into a captive Queen of the blood spotted leopard. Take out the monitoring screen of the area and check it carefully.

There are several metal puppets in the area where Queenie, the blood spotted leopard, has entered. These slow-moving but strong defensive guys guard a small garden of flower gardens, which are planted with rose cloud flowers that will be automatic without wind.

It is a pity that Queenie, the blood-spotted leopard with less powerful spells, was besieged by these metal puppets after entering. Under the condition of being unable to kill and avoiding the narrow space, this beautiful girl is currently in a dilemma. , No access is allowed.

"The center of the flowerbed is the secret road to leave. It is a pity that these metal puppets are not something she can handle alone. If they are not rescued, they will be consumed sooner or later..."

She sighed slightly. For this seemingly cowardly girl with a courageous personality, Raymond said he didn't feel good about him, but if the path provided by the chip happened to pass through her area. However, by the way, he offered a helping hand to take her away from this mirror realm.

And next, Raymond began to look for the locations of other participants who entered the realm of mirrors. As the monitoring images in the mirror changed, a weird smile appeared on his face soon, and he was shocked in the end. Laughed!

Because of the opening of the secret roads outside the realm of mirrors, all the space doors of the seven passages outside the realm of mirrors have been closed, so four people were trapped in them and could not get out.

And the most sad reminder is probably the guy who was blocked from all the passages. If he hadn't gained much before, then when he finally leaves the mirror world, he will definitely become the least rewarded in entering the mirror world this time. one of.

Of course, this also requires him to have had a harvest in the period before being blocked outside...

As he was thinking about it, the smile on his face was much stronger.

After checking the entrance, Raymond adjusted the picture to the area that he needed to pass through to leave the realm of mirrors.

All kinds of small and exquisite beast phantoms have piled up the triangular area that left the realm of mirrors, and they would need to go through a battle before leaving the realm of mirrors.

It’s just that these phantoms of beasts without the mind, even if their strength reaches the dawn level, are just targets. As long as you are careful not to be fired by them, there is no problem, but it seems that you still need to unite most people to attack before leaving, otherwise they will You need to calculate the time well, otherwise it would really be a tragedy for these monsters to stay on the periphery of the realm of mirrors.

After checking the current situation of the Outer Domain of the Mirror and the periphery, Raymond, who had a bottom in his heart, also twisted his mind and patiently waited for the completion of the chip task.

Time passed slowly. After a long time, when the chip completed the task and provided several alternative lines, Raymond had a headache after checking it.

According to the route selected according to his requirements, there are five that meet his requirements in the end.

Willard must be rescued. Although based on her own strength, she should be able to break the traps in her area within two days, but if she cannot be picked up earlier, she will eventually Enter the endless void, waiting to receive the gift of Azis.

But Raymond couldn't be sure that Azis' projection would still appear when Willard enters the endless void.

If the gift is still paid, Willard will smoothly return to the entrance of the Mirror Realm and leave safely, but if Azis does not show up, then Willard will be waiting for despair and death due to time.

After taking the time factor into account, there are only three routes left. If you want to rescue the blood spotted Kunni, there will only be one route left, and the hidden resources that you have passed through are nurtured. There will be one less garden. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

There is a lot of entanglement about this. Compared with three resource cultivation gardens, the four resource cultivation gardens are not very different in absolute proportions. However, the hidden resource cultivation gardens that cannot be accessed by the rescue of the blood spotted Leopard Queenie, there is one inside. A dwarf star, with five stars hanging on it!

Lei Meng, who showed the environmental monitoring of the hidden resource cultivation garden on the front mirror, was very distressed and entangled. "That's the Xinglan fruit, that's the rarest material to configure the condensed body, there are no planes that are still produced..."

"A Dawn-level wizard, a small family in the far north, if compared with the five stars, which is heavier..."

Leimen who closed his eyes was struggling very much. In his sight, the panic-stricken and unrelenting expressions of the star-lane fruit and the blood-spotted Kunnie were superimposed on each other, making the decision he wanted to make extremely difficult.

As if it were a balance, on the left were the Star Lan fruit and a garrison close to the dawn-level wizard, while on the right were the blood spotted Queenie and the weak family behind her.

Your own choice and choice will become the last weight on this balance, which side to add is completely determined by Raymond...

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