
Chapter 961: collection

All the traps in the Outer Domain of the Mirror Realm were displayed one by one.

Regardless of the areas that are about to be faced or those areas that will not be passed at all, they are found by Raymond and stored in the database of the chip.Even if Raymond may not use it this time, as long as the storage space of the chip is Enough, Raymond doesn't care about the little storage space occupied by these data.

The route provided by the chip has also been carefully and carefully checked by Raymond. Even the situation of the garrisons or elemental creatures that need to pass through the area has been carefully checked twice, and finally confirmed that there is nothing After the omission, Raymond finally prepared to leave.

The opening of the realm of mirrors only took half a month before and after. After removing the time that was used before, there was not much time left to waste.

Any door of the five space doors can make him reach any position he wants to reach in the outer domain of the mirror world. For this powerful space door setting, Raymond has only seen it in the classics, this time It was a personal experience for him.

Raymond stepped into the arbitrary door, meditating on the exact location he wanted to reach. As the dizziness of the space transmission occurred, he was also wrapped in a faint fluorescent light and disappeared into the space door.

When Raymond was awake from the space transmission, a sloping upward hillside appeared in his line of sight, and the big piece of Zi Yunying swaying in the wind was in his eyes, but the writing that looked like ordinary Zi Yunying was abnormal. It is tall and strong, and the trees are like small trees, only half a head lower than Raymond.

Taking a deep breath, the faint fragrance in the environment made Raymond feel very good, and the smile at the corner of his mouth became more comfortable.

The route he determined, the first to arrive is this hidden resource cultivation garden, a small lake will appear behind the hillside in front of him, and the fruits of the underwater plants growing in the central area of ​​the lake bottom are him. This time the goal.

Stopped in place and didn't move, the Raymond of the wizard's eye spell was released. Slowly raise the observation point of the field of view so that the field of view taken by the chip can see the situation behind the hillside.

And when the crystal clear lake appeared in the field of vision of the spell, the last trace of worry in Raymond's heart also completely disappeared.

Like a hilly landform, the lake surrounded by several small hills seemed unusually calm, although there were no birds in the entire environment. But everything in front of me is as beautiful as a landscape painting.

It's just that Raymond's attention is not on these. He controlled his magical sight and immediately began to search. After a while, he found the big banyan tree that seemed to have died long ago in the small forest at the bottom of the hill to the north of the lake.

The smile on his face is even better. But Leimeng, who was thinking about it, immediately began the construction of the puppet technique. Soon after the fluctuation of that technique, the four wind wolves composed entirely of wind energy appeared in front of him.

The weak elemental puppet who didn't possess the mind, because Raymond had not given any instructions and crawled at his feet, and Raymond, who continued to construct the spell, soon released a slightly larger wind puppet.

The upper body of the two high wind puppets is like a human being, but under the waist is a cyan air flow that spirals and twists inward, but that sturdy body can completely withstand the attacks of spells below level 6.

After being prepared. Following the control of Raymond, the four wind wolves immediately dispersed and rushed up the hillside, quickly came to the sky above the lake, and began a fierce attack on the clear bottomless lake below.

The light blue was only a half-foot long wind blade. After hitting the surface of the lake, even a small amount of water could not be rippled, but soon the center of the lake boiled, and a column of water gradually rose from the center of the lake. An almost completely transparent water elemental puppet, like a water snake, finally appeared.

The four wind wolves scattered in all directions, and this water elemental puppet, equivalent to the strength of the dawn level, jumped onto the lake and roared and started chasing.

Wind Wolf, who was petite but extremely fast, began to tease under the control of Raymond. Keeping the distance kept attracting the water element away from the lake, while Raymond and the wind elemental puppet around him quickly rushed past after the water element moved away from the lake.

Under the bottom of the crystal clear lake, there are about hundreds of seemingly ordinary finger-thick aquatic plants growing under water, but the tops have bright red fruits like corals.

Keeping attention to the water element that has run away, the octopus formed by Raymond's left arm feels like water quietly, like a huge underwater sickle, removing these bright red fruits tens of centimeters from the bottom of the lake. The plants were cut off and collected quickly.

But the water element that had been led away after chasing the wind wolf, when Raymond just started collecting, he suddenly turned and roared in anger, and rushed back with a twist of his body.

The original transparent body seemed to have become a little reddish because of the rage. The huge wind element placed by Raymond by the lake immediately greeted him under Raymond's control.

The strong blue arms of the wind element puppet suddenly waved, and after releasing two tornadoes and a wind barrier in succession, the seemingly huge wind element puppet shrank, only half its original size. .

Like a bloated water snake, this angry water elemental puppet was winding forward, and the high-pressure water released by it was unable to touch the swift and incomparable wind elemental puppet.

And the four wind wolves that had scattered before had already returned, one by one rushing forward like death, attacking the water-like body that the water element dragged on the ground.

Raymond, who was controlling the wind wolf and wind element puppet, was now faintly stained with sweat on his temples and roared in his heart. "Ten seconds! You only need to hold on for another ten seconds!"

The four wind wolves, even if they allowed them to attack the water element, couldn't hurt their roots, but the harassment and provocative offensive made the water element, which is far more powerful than Raymond, finally furious.


The body of the water element that suddenly stopped moving forward suddenly swelled, followed by an air current like water mist appearing from its huge open mouth!

In an indiscriminate range attack, the water mist rippling from the center of this water element spreads like a sea tide.

The four wind wolves who were the first to bear the brunt only touched a little water mist, and their solid body seemed to be completely frozen, first turned into a crystal clear ice sculpture, and then turned into powder under the action of the subsequent shock wave!

The two whirlwinds released by Raymond's wind element puppets were condensed into two unique spiral sculptures, which broke and collapsed under the impact that followed.

Without waiting for the rippling shock wave to reach the already formed wind barrier, Raymond, whose face changed rapidly, immediately stopped collecting the water beads, turned his head and rushed to the dead tree not far from the lake, a little anxious. Screamed. UU reading www. Uukanshu.com "The 8th level spell 9 is instant! It's miserable!"

At the moment when Raymond turned his head and ran wildly, the water mist-like shock wave released by the water element had already begun to speed up.The wind barrier did not even have the qualifications to block it a little, and immediately annihilated after being frozen. The wind elemental puppet, who is known for its speed, has no possibility of escaping or being a mountain wall at all. It maintains the position of preparing to release the lion, and it turns into a fine powder when the shock wave arrives and dissipates in an instant.

In less than half a second, Leimeng had rushed out for tens of meters. At this time, before the dead tree that had appeared not far from the lake, it was released with the constructed'Illusion Force Field Release' spell , The big banyan tree that was originally withered disappeared immediately, and a door of space shining with energy and luster appeared immediately.

There was no time to think about it anymore. The water mist-like shock wave swept behind him had already made Raymond feel a strong heart palpitations, and when he slammed into it, his back was already icy cold!

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