
Chapter 980: Training 2

Raymond, who was staying in the heart core hall, was already going crazy by the phantom sacrificial text. ※※

Each of the twelve introductory runes has its own unique structure and construction mode. Although it looks complicated and precise, it should never be so difficult to remember.

With the assistance of the chip, generally speaking, as long as it can actually see everything in its line of sight, it will be automatically stored by the chip, and can be retrieved and viewed by Raymond at any time.

However, the phantom sacrifice given by Azis, the son of space, regardless of the more than three hundred runes that need to be memorized after the entry, the twelve runes of this entry have always been remembered by Raymond.

Every entry rune was disassembled by Lei Meng calmly to reduce the difficulty of memorizing, but no matter how hard he tried, he could remember any rune, as if in this rune There is a layer of magic power that can be quickly forgotten, and it is always decree that Raymond can successfully achieve this simple entry.

Lei Meng, who has forgotten the time completely, is still able to reach the comprehension of this phantom sacrificial text after several hard work. Even though Lei Meng knows that this is the practice that he urgently needs to understand and master at present, he still Is always out of doors.

The sea of ​​consciousness is empty and there is no mental power crystals left. This is the root cause of Raymond’s so much decrease in strength. However, the more impatient Raymond is, the more he wants to get through this introductory stage. These runes are more difficult to be used. What he remembered.

Impatient, irritated, and at a loss until the last time.

Raymond, who didn't know where the problem was, had to stop this futile memory method, put the memory of these runes on hold, and began to search for the memory of the law or the root cause of these runes being forgotten.

The chip checks the content of the phantom ritual and each rune, and can even perform a simple analysis of its rationality. However, because the Raymond body has not reached the entry standard, the analysis of the chip can only stop at Above the twelve runes of this entry.

A rune with magical power. The most basic decomposition can be carried out by Raymond, but such decomposition has no effect on helping memory. It can only prove the structure of these runes.

"The son of Space, Azis, taught this phantom ritual after he determined that there is no spiritual power crystal in the sea of ​​my knowledge, and it was still used as a reward for releasing him from the inner domain of the mirror world..."

While thinking about it, I took out the video recording when I met with Azis Projection. Although Azis Projection was very vague in the chip's record, the words he said when he mentioned the Phantom Festival. , But it made Raymond fall into long contemplation.

This kind of phantom ritual, Azis, the son of space, has not been able to master it, but this technique is suitable for high-level wizards who have reached the dawn level and have no spiritual power in the sea of ​​consciousness!

"I have analyzed it before. The wizards who have no spiritual power in the sea of ​​knowledge are basically promoted to the strength of the dawn level, and the prerequisites for this phantom ritual study are so harsh and unreasonable, then can you think of this? The target of the exercise method is only those high-level wizards who have suffered heavy losses but have not fallen in realm?"

After layers of analysis. When such speculation appeared, Raymond suddenly realized in vain.

Since the prerequisites for the study are so harsh, Azis, the son of space, himself also said that he could not study this phantom ritual. Then I really want to understand the foundation of this phantom sacrificial text. It seems that the main body cannot be regarded as a novice researcher, but the premise of studying this phantom sacrificial text is based on his own strength is a wizard who has reached the dawn level!

Suddenly he noticed that Raymond had grasped the key factor. Even if he adjusted his memory method of these twelve runes, while memorizing the runes, he used the space energy in the body to copy. When each rune After the lines were formed after such a copy-like outline, Raymond found in vain that the rune outlined could finally be reluctantly remembered by him!




Although the memory of each rune is still more difficult. But the memory made in this way finally allowed Raymond to firmly imprint these runes in the core memory area of ​​his mind, and there would be no more forgotten phenomena.

Discovering that he has found the method and technique of memory, Raymond couldn't help being overjoyed. However, the twelve runes of the Phantom Festival entry level were still not something he could remember every minute, and he still needed a lot of time to memorize so that he could be stable.

In the process of mobilizing the space energy in the body for memory, Raymond can clearly feel that his perception of space energy is gradually deepening, and the space energy drawn from the core hall has also become warmer and easy to be affected. Retained by the body.

As if returning to the stage where he had just begun to touch the wizard runes, Lemmon, who was intoxicated by the memory of every rune, had forgotten the passage of time and everything about himself. His mind was completely immersed in the right In the memory and perception of these twelve runes.

With the passage of time, when Raymond could finally remember the first ten runes, he seemed to feel a slight increase in his energy affinity, especially after the spatial energy entered his body, it surged in his body. The process of moving, washing, and remaining can be clearly perceived by myself.

But when Raymond was about to memorize the last two runes, the space energy in the Heart Core Hall was so thin that the law could maintain the energy vortex. The sudden collapse of the vortex made Raymond immersed in his mind suddenly. Woke up.

He opened his eyes in amazement, the energy vortex in front of him collapsed out of the space energy, like smoke, which obscured the line of sight, but Gracie, who was sitting not far in front of him, made Raymond a little confused.

Seeing the energy vortex collapsed, Gracie, who had been sitting here for a day and night, immediately asked excitedly. "For such a long time of meditation, how well did you understand the phantom sacrificial text?"

Raymond, whose thinking hasn't completely returned to normal, his face turned dark and very embarrassed. "I haven't gotten started yet..."

"It doesn't matter! Your comprehension ability must be a success! Before you wake up, the flare on your body has shown that the phantom sacrificial texts you are currently studying must be the top-level exercises. As long as you persist, there will be great Harvest!"

While Gracie sitting not far away was talking, her eyes were shining with excitement, and the excitement in her expression was unconcealed, which actually made Raymond very puzzled, hesitating to try. "Master Gracie, do you know about this phantom ritual?"

"The cultivation method of the sea of ​​time and space, although the old lady has not entered there herself, but some people know the characteristics of these techniques that are spread in the sea of ​​time and space!"

The proud Gracie said this, but deliberately stopped continuing, looking at Raymond up and down, but seeing that he was still waiting there with a blank expression, she finally couldn't hold back and was very annoyed. "Hey! Boy, my old lady helped you ask so many people who know the power of the exercises from the sea of ​​time and space, is that your expression?"

Blinking blankly, Raymond really didn't understand Gracie's questioning, which was obviously meaningful. He frowned and thought for a long time before he opened his mouth tentatively. UU Reading www.uukahnshu.com "Master Gracie, I am just getting started with this phantom sacrificial text. Most of the runes are memorized at all. I want to teach you what I can do... …"

Gracie turned black when he heard the sound, and roared angrily. "Do you think the old lady is peeping at the phantom offerings! It's a jerk!"

"So, what do you mean?"

Recalling the sullenness she suffered before, the more unwilling Gracie she thought about it, the more she lost her chat. She flicked a dozen bottles of medicine and appeared in front of Raymond.

"These are potions that enhance the energy sensitivity of the body and strengthen the body. The cultivation of the sea of ​​time and space requires a great price to understand. You will definitely use these potions..." To be continued...)

ps: Thanks, lonely bug, mxwill's monthly pass. In addition, I would like to express my gratitude to the reader pool. Your message in the book review area is very good, just because a long part of the previous chapter has been finalized, it is likely to make you some Disappointed, but the fifth child is indeed gradually improving his pen ability, hoping to write better! At the same time, the fifth person will also say something to all readers who are reading the book. If you have any comments, please leave a message in the book review area. Any non-swearing comments are affirmation for the fifth person, thanks!

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