
Chapter 981: getting Started

Gracie was furious as he walked away, but Raymond, who was at a loss, didn't know where the problem was.

The space energy in the heart core hall has become very thin. Although it is still much higher than the concentration of the external environment, the law forms the energy vortex that has the force of traction, which can only be achieved through the time of Lei Meng's meditation. The generated traction force is gathered.

It’s just that this is Gracie’s core hall. It can be said that it was the safest place in the entire frozen city before her body fell. So after Gracie left, Raymond thought for a while, and simply stayed here and continued to pay tribute to the Phantom. Try to get started.

With the successful memory of ten introductory runes, Lei Meng finally discovered the study method and method of this kind of exercise. During the process of copying these runes, each rune was branded behind the memory. Will make him feel an inexplicable comfort.

Just facing the potions that Gracie left behind, Raymond's expression became a little exciting.

Potions that strengthen the affinity of attributes, although precious, are not urgently needed.

However, the strength of the body is not too much at any time.

But the rest are all drugs similar to anesthetics, which make the user feel the sensation produced within a certain period of time, which is very strange.

After carefully checking these special potions, Raymond couldn't figure it out. "It's nothing more than during meditation, but when studying the Phantom Sacrifice, you must maintain the most keen perception. Even the feelings produced by the body need to be carefully observed. Why did she send these medicines here? Still wanting Do you look grateful?"

But even though he was inexplicable, he was still delighted that when he mastered the correct method, he was able to reach the level of learning the phantom rituals. In the end, he carefully collected these potions, and then sank his mind and began to memorize the last two runes.

Many lines and complex structure. It is like the most exquisite work of art of introductory rune. After Raymond invoked the space energy as the basis for sketching, after the entire rune was copied, there would be no movement, but Raymond’s heart gradually developed. There was a vague understanding.

Originally, when he sensed the free energy in the environment, in his cognition, these free energy are pure free energy, which can be absorbed and absorbed by the body, and can surging, circulate and wash in the body after entering the body. , A substance that can increase the strength of the body and discharge impurities in the body.

But with the mastery of the introductory rune of the Phantom Sacrifice, these free energies in the environment became blurred in the induction. It seems that every particle of free energy is wrapped in a faint entanglement, and it is unclear or unclear, but the degree of intimacy has increased a lot.

It's like these free energy can already be touched, summoned, and communicated. Every particle of free energy will produce an inexplicable sense of pleasure when it senses him. They are cheering, jumping for joy, and waiting to be absorbed and absorbed by themselves.

Even those free energy that have to leave the body with impurities. At the moment when it emerges through the body, there will be deep nostalgia and deep regret. It is like the free energy has emotions in vain, has intimacy and dependence on him, and is unwilling to remove impurities from its body. Also be discharged together.

After finishing the sketching of the eleventh rune, after confirming that the rune had been mastered, Raymond slowly opened his eyes. Looking at the empty appearance in the heart core hall, it is very obvious that although the free energy methods are seen by the line of sight, the entanglement they emit can be detected by the line of sight.

Moreover, the body needs to sense, and Raymond can clearly know the location of every free energy within a few meters around him. And the trajectory they are running, and feel the accumulation of emotions formed by them.

In vain, the entanglement of these free energy was in vain, which made it difficult for Raymond to get used to it for a while, but after he wiped his eyes, the entanglement had disappeared, as if it was just his own hallucination before.

I can't understand how such a phenomenon occurs, but in short it should be a good phenomenon, so after quickly immersing his mind in the sea of ​​knowledge, Raymond began to remember the entry rune of the last phantom ritual.

Concentrated and worked hard, but the memory of this last introductory rune was not that difficult. Compared with the memory of the previous eleven introductory runes, it even seemed a little simpler.

But when Raymond completely mastered the twelve runes and recited them in their order, the energy that had been mobilized in vain from the limbs in his body began to flow like a trickle. Slow to rapid, from trickle to turbulent!

It seemed that it was only a moment in Raymond's feeling, but this turbulent flow of energy that started running in vain according to a certain law passed through his heart and poured into his sea of ​​consciousness!

In the empty sea of ​​consciousness, it was like a violent wind and turbulent waves. The dumbfounded Raymond found that the energy that poured into his sea of ​​consciousness formed a vortex of energy in a moment, like a nebula shining with a soft light. Among them, the energy that was constantly being thrown out seemed to be expanding the boundary of his knowledge of the sea, whizzing in all directions.

Because it is not clear what kind of abnormality will appear in the phantom sacrificial text after the entry, Leimen did not stop the continuous silent reciting of the twelve runes of this entry, but as his silent reciting speed increased, it formed in the center of the sea of ​​consciousness. This energy vortex slowly twisted. After a while, a black hole that continuously absorbed energy was formed. After the speed of the vortex reached its peak, it suddenly stopped spinning!

Driven by inertia, the energy still whizzing around the black hole is like being repelled by the suction in the black hole, and a little bit of energy remains in the sea of ​​consciousness in Raymond for a while.

And the black hole with twisted ripples around it quickly twisted inward after it was still, and it seemed to Raymond that it suddenly changed from the size of a fist to just the tip of a needle!

This in vain phenomenon caused Raymond, who was staring at the black hole to observe, a sense of indescribable depression, but as the pinpoint-sized black hole slowly expanded outward, it was an inexplicable feeling. The breath is also permeating in this sea of ​​knowledge space.

Feeling the appearance of this kind and familiar soft breath, Raymond, who had previously felt a little fuzzy, discovered that appearing at the center of the black hole seemed to produce a bright spot, and its shape was finally noticed by Raymond as it expanded rapidly.

Just like the spiritual power crystals condensed by Raymond before, but its luster is brighter, the shape is just like a drop of water, the top tip and the bottom circle are still trembling as if it is not solid.

Calm was restored within the sea of ​​consciousness. After Raymond, who stopped reciting the twelve runes in silent, approached the drop, he was surprised to find that this substance seemed to be condensed from the purest spatial energy. UU Reading www.uukanshu. com looks crystal clear, but in fact, it is impossible to see the tiny bit inside.

"Is this the crystallization of spiritual power formed after the introduction of the Phantom Festival? So does it mean that a certain talent is already possessed?"

Suddenly thought of this possible Raymond, even after leaving the sea of ​​consciousness, he started to check after regaining control of his body.

The first mental power crystallization condensed by space energy is generally a basic talent that will bring the body energy affinity improvement, shortening of the casting time, and enhancement of space energy induction.

But after trying them one by one, Lei Meng, who was more confused, found that these abilities hadn't changed at all. The original level is still the same level!

I don't know the reason, but I tried various methods again but still got nothing.

And the chip's effect on this crystal of mental power is actually in a state of law discrimination!

Raymond was completely stunned, but after a while, he couldn't help but feel the urge to curse...to be continued...)

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