
Chapter 982: Puzzled

The low-level elemental spells did not change when they were released.

The middle-level shaping technique is no different from before.

There are still no changes after the release of advanced techniques such as space and time...

Obviously, a mental power crystallization has been condensed in his own sea of ​​knowledge, but no changes in himself have appeared. This makes his face darker, his eyes redder, and the impatient and angry Raymond finally Started to build a high-level single powerful spell, want to continue to verify.

However, an extremely angry roar suddenly exploded in his ears. "Raymond! You want my mother's life!"

The hands that were constructing the magic technique couldn't help shaking, and his heart screamed, and Raymond, who was waiting for the magic backlash to occur, was closely followed by a flower in front of him. As the magic backlash occurred, he couldn't help but groan. Humph, but the body remained in the previous posture and couldn't move.

"That's my old lady's heart core hall, not your technique laboratory!" Gracie, who grabbed Raymond from the heart core hall to his own laboratory, was furious, standing in front of Raymond and poking his finger fiercely. Looking at Raymond, who was imprisoned by her, was extremely angry. "You dare to cast a spell above level 6 in the heart core hall of my old lady. Did your kid's head get water or was it squashed by the door! Say it! Say it! Say it!"

The green fingers slammed on his forehead suddenly, and Leimen's head swayed back and forth with the finger. Although the pain was not painful, it was a bit difficult for face.

But Raymond, who had figured out the reason, looked embarrassed, but Gracie, who was furious, was still furious. Seeing Raymond's expression a little guilty, he immediately began to sarcasm and sarcasm. "I've grown my skills, I've become more capable, I'm so courageous and crazy, right? How can my old lady owe you anything? How dare you!"

At this time, Raymond, whose thinking had returned to normal, had long awakened. Knowing that he was fainted in a hurry, after releasing those low-level spells, he was still preparing to release a single-level 6-level spell in Gracie's heart core hall. If it wasn't that this had already been signed with him, then Gracie, who signed the contract in the ancient times, is forgiven even if she slaps herself to death on the spot...

Raymond felt guilty as he was thinking, so he hung his eyes and pursed his mouth without saying a word. Therefore, this time the omission was really too much. If it hadn't been for Gracie to find out in time to take him away from that heart. In the Nuclear Hall, although the level 6 single spells won't cause her to die on the spot, it is very likely that the serious injuries will not heal.

It's the equivalent of Gracie's heart. Any slight injury will cause her body to be injured...

Seeing Raymond's guilt, he would not speak. Gracie, who had been roaring for a long time, finally stopped, but with the lingering fear, Kui's anger could not disappear. After many laps around Raymond, her face became slightly clearer, and she lifted her hand to release her imprisonment. He sat in the chair in front of Raymond.

But after sitting down, Gracie was stunned for a while before she began to ask why. "Let's talk about it! Why did you release spells in my old lady's core hall? There is no reasonable explanation for you to pass the level today!"

Feeling guilty, Raymond, who immediately began to explain, was not prepared to hide it. Started briefly. "I just passed the introductory stage of the Phantom Ceremony. And it has also successfully condensed a substance similar to the crystallization of spiritual power in the sea of ​​knowledge..."

Gracie listened carefully, but when she heard this, she slapped her hands with a touch of joy on her face. "So it's getting started? Congratulations are really needed!"

But Leimen, who raised his hand and pulled a chair to sit in, mumbled somewhat dejectedly. "Most of the energy accumulated in the body is consumed, but the condensed spiritual power crystal has no effect at all, so in desperation, I thought of the release of magic techniques, and wanted to understand the spiritual power crystal condensed in the sea of ​​consciousness. What role does it play!"

Raymond felt a little discouraged. But it made Gracie stunned. After thinking for a moment, her expression became irritated, and she suddenly stood up and roared at Raymond. "Then you can't release spells in the heart-core hall of my old lady! You little bastard! Tell my old lady how this is so! If you want to understand your own talent or ability to be promoted, you said it earlier!"

Gracie quickly came to Raymond. Between the **** she protruded, a crystal bottle the size of a thumb appeared. After shaking it for a few times, seeing Raymond's face blank, Gracie couldn't help showing off proudly. "That is to say, you are lucky. It is estimated that only the old lady in the entire frozen city still has this kind of test potion!"

"There is such a potion?"

The overjoyed Raymond Detective took the vial, but when he wanted to open it immediately, Gracie once again severely poked the forehead, and the crystal bottle he had just obtained was also Back to Gracie's hands.

After the sound of "Ouch", Raymond raised his hand to cover his forehead, but the annoyed Gracie shook his figure before returning to the chair not far away, and yelled in extreme annoyance. "What's the hurry! I want to open such a precious potion without asking!"

"Isn't it because of my urgency, I finally condensed a mental power crystal but I don't understand the effect, naturally that is the case..."

Staring at Raymond in amazement, he was finally defeated by his eager eyes staring at the vial. Gracie smiled bitterly and shook her head, flicking her fingers to form an isolation field, and then poured a drop from the vial into it. Transparent liquid poured out of

Only the drop of colored transparent liquid in the isolation force field with the diameter of the ruler evaporated and dispersed quickly, and a faint mist was formed in this isolation force field. Seeing this, Gracie nodded with satisfaction, and then turned to Raymond to explain. stand up. "Run the technique you have learned, and then inject your own breath into it!"

Seeing Gracie's solemnity, Raymond took a deep breath after picking up the lazy appearance before, and after silently reciting the twelve introductory runes, his fingers gently poked into the isolation field.

The weak energy breath that slowly oozes from the tip of the finger, even if it is isolated from the fog in the force field, the original fog instantly turns into milky white, and it quickly condenses many tiny particles. In this isolated force field, a suspension phenomenon is formed.

Gracie, who was standing aside and watching carefully, screamed in a little astonishment after there was no more change in the isolation field. "Distance? How could this talent be?"

There was no surprise in Gracie's tone, but rather shocked, and Raymond's heart was immediately suspended, and he hurried to ask questions. "Distance? What kind of talent is this?"

Seeing that Raymond's expression was blank but nervous, Gracie's eyes became a little weird and looked a little uncertain. "Talent? This is not like a kind of talent, but like a very tasteless ability improvement. You can try to see the difference in distance when releasing the spell..."

Such an answer made Lei Meng more guilty, and a Void Slash was released while waving his hand.

Void Slash, which only has its shape and has no attack power, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com immediately straddled a distance of tens of meters and hit the distant ice wall, but there was no movement after it burst.

After testing out the resistance strength of the ice wall magic, a thoughtful Raymond appeared in front of the ice wall. Although the space tens of meters away can still shine, it is still the same as before.

This place itself is Gracie's test room. The surrounding ice walls have long been protected by her stronger force field, and Raymond, who was in his heart, started to try in the corner of this test room.

The offensive spells, defensive spells, and even buffing spells were all released by Raymond, but Raymond did not notice any change in the ‘distance’.

In the end, he slumped and stopped trying. Facing the hard ice wall that could reflect the light, Raymond, who had been thinking for a long time, was still a little unwilling to give up.

Since the crystallization of spiritual power in the sea of ​​consciousness has been condensed, it would be a joke to say that it did not bring him any effect.

But where is the problem in the end, Raymond is thinking hard to understand...to be continued...)

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