“City Lord sent a letter over and let me hand it over to you.”

Looking at Adier in front of him, the old man looked respectfully, lowered his head slightly, and passed a letter in his hand.

Receiving the letter, Adier opened the envelope, which contained light yellow paper with some content written in Cuban.

Adier flipped open and read the letter quickly.

“Invitation letter?”

After reading the full letter, Adier lowered his head, a little confused.

This is an invitation letter, nominally inviting Adier, a new nobleman from Ancient Armor City, to visit the City Lord’s home.

But just think about it and know, how could the owner of the Dignified Ancient Armor City invite a strange little noble to visit his home for no reason, there must be other reasons.

“Forget it, sooner or later, we have to get in touch. Since the other party has already invited, it doesn’t matter if you look in the past.”

After reading the letter, Adier put the letter in his hand on the wooden table in front of him, the thought flashed in his mind.

Thinking about this, he couldn’t help looking towards, where the old blond man was still standing.

“Bagel, is that messenger still there?” He opened the mouth and said.

“He’s still in the living room, waiting for your reply from my adult.” Listening to Adier, the old blond man was nodded and said.

“Tell him, after three days, I will be on time and thank me Sir City Lord for his kind invitation.”

Looking at the old man, Adier said casually.

As if listening to Adier, the old man turned and walked behind him.

After his silhouette disappeared under Adier’s gaze, Adier turned and walked towards the room.

Three days later.

At noon, Adier sat in the carriage and slowly walked towards a mansion.

Next to the carriage, Elder and the others took some guards, quietly guarding around the carriage. At the forefront of the carriage, a knight in red safari was riding a horse and leading the way.

This was the messenger sent by the Lord of Ancient Armor City, who was responsible for bringing Adier to the City Lord’s home at this time.

After a while, Adier and the others came to a large building.

“Sir, the residence of Sir City Lord has arrived. You can bring two guards together.”

After arriving at the place, Knight in red safari turned and looked at Adier and said, “As for your other guards, we will also arrange them, so please don’t worry.”

“Trouble you.” Listening to each other, Adier nodded, and then looked towards behind: “Elder, Gru, go in with me.”

In the envious eyes of the surrounding guards, Elder walked forward and followed Adier silently.

Walking into it is a long aisle. Go to the end of the aisle, where a tall silhouette is standing.

It was a tall blond middle-aged man, wearing an expensive patriarch robe, and the whole person looked like a hole.

Seeing the footsteps of Adier and the others, he looked up and looked towards Adier.

The two eyes met at this moment.

Suddenly, the tall middle-aged man brightened his eyes, and smiled forward: “haha, you must be my guest!”

“Introduce yourself, I’m Keksis. Ishur, the owner of Ancient Armor City.” His loud voice echoed around, making it audible from a long distance.

“I’m Adier .Fax, thank you for inviting me to be a guest.”

Looking at the tall and sturdy man in front of him, Adier also smiled on his face, looking unaffected by the other’s momentum.

“Name: Keksis. Ishur. Strength: 7.8. Agility: 7.6. Constitution: 8.”

At this moment, Adier’s body data appeared in front of Adier, and he was a top Great Knight.

If this kind of physical data is a general second-class apprentice, it is very likely that the other person will solve it when they are near him.

Of course, if it was Adier, the situation would be reversed.

In front of me, listening to Adier’s words, the smile on Keksis’s face was stronger, and he strode over to give Adier a hug.

“It’s not convenient to speak here, let’s go in and talk slowly.” He looked at the large number of guards around him, and the two of Alder behind Adi, and he suggested.

In this regard, Adier has no objection, directly nodded, and agrees.

After a while, they walked into the room inside.

When I came here, there were obviously fewer people around. There was no one on the surface except two maids.

“How did the Sir City Lord find out?” Coming here, Adier thoughtfully looked at a corner of the room, and opened the mouth and said directly.

Although this sentence does not at all explain the specific meaning, both Adier and Keksis in front of you understand the meaning of this sentence.

“Haha.” Listening to Adier’s doubts, Keksis just laughed, then motioned to the two maids in the room to leave.

After the two maids left, a silhouette wearing a black robe emerged from the shadows in the corner on the side.

Because he was wearing a hood and lowering his head, it wasn’t until he came to his eyes that Adier could see the look of this person.

It was a rotting face, as horrible and distorted as the rotting corpse.

In the eyes of his face, a pair of apparently abnormal pure black eyes looked at Adier quietly and strangely and mysteriously.

Looking at the other person’s appearance, Adier secretly frowned.

Although he will not be scared by the other party, the honor of the other party still makes him a little sick.

However, the mana fluctuations on the other side are very strong, and have surpassed Adier, reaching the level of the third-class apprentice.

“Sorry, this picture looks a bit scary.”

Looking at the expression on Adier’s face, black robed man shrugged, and then a horrible smile appeared on the rotten face: “Introduce yourself, I’m Mokarat. Ishur, a third-class apprentice.”

“Adier.Fax, second-class apprentice.” Looking at each other, Adier was also nodded and self-introduced.

“Mokarat is my cousin.” Keksis aside also interjected: “Ancient Armor City is really desolate because of years of war, and many local nobles have left here.”

“Because the aristocracy is scarce, every noble who is preparing to set up an industry in Ancient Armor City, I will pay attention to it, I did not expect to just find you.” He looked at Adier and explained patiently.

Hearing this, Adier was thoughtful: “No wonder I completed the procedures for buying those properties so quickly. It now seems that it was Sir City Lord’s sake.”

“A little thing that’s all.” At this moment, Mokarat on the side also opened the mouth and said: “For people like us, what are some mortal properties?”

Listening to this sentence, Adier agrees with nodded.

Wizards and mortals are indeed not on the same level. Even if it’s just a wizard apprentice, it’s very easy if you want wealth in the world.

Not to mention its own ability, it is the magic stone used by the wizard, just take it out, and some people are willing to buy it for thousands of gold coins.

“Speaking of which, apart from my cousin, you are one of the few apprentices who chooses to settle in Ancient Armor City.”

Looking at Adier, Keksis sighed.

Adier looked at him: “Is there a small number of wizard apprentices in the city?”

“Yeah.” Mokarat replied aside: “In the entire Ancient Armor City, there is only one third-level apprentice, and the second-level apprentice has only three people, each representing three small Sects.”

“So little?” Adier frowned subconsciously, listening to the other person.

The number of wizards in a place is often linked to local resources.

The apprenticeships of Ancient Armor City are so scarce that the native land is probably very barren and doesn’t have much resources.

“Apprentices around us have a party every once in a while, and the next time you do, you can come together.” Looking at Adier, Mokarat continued.

“That’s trouble Master Mokarat,” Adier said with a smile on his face.

The three of them talked here for a while, and after meal time, at Keksis’s house, they had lunch together before they separated.

Soon, three months passed unconsciously.

Early in the morning, on a vast training ground, Adier was holding a sword and was training there.

In front of him, Elder was in a white tights, and looked at Adier nervously.

“Can you see clearly?” A short while later, Adier stopped training and put the long sword in his hand back to the weapon rack aside, before turning to say to Alder behind him.

“It’s clear.” Listening to Adier’s words, Elder was nodded hard, and his original face seemed a little excited.

After getting Adier’s instructions, he quickly walked aside, pulled a long sword from the weapon rack on one side, and then stood in the center of the field, his face became serious and he began to wave.

His actions are similar to Adier’s before, but there are a lot of things that seem jerky and there are a lot of errors in details.

However, despite his progress, Adier is still nodded: “In just three months, it is good to be able to train like this.”

“Name: Elder. Strength: 2.3. Agility: 2.2. Constitution: 2.4.”

At a moment, Adier’s physical data appeared in front of Adier’s eyes, almost two people compared to three months ago.

“It seems that the Knight Breathing Technique derived from the chip this time can be used on normal people.”

Watching each other’s progress, Adier secretly nodded.

When he first came to this world in the past, he used to collect a large number of Knight Breathing Techniques, and used chips to develop a more complete Dier Breathing Technique.

But Adier itself is Half-Elf. Although the body structure is generally similar to ordinary person, there are still many differences in subtleties.

The Dier Breathing Technique is exclusively based on his own conditions. Although the ordinary person class can be practiced, the effect may not be as good as hiss.

Therefore, during the period of Ancient Armor City, in his spare time, Adier improved the original Dier Breathing Technique through the chip again, making it more suitable for the body structure of ordinary person.

Judging from Aird’s progress, the effect is obviously very good.

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