Standing quietly on the training ground, after a while, after Elder stopped in front of him, Adier silently walked out of the training ground.

Behind him, looking at Adier’s background, Elder hurriedly followed him and walked along with him into a small room.

“Is there something wrong with me?”

Sitting at the wooden table, Adier asked Alde.

This is to record some experimental data and detect some problems.

Although the improved Dier Breathing Technique has been deduced in detail by the chip, there should be no problem in theory, but some deviations in the actual operation are also normal.

Once problems occur, Adier must make some adjustments to the breathing method in a timely manner to modify those that are not suitable.

“It looks like the apprenticeship should be fine.”

Sitting on a chair and looking at the data recorded in his hand, Adier thought silently: “At the current speed of Alder’s progress, it is estimated that it will reach the standard for promotion to Knight in six months, and then you can experiment with the chip The Knight part of the show. “

In the original Knight Breathing Technique, there was actually only apprenticeship. After the Knight apprentices break through Knight, the role of Knight Breathing Technique has basically ended, and afterwards, if they want to improve, they can only be tempered by day-to-day training and high-intensity combat.

The Dier Breathing Technique derived by Adier can theoretically also exercise Knight, but the specific effect can only be observed through exact experiments.

“Unfortunately, it would be great if we could obtain several bodies of Knight. If we use the bodies directly for experiments, the improvement of Knight Breathing Technique will be much faster.”

Sitting in place, Adier rubbed his head a little distressed.

After a while, he stood up and walked directly to the side hall.

There, Bagel, in a serious traditional dress, was waiting there quietly.

After hearing Adier’s footsteps, he turned and looked towards him, respectfully admiring him, “Sir, you are here.”

Listening to him, Adier nodded, then looked towards the wooden table in front.

On the wooden table in front, there are many kinds of fruits scattered scattered at this time, each kind is only the same, quietly placed on the table.

“Sir, this is what we sent back to buy during this time, and there are more than two hundred in total.”

Looking at the fruit on the wooden table, Bagel explained: “We sent out a lot of people, some went further and bought them, and it took two or three days to get back.”

“Next time, don’t just collect the fruit, and bring back a portion of those fruit tree stems and root whiskers.”

Looking at Bagel in front of him, Adier said instructed: “I remember not long ago, we have just recruited some experts in this field in our orchard, you can let the outsourcing team bring these people.

Listening to Adier, Bagel was a little scratched, but in the end it was nodded.

After a while, Adier motioned him out, leaving him alone.

He looked at the table full of fruits, reached out and picked up a red dried fruit like an orange, and took a bite in his mouth.

A strong bitterness continued to spread from the corners of his mouth, and the strong taste made Adier’s urge to throw away the fruit in his hand.

“Wild red bank pulp, edible can cause diarrhea and vomiting, and eating again after steaming can produce some bactericidal effects …” In my mind, the sound of chip machinery is constantly sounding.

Listening to the sound of the chip, Adier put the red fruit in his hand without changing the color, and then cut the flesh with a small knife on the side, revealing the black kernel inside.

“Wild red pit fruit kernels, mixed with Nymphae for cooking, can produce a weak refreshing effect after drinking.”

Throw the black kernel into your mouth and chew, and the sound of the chip machinery in your head sounds again.

At the sound of the chip, Adier’s face remained unchanged, and he continued to pick up the next material from the wooden table.

An hour later, after Adier tried everything in front of him, he stood up.

“Chip, put the materials you just tested into the database, and try to compare it with the formula of several pharmaceuticals.”

Standing in place, he ordered to the chip in his head.

This scene is happening every day recently.

In order to enrich the chip database and allow more basic data for chip analysis and deduction, Adier tries various materials every day to let the chip analyze the approximate properties of these materials.

After a few months, it was considered a small gain. Not only did I find some ordinary materials that can replace the higher medical ingredient, but also successfully deduced a formula for cold medicine through a lot of analysis.

According to the level of wizard’s potion, although this kind of cold-proof potion is only a basic potion, most of the required materials are ordinary mortal materials. A few materials that need to be cultivated by wizards are just ordinary medicinal ingredients, which only need some gold. Coins can be bought at a very low cost.

The effect of this medicine is very simple, just need to drink the next one, it can improve the body’s resistance to cold for a long time, which is just right for an environment like Gumoduo Kingdom.

Adier tried to sell this medicine in his own pharmacy. Although it was only a diluted version with water, it was still strongly welcomed by many nobles in Ancient Armor City.

“Calculate the time. The party Mokarat said should be in these days.”

Standing in place, Adier suddenly thought.

During these three months, Adier has always maintained a certain relationship with the other party, often communicating information through letters.

Some time ago, the other party invited Adier to a meeting of local apprentices, and it was almost time.

“I hope there will be some gains at that time.” Looking towards the outside, Adier thought lightly.

Three days later.

In the early morning, Adier led Elder and a few guards out of the manor.

This time, instead of riding a carriage, he rode directly and walked in front of the team.

After more than three months, Gumoduo Kingdom has entered winter.

The winter here is much colder than other places. There are many places outside that are already frozen and the cold is constantly blowing.

However, despite this, Adier is still dressed in the past, wearing only a black robe on his body, and in this environment can hardly serve any cold protection.

However, his face was normal, and there was no sign of freezing.

This scene is not uncommon in the recent Ancient Armor City.

After Adier developed the anti-cold medicine, many aristocrats simply wore summer clothes for the convenience of hunting during winter hunting. Compared to these people, Adier’s performance is fairly normal.

After a long section of the road, Adier entire group came out of the city.

After a while, they came to a manor outside, where several people were already waiting.

Inside the manor, familiar mana waves came from it, and Adier confirmed his position.

He directly let go of the mana fluctuations on his body, and then led someone into it.

“Adier, you came early.”

Sensing the fluctuation of mana, in the manor, a man wearing a heavy black robe and wrapped in a tightly wrapped body came out. It was Mokarat.

Standing beside Mokarat was an old man with a white beard, wearing a red robe, and also exuding obvious mana fluctuations.

“Let me introduce you.” Looking at Adier, Mokarat pointed to the white beard aside. “This is Syraher, a second-class apprentice.”

After being introduced to Whitebeard, he turned to Adier: “This is Adier and also a second-class apprentice.”

After introducing each other, they walked into the manor together and talked in a warm room.

“The other two people still have something to do. Maybe come a little later.”

When he reached the room, looking at Adier, Mokarat said.

The words had just come down, and on the outside, a wave of mana suddenly appeared, and it seemed to be approaching here.

“Uh, they seem to have arrived.” Aside, Syraher with a long white beard said loudly.

It didn’t make them wait long, and soon, footsteps outside kept ringing, and the two apprentices came in.

It was a female apprentice in a white robe, about thirty years old, and a middle-aged apprentice who looked a little thin.

After introducing each other, Adier quickly learned their names. Female apprentices in their thirties were called Aishaer, and some thin middle-aged apprentices were called Zide.

“Well, now that we are all here and the introduction is almost introduced, let’s start.”

Aside, looking at the Adiers, Syraher, the white-bearded, said, his loud voice was a little loud around him.

Listening to this, the other apprentices around were also nodded.

“Since I took the initiative this time, let me come first.”

Sitting at the huge wooden table, Mokarat put on a metal mask and opened the mouth and said first.

He took out a blooming black flower from his arms, which looked a little glamorous, and seemed to have a magical charm that made people involuntarily fix their eyes on this flower.

“This is … the flower of the dead?”

When he saw the black flower, Adier froze and couldn’t help but opened the mouth and said.

“Well, do you even know?” Listening to Adier, Mokarat looked surprised at him: “The flower of the dead soul is difficult to cultivate, and it took me several years to cultivate a flower. I didn’t expect you to recognize it.”

“Just happened to know that’s all.” Adier smiled, and then took a deep look at Mokarat, with some inexplicable meaning.

Necrotic Flower, this is an extremely rare material. If you use it directly, you can directly increase some Spirit forces, which is a very precious material for wizards.

And this material also has another role, which is to serve as one of the raw materials of Death Spirit Medicine. Although it is not the main material, it can also be regarded as a relatively important auxiliary material.

However, what impressed Adier most was the way this material was cultivated.

According to records, the cultivation of the flower of the dead requires human blood filled with resentment and pain. If you want to meet the requirements, you must torture the living person for dozens of days in extremely cruel ways, and finally you can get a little blood of pure resentment and pain. It takes at least a year for a necrotic flower to be planted and opened.

The flower of the dead soul in front of her eyes, although it looks strange and beautiful, has at least hundreds of painful undead crying behind it.

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