Looking at Mokarat who stood up in the spacious room, there was a little doubt in everyone’s eyes.

Facing everyone’s doubtful eyes, Mokarat didn’t mean to talk nonsense, and went straight to the topic: “You are all my wizards in Ancient Armor City. I must all know the recent situation in the city.”

“Are we going to fight again?” Aside, listening to Mokarat’s words, the white-bearded Syraher frowned, “Isn’t it just a temptation?”

“That’s all that just puts out to appease the people.”

Mokarat shook his head: “Now it’s winter, and the orcs in the North are short of food and are starting to feel restless again.”

“After discussion, Keksis and I decided to take the lead in destroying several orc tribes while the weather was still outside.”

“What does that have to do with us?” Aishaer jacked aside, his expression on his face didn’t look the same.

Listening to her words, no one else on the side was exporting, apparently the same idea.

“As long as this expedition, if there are a few willing to accompany, each person will have twenty magic stones delivered.”

Looking at the people in front of her, Mokarat opened the mouth and said.


Hearing Mokarat’s conditions, the apprentices look at each other in dismay below, apparently hesitating.

Looking at their hesitation, under the cold mask, Mokarat frowned, and couldn’t help but increase the stakes: “If everyone is willing to take the shot, after the completion of the event, in addition to the reward given by City Lord, I will personally give everyone A petal of a dead flower! “

“Okay … this is the case, then this old bone of mine will follow you once.”

Hesitating for a while, sitting in the corner, the white-bearded Syraher pats’ own chest, the huge voice echoed in the spacious room.

“I’ll join it too … just to take this opportunity to collect some orc blood.” Aishaer also nodded, and finally opened the mouth and said.

Sitting next to her, Zide didn’t speak, just silently nodded.

In the field, only Adier didn’t say anything.

“Adier, didn’t you ask Keksis to help you investigate the mutant orcs?”

Looking at Adier, Mokarat also understood that the magic stone was not attractive to Adier, the “pharmaceutic apprentice”, so he directly opened the mouth and said: “Our goal this time is a large orc tribe. There are clues about mutant orcs. “

After hearing this, Adier lowered his head slightly and looked hesitated for a while before he was nodded and agreed.

“Very well, then please come on time.”

Looking at Adier, Mokarat was also nodded, watching several apprentices around him say.

When the matter was finished, the apprentices who were present left each and walked towards them.

“Master Adier …”

On the road, a call suddenly sounded in my ear.

Hearing the sound, Adier shook his horse’s hand for a moment, stopped the horse, and turned to look behind him.

Behind him, some knights in leather armor rode on horses, guarding the central carriageway and rushing towards Adier and the others.

When they came near, a tall woman in a white robe walked out of the carriage with a little mana wave on her body. It was Aishaer.

“Master Aishaer, is there anything wrong?”

Looking at Aishaer who was walking in front of him, Adier asked with some confusion.

“Master Adier, I don’t know if I have time to talk with me alone?”

Standing in place, Aishaer had a charming smile on his face, inviting Adier.

Gently glanced around, looking at Aishaer in front of him, Adier still nodded, agreed to the other party’s invitation.

“You are waiting for me here.” He said to Aird aside, then rode the horse directly, and quickly followed Aishaer to the side.

“There’s no one here. There’s something you can say now.”

Looking at Aishaer, Adier directly opened the mouth and said.

“Master Adier is a pharmacy apprentice, right.”

After listening to Adier’s words, Aishaer pondered for a while, and then said, “Master, Adier, I don’t know if you are interested in starting a pharmaceutical formula.”

Listening to this, Adier froze and then responded: “What potion?”

“A unique lucid potion,” Aishaer said, “Mokarat has just introduced it, and my own Sect is a unique blood spell.”

Adier nodded, I understand.

“Blood spell is a rare branch of Sect in ancient times. It is said to be derived from a powerful bloody World. Formidable power is very powerful.” Looking at Adier, Aishaer slowly explained: “But this blood spell is powerful, but While casting, it will also bring some problems, which will cause the caster’s Spirit to cause some confusion, which requires the use of a specially configured sober potion to suppress it. “

“Because our Sect has fallen and inheritance is broken, although the formulation of sober medicament still exists, there is no longer a pharmacist.”

“So, you want me to help you make a sober potion?”

Speaking of which, Adier also understands.

Listening to Adier, Aishaer nodded: “Yes, you have been the only pharmacist I have contacted for so many years.”

“And it’s a win-win situation.”

With that said, a smile appeared on her face: “Although the sober potion was specifically developed to suppress the confusion of blood spell casting, many of the above ideas are also good for reference.”

“It’s not bad for you to get such a recipe for free.”

Aishaer smiled. “You just have to promise me that after making this sober potion, you can look at the portion of the potion formula and give me some for free.”

After hearing this, Adier pondered for a while and then said, “It’s just the basic potion … if the material of the potion can be put together, I’m fine here.”

“However, I have a request.” He looked at Aishaer in front of him with a smile on his face: “I’m very interested in something from your school. After I have refined the sober potion, if I can, I hope Be able to enter your school to learn something. “

“Of course, knowledge is expensive.”

Paid, Adier added: “As the price of learning knowledge, I am willing to pay one hundred magic stones at one time, and I am willing to exchange the same knowledge for the advanced knowledge of your school.”

“And in this case, you can rest assured that you don’t have to worry about the problem of deliberately refraining from making sober potions.”

Hearing here, Aishaer’s ugly complexion recovered, showing a little hesitation, and began to think seriously.

Generally speaking, the school wizard is more conservative, and it is extremely important for her inheritance. Under normal circumstances, she will never allow her school of knowledge to flow out.

However, from the fact that Aishaer is willing to hand over the formula of her school’s circulate to Adier, although she belongs to a school wizard, compared to other school wizards, she does not at all see the knowledge outflow of her school. weight.

Moreover, a hundred magic stones are a huge sum for her.

Although the sober potion is also a potion formula, it is only a basic potion, and it was developed specifically for the spell casting of blood line spells. It is not at all useful for other wizards.

If such a formula is taken out, in the eyes of those pharmacists, the value is not as good as a full potion. If you can sell dozens of magic stones at a high price, it is not worth a hundred magic stones.

Coupled with Adier’s trading with the same advanced knowledge, various conditions combined, finally made her determined.

“Good.” She thought for a long time, nodded: “But said in advance, I can exchange those knowledge, but we will learn the unique spells and secrets of our school, I will not teach you.”

Listen to her, Adier nodded, don’t care about that.

The reason why he paid the price was only the knowledge that was circulated in the school of the other party. As for the magic templates, they also paid attention to them, but they did not pay much attention.

For wizards, knowledge is fundamental. Although spell is powerful, it is only a means of applying knowledge. It is never as precious as knowledge.

And, as an Academy wizard, Adier does not lack spell itself.

A transaction agreement was reached, and they quickly left the place, and each returned to the city with their guards.

After half a month.

As the time agreed with Mokarat arrived, Adier walked towards the agreed place.

When I got there, Knight, who was the last time to meet Adier, was already waiting there. It looked like he was waiting for Adier.

After seeing Adier’s arrival, he hurried forward, with a respectful smile on his face: “Master Adier, City Lord is already waiting inside.”

Adier nodded, after the Alder people stopped outside, walked directly towards the inside.

Going inside, Keksis and Mokarat were already sitting inside, and it looked like they were discussing something.

“Haha, Adier, you are here.”

When he saw Adier, Keksis stood up with a big laugh: “You came very early, it’s too early to leave!”

“Isn’t anyone else here yet?” Adier looked at Keksis, wondering.

“They won’t be here for a while.” Listening to Adier, Keksis shook the head, and then said, “You can take a break first, and we will go a long way when the meeting starts.”

Listening to this, Adier nodded, looked at Mokarat, who was sitting aside, and sat aside.

After a while, after a few others also came, Keksis looked at the sky and finally decided to leave.

A team of thousands of people began to dispatch, slowly walking out of the huge training ground.

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